Last thread archived continuing dump of tactics of the manipulation of people/ mob appeal/ founding shadow governments

Last thread archived continuing dump of tactics of the manipulation of people/ mob appeal/ founding shadow governments.

To found a shadow government via charity, it is best to go the lower enclave route. First gather donations, and build income from illegal activities (always make peons to these tasks, and don't tell them anything), then slowly fill the lower ranks of government establishments so that as the higher positions open up, your men get the power grab. Rile up the public to create an illusion of choice.

To establish international scale shadow governments is a difficult task. To do this you must obtain power of one of the following, freshwater distribution, agriculture, electric power, establish and build a bank, or create an information network, much like facebook knows everything.

When maintaining a shadow governments secrecy it is important to release the truth mixed with lies for public propagation, via media outlets, "fictional" books and movies, fake blog accounts of "lunitics" who know "the truth", and via small scale distraction incidents.

When creating a shadow government it is important to note the existence of others, and their ability to initially do more than you. If contacted offer to help, or stay out of the way based on the method of contact. Do not under any circumstance provoke them in anyway. Also refrain from giving them any necessary info. If possible make your influence seem large in indirect ways.

In the current political climate it is best to bring down individual threats by labeling them racist, but in general any dehumanization will work as long as it isn't too outlandish. Meme propagation is a good strategy.

I needed this...10 years ago

To bring down an opposing psychopath, ego destruction is the best route.

I got interested in shadow governments when I was a kid, but looking for information is fruitless in an ocean of mixed trash. It's better to look at the raw efficiency of the creation method, or ask, "What would I do to achieve this goal?"

When ensuring long term domination it is important to gain educational control. Change the history text books over time so people don't notice. Every new generation that comes in will have experience nothing in the contrary, thus they will not realize that it's different from their parents knowledge.

If possible develop or gain access to citizen spy networks. Beyond the psychological data, their is something more important. Hidden geniuses. Many are born gifted, but life prevents them from being successful. Find these people and gather all messages they send to other people, often they may speak of their ideas.

If you are in a third world country, or a region of low education, then religious domination is an option. In other words, a cult. Some will say the first step of a cult is to tell someone everyone else is lying to them, but this limits the recruit potential. It is much better to make them believe that they already knew you were right/agreed with you. Give them examples of "truth" that you can manipulate.

Their are many ways to create nationalism, but if their is a country nearby that has growing nationalism, then create a rival effect. Us or them. When people are pushed, they push back. Nationalism will increase on both sides.

Well, Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power is very good basics.
Also practice:

If time spent on Sup Forums teach me anything, is that you can trust only your experience and knowledge and apply it to various claims to find out is there any truth behind them.

Mexico and the US are in a good position for this, and you can expect certain groups to use this to gain control/ maintain it.

I shall check that out. The Art of War is a good one too.

On the establishment of a shadow government via water distribution. Water companies are already dominating this, especially coca cola and pepsi. Solar powered desalination is the best bet for usurpation of power. This window will close soon though. So unless you're rich it's not a great option.

Energy is a difficult route as well, I recommend solar, water power, bio waste (Cow shit=best shit), and thermogenerators. I'm not talking about geothermal. We can produce electricity from heat with certain meta materials, but the efficiency is crap right now.

The Chicago seven currently have the balls of the universities, so it would be best to start with the lower divisions for reeducation.

>The Art of War
Truth be told I've never read it, as well as works of Machiavelli, aside from various quotes. Shame on me.

When you move to destroy another organization, never engage in overt actions. You most likely don't know the full scale of operation. Make it seem as if it's calapsing naturally. You won't find the leaders, so destroy the bottom row in one fell swoop. Legislature can do this in some cases.

I came developed most of these ideas based on the line of thought of, "What would I do?" In my experience it's very effective. Also research how psychopaths manipulate people, why women stay in abusive relation ships, etc. The former requires advance techniques because they don't understand empathy, and the latter is an example of emotional dependence. On the mass scale the bandwagon effect is the most useful material.

Also remember that to achieve victory is to make it impossible to lose. Move under the assumption that a shadow government would operate in such a way. Even if true victory is impossible, they will not lose, they will attempt a draw. Which can be a problem.

On the manipulation of a subconscious mind. Subliminal messaging is a tempting route, but if caught it can collapse. "Fiction" is better. Use an overt display. Hide a forest in the trees so to speak.

If you wish to understand the "disposal" methods of shadow governments, a good example would be the CIA's heart attack gun. It was forced to be revealed in court, look it up. Even when the truth comes out, if you disperse it by the next generation, it won't matter in most cases.

- !!!HAPPENING!!! -





If you're interested in increasing your awareness of how to create mass belief changes, here are some examples. This year in the US, if you noticed, less people said happy holidays than those who said merry Christmas. This may seem pointless to a few of you, and to those few I say you're blind. That's how political correctness was initial instilled into the general population, and it is a sign that it's going away. There is a rise in white nationalism appearing in the media as well. Currently it's in opposition, but that creates desensitization. It could flip at any moment, if you're against that, then be aware. When you push people, they push back.

Believe it or not, I just see what they're doing naturally as I go. I have that ridiculously high functioning kind of autism. You could tell if you talked to me. Their manipulation is based on the general population, it doesn't work on outliers. That's what the misinformation for.

Couldn't tell if you talked to me*

On misinformation. You can release it as "fiction" as I suggested, but there are other ways. For example, you can take a factual event and play "telephone" with it on fake social media accounts. Twitter is best for this. As people tweet it, it will naturally become chaotic, add the lies in a broken interval. The broken interval is security for shadow observers, not the public.

To monitor the general population's activity, the best choice is to alter computer manufacture. Phones are better off bugged. Add spyware to the construction of the electronics. They can uninstall a hard drive, or graphics card. Gaming computers are the best commercial option.

The reason phones don't require extensive effort is because they are typically replaced fast. Even if someone found out, and removed the chip it won't matter. Phones are best for the psychological data, and you don't need a continuous stream from everybody.

The manipulation of physical electronics also bypasses tor, and the deep web secrecy if you do it correctly.

I'll be back, I have to say hi to a family member over skype.

I'm back.

Thanks, aussie. Looking into it.

Go on. Interesting thoughs, better than usual Sup Forums crap for certain. Copypasting them.

When demonizing protesters, as you have seen on the media, it's best to incite riots.

To create hate for a certain group is not a difficult task. Just point out differences you wouldn't want assimilated anyway, and demonize them. Create a lens with the media if it's a foreign country. For example Muslims in the US dress differently than Muslims in Iran, thanks to a lens.

To hide weapons that could actually be manufactured it's best, once again to use the "fiction" label. The reason this works so well for so many things is because there is absolutely no way to decipher what is truth. Even if you could back track the author to an organization, that won't suddenly reveal the hidden truth in the book/movie. No one without insider info can get anything from the "fictional" works. The best part is that people will naturally release their own works that have no hidden meaning, and some will take inspiration from yours, unknowingly furthering the lies.

There is also a stigma against fiction no one even notices. "This is fiction, it's not real." "It's just TV" "Reality TV isn't even real"

Let me ask you a question. What's the popular opinion of Putin in Russia?

To manipulate political campaign in a democracy. The personnel plant from the bottom up approach will work in the long run. In the short run, create political dimorphism. Like in the US with a two party system. Plant candidates on both sides, and rile people up behind both of them. This creates the illusion of choice.

The illusion of choice is important for any democratic manipulation because they won't suspect they've been duped. If they aren't aware of the their masters, they can fight against them. It's a basic principle for shadow governments, but it works.

To convince people something they know is false with certainty, is easier than you may think. If you flood someone with something long enough, they'll believe it regardless of the truth.

Neutral, mostly. Everyone knows that he is/was corrupt, but he managed to pull country from very bad state, strengthen rule of law, raise birthrates if little etc. But there are still shitload of problems, on which his opponents like to play.
Liberals and half of nationalists hate him. Commies are basically pets now. Those who remember in what state country was respect him. Apolitical people, which is majority, care only for stable income and safe streets, as always.

nobody really knows, probably a net negative because of the current media narrative combined with the Cold War

Sorry my computer crashed. Guess the FBI is watching (lol).

There has been an illusion of choice going on in America as far back as Reagan at the very least, probably further back. the Bush dynasty goes as far back as the Great Depression.

The question is if Trump is part of the works..but considering most GOP candidates and media laughed him off then outright dejected him around the election I would say he is the first true outsider to win in a long time

There has been an established lens of absolute negativity in the US. This lens is created by the mass media mostly.

Or FSB. I dont question that someone is watching me no more, I just wonder who I angered more by shitposting here.
Kek, paranoia.


That's funny. Yes he's an outsider. Did you see his face after his private talk with Obama? The one right after he beat Hillary? Shadow governments operate from the principle of the only true victory is to make it impossible to lose. That's why the tedious bottom up position control is a good strategy. When an outsider gets pulled in. You show them that they are nothing.

Don't tell me, I was watching it live here. Shit is arguably worse than soviet cold war rethoric.
Only thing close to your MSM stream of lies is only our First tv-channel, which is also basically propaganda.

The value of money comes from inequality if everyone had a million dollars, it'd be worthless. That's why the world banks hold so much power, the control the inequality of money. Same reason the federal reserve has so much power, and the IRS. Trump will do what he wants only if it won't change the end goals, whatever they may be.

the illusion of choice has be s.o.p for at least 3500years.

speaking of raygun tho check out the documentary hypernormalization. it goes into some detail on these topics

The US is an optimal breeding ground for both national, and international shadow governments. It is in the best interest of the majority of shadow governments to have a president who will comply. So they would work together if necessary.

When moving up in a shadow government, it is best to create value in your life. Create consequences if you die. The shadow government itself may even do this to protect itself from larger ones. It's like having a bomb that goes off when your heart stops beating. This also means if the public were to destroy one, some form of collapse will ensue. The shadow government in South Korea failed to create a large enough heart bomb. Others will respond in kind.

obama is creating a shadow guv right now

lmao...hidden figures yada yada

this is concept that socialists don't seem to understand. If you gave everyone free college in america they would just create a huge inequality in education elsewhere in the world. The people are just a horse with a carrot on a stick hovering in front of them

If the largest shadow governments were to collapse, you could expect global consequences.

Obama was hand picked. He didn't have the skills to get into the college he did, and he didn't have the ones to be president. This is what I meant by mixing lies and truth. He's not doing it, the people above him are using him to do it, so that if people dig, some will stop there. It's important to create break points to stop meddlers. There are likely many after that one too.

You still don't seem to get what I mean by, "Victory is making it impossible to lose." The amount of effort put into establishing one shadow government, could create massive breakthroughs in the development of the world if used else where. When making something like that, you work beyond the minute details into ones most wouldn't even think of. Think of an organization made of batmans. A contingency plan for the contingency plan.

It's to such an extent that the most effective way to combat a shadow government is to make one. In fact it's one of few. Outside of that you'd need someone with the ability to band together millions of people against them, without getting assassinated. That wouldn't be easy.

The best you can do is keep a select people from getting swept in the grand scheme, and that would be difficult. If you want to do that, get solar, grow your own food, store water, and be self sufficient.

Most Sup Forums conspiracy theorists have shifted through the half&half or the straight garbage. That's enough of that though I shouldn't be naming them coca cola was pushing it, but the Chicago seven was not a good choice. Can't un-post that though. So I'll just stop with the names.

I think I'm done for now.

Thanks, interesting thread

You're welcome. Goodnight all. If any shadow governments are watching, I guess this could count as a resume, right?