When will France blow up into a full fledged civil war ?

When will France blow up into a full fledged civil war ?

Another day another riot. How long can this go ?
We're looking at you France, you're the one responsible for most social movements in the western world.

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Don't expect salvation to come from us. We're pretty much fucked by demographics alone. It's not that we won't act, I hope we'll do, but even if we are victorious against the shitskins and kikes we'll come out of this frail.

i know a portuguese imigrant who has been there for decades, he says the french are scared shitless and that there will be a civil war. he is just a normal family man, not far right wing or anything so things are really messy over there


That's why you're going to be the one leading. You're the country that is in a worse state.

Germany has mostly Turks..and Turks are still the best population you can get from the middle east, so they'll take waaay longer to chimp out.

I was in Marseille last summer.

The city completely transforms from day to night. In the day you see some tourists and muslims but the secular looking kind.

But at night...holy shit I felt like I was in Morocco. Everything was dirty, women with burkas everywhere, loud arabic music being played in the streets. Half of the super markets were Halal products. The police looks like some special force squad because of how armed they are. Marseille is now a muslim city.

It's a matter of time until everything blows up.

It amazes me that a nuclear power like France, a country that has been forged in battle throughout history like England, a country with veto powers in the UN, has been reduced to this. You lot seem to have a strong sense of nationalism in other areas like keeping your language intact. And this is happening. What the hell?

I don't know how you can expect a frail nation to lead, but if you want it that much I'd be honoured to comply.
Honestly I'd love to see the march towards jerusalem in my lifetime.

Decades of propaganda that we are all the same and that no culture is better than the other. I'm just coming from the gas station, first thing I hear when I turn on the radio in the car is cultural relativisation.

kikes are literally in power. that's what happened.

mtv, public schools of repentance, muh multiculi is the best thing ever nationalims is literally hitler so it's bad because hitler is bad remember muh 6 gorillon

We're basically sweden just not yet as bad but going down that road full throttle.

It is on the horizon, I feel it in the air.

I only hope that my fellow french anons are prepared for the battles ahead.

the french have been speaking about a civil war since 2010, its not gunna happen.

I hope it does, but it just seems like every white man who'd fight in it, is just waiting for it to kick off as if it will just come about without any provocation or preparation on their side.

>it will just come about without any provocation or preparation on their side.
It's sad but exact.

Can anyone tell me why this baton sodomy incident has caused such riots? Seems irrelevant compared to shit that's gone on in France the last couple of years.

3 years max

I suspect Australia would be a contender in this new-age race to annihilate our country ASAP, but we are in the middle of nowhere, thank christ. Every problem you listed is one we face as well.

never. frog faggots have been rioting every year since turn of century over commie austerity shit and if they havent done shit about the three arab cockmeat sandwhiches they ate recently they'll never do shit

French guy here.

Dindus would riot for any reason. They and us instinctly want shit to hit the fan.

We all want blood.

Please refrain from talking about France, don't forget you come from a totally irrelevant country.


>you will never cut that crowd of grasping mutants to pieces with high calibre machine gun fire

Wait, you Germans actually are in favour of cultural relativism? You are decades behind us, hope you get better, multiculti has made you ill

Our sandniggers aren't really a threat to be honest:


It's isn't rock throwing chimps you're to be worried about, it's about those with automatic firearms.

they have mosques filled with guns and ammunition all over, if they wanted they could commit a dozen charlie hebdos.

They dont simply because theyre taking over france without violence already though birthrates alone.

If only every citizen had guns, this wouldn't be a problem

50% of the french army is already deployed on the street. its hilarious.

No shit. That's the reason guns are illegal; so only criminals have them which keeps the population in check so the gov can get away scott free with literally everything.

All of europe is dying like boiling frogs and there is nothing we can do.

says the guy with some faggot flag from some shit tier hole ive never heard of. nice part being aussie and “irrelevant“ is being far away from fucktards like you in a nice, safe, white country. ill stay irrelevant, you stay in whatever shithole your in.

Eastern Europe may hold off for 100 years or so but the rot will set in there and it will collapse the same as America, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, South Africa..etc

It seems like whites cant help but commit collective suicide.

>there is nothing we can do
