Good job Cuck Trudeau, our government is on a virtue signalling avalanche that's sweeping everyone under...

Good job Cuck Trudeau, our government is on a virtue signalling avalanche that's sweeping everyone under. Hillary didn't get elected, now suddenly you're stuck with Merkel as your only virtue signal ally.

Now you can't stop doing this because the idiots (Leftists/Marxists) who elected you wanted this to happen. We have fifth column in power that thinks they can do whatever they want, and now they're trying to pass a motion that's essentially a Islamic/Shariah blasphemy law.

If this motion passes Canada's going to be more fucked than Sweden


Other urls found in this thread:

First you let the beheader go and now this.

Uh.. Fucking what? Can you give me a quick rundown on this?

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

Ok, so pretty much this, Trudeau is going to sign in a law that will make it a crime to criticize Islam, even if the adherents to it victimize other groups.

Asian psychopath stabbed, beheaded, and then cannibalized an innocent young white man. Was monitored for 5 years and now he's free to go with no monitoring.

Hahaha I remember this nut

What a gem

Apparently he begged for death in the courtroom

the beheader user is referring to is that Chinese guy that killed and ate a random kid on the greyhound bus a few years back. He was found compleatly innocent due to a fucked up brain.

>evidence does not substantiate that Mr. Baker poses a significant threat to the safety of the public

Other than fucking decapitating and eating people if he goes off his medication and putting it all on display.

I went to r/canada to read the comments on this shit.
Lol. You guys are fuuuucked!

>5 years
9, actually. It happened in 2008.

Signed, also thinking of mailing my MP

Thanks, if you use social media try to spread the petition around. We need 100,000 signatures and we still got a long way to go.

Holy shit everyone, stop getting so terrified over this. You're all getting suckered in by clickbait journalism.

This isn't a bill, it's a MOTION. Passing it won't do shit and won't change any laws.

If you actually read what the motion says, all it's doing is RECOMMENDING setting up a comittee to determine the best way to combat islamophobia, "and all other forms of religious discrimination". It will NOT make criticizing Islam illegal in any way.

Stop believing everything you read on the internet, you fucking retards.

>Using ableist slurs
100 years in the maple gulag

What did they say?

While Canada only has a freedom of expression law, no freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is protected under the UN as a human right, is it not?
Read that.

Why is anyone surprised? Every country but the US you'd be arrested for or fined for disparaging any group or condemning religion.

>Every country but the US you'd be arrested for or fined for disparaging any group or condemning religion.

How is it that America hasn't succumbed to this garbage?

First Amendment has been challenged and upheld hundreds of times.


Why are you people so alarmist?

It's basically a legal suggestion, that will increase funding & reporting on Islamophobic hate crimes.

How in the world did you mongoloids get "sharia law" from this is beyond me. You can even read the motion for yourself, if you don't believe me:

>that will increase funding & reporting on Islamophobic hate crimes.

As if that's better.

He's even pandering to the Cannibal vote!

That's still retarded. "Islamaphobia" is a made up concept, Islam is a way of thinking, not a race. You have every right to criticize a person for their way of thinking.

Constitution is the best written document in human history

All it'll do is make them keep track of how often "islamophobic" hate crimes are reported. From a legal standpoint, nothing at all is going to change.

An islamophobic hate crime, by the way, would be something like intentionally causing bodily harm to a Muslim on the street just for being Muslim, or threatening to commit genocide against them. That's all you could legally be prosecuted for.

Just saying something like "sandniggers should go back to where they came from" is completely legal in Canada and not a hate crime. Don't be so alarmist.

Only pol hates Canada. The rest of the world loves us

>let's make it illegal to criticize this
>what's the worst that could happen

Remember that the real evil here is WHITE SUPREMACY

Look through the text, and tell me where it says criticizing Islam should be illegal. Go on, I'll wait.

Muslims want to publicly execute us but let's remember that the real evil is CONSERVATISM and the faster we can bring MUSLIMS here the better we will be

Canada is only years from being lost forever. Looks like we're going to need to build two walls now. We'll miss you northfags.


It's like they actually need liberated. Isn't Trudeau muslim, he converted on video.


>giving Islam special rights will clearly benefit us to stop the threat of WHITE PEOPLE

You didn't read it, did you?

They think that it's great and these laws are common sense

The real threat is ISLAMAPHOBIA why don't you invite these men into your homes?

>Canada is only years from being lost forever.

The end of this country is definitely on its way. You burgers better get started on that civil war you've got brewing so that we can pick a side and at least have a chance to survive.

Literally nobody is saying that.

You're just using this thread as an excuse to post gore, aren't you?

I just got a great idea.
A browser extension which reports Islamophobia on Sup Forums/Reddit/9gag to the Canadian police.

>Only pol hates Canada. The rest of the world loves us

Loving that bunker mentality comrade

>it's only pol that hates us

Think Trudeau will get any sleep tonight?

>Literally nobody is saying that.

We're inviting anyone who turns up illegally at our border to come in and stay at least temporarily, the more Muslim they are the better (because they're obviously fleeing from that Nazi Donald Trump and we need to virtue-signal how much better we are than the Americans).

I'm demonstrating that you're a massive cucked idiot that denies reality in order to get a dopamine rush from feelings of righteousness and virtue.

Islam hates you and everything you stand for and if you refuse to see that reality then you deserve all the death and violence that you receive.

And since your bias will override any rational argument or thought I will just continue to point and laugh at you because in the end you're nothing but a comedic tragedy.

>gets elected because wanted to legalize weed and stuff
>islamize his own country instead, so the new population would never allow weed to be legalized and might even ban alcoholic beverages


wish i could help canfam, but i think the antifa and blm people are about to be crushed by the Trump police. A civil war might be beneficial, but I just dont think the baddies have the numbers or the guts to go against us.

Believe me, I agree that our refugee policy is fucked. I think we're making a huge mistake letting all of these muslims in.

But that's not, nor has it ever been, the topic we're discussing ITT. We're discussing free speech laws. If you want to talk about Canada becoming the next Sweden, that's great. Do it in a different thread.

But it's absolutely applicable. This is one step in the road to full cuckold and your permissiveness demonstrates that you are an enabler of the destruction of your own race, nation, and culture.

You are literally worse than useless.

Except it isn't, as I've already demonstrated earlier in this thread.

Visited Canada 5 years ago and saw a bunch of degenerate hippies smoking in the streets and plazzas, flying Canadian flags with a cannabis leaf in the center, etc. All of these for sure voted 100% Trudeau. How do they feel about him now? Do they feel betrayed? Enough to vote him out in the next elections?

>a couple of french botox addicts are demigods that secretly run the world

this meme was never good

Yes, and we're pointing out that you're demonstrating massive confirmation bias by ignoring that they're attempting to legally classify Muslims as a class with more rights than you.

You're the frog being boiled slowly and yelling at the other frogs jumping out of the pan.

>tell me where it says criticizing Islam should be illegal.

What do you think "Islamophobia" is supposed to be, exactly? This is a preliminary and exploratory thing, but it's clear what direction it's headed in.

what video is this?

I explained it right here: Criticizing Islam is not what they mean by "islamophobia".

You guys are so fucked

If it's such a meaningless thing, then why are you putting so much effort trying to avoid a handful of anons spending 20 seconds of their time signing such a useless petition?

If you think this isn't going to lead to European-style prosecutions for unkind remarks about Muslims in the years to come, you're kidding yourself.

>current year
>not taking the bog pill

I'm not. In fact, I signed the petition earlier - not because I think it's an imminent threat, but because I think the motion is redundant and unnecessary, and not worth parliament's time.

All I'm doing is trying to get you to stop framing this as if it's going to limit your right to criticize Islam or impose sharia law. It's not.

Islam is still getting preferential treatment.
Why is there no motion to suggest protecting christianity, or straight white men?
What about protecting victims of islamic violence?

Islamophobia literally means afraid of islam you stupid nigger leaf. Like homophobia and all those other shit tier liberal invented phrases. They don't mean what the word should mean, it does and will mean whatever the fuck they want.

Does the law only affect those that are afraid of islam? Does it only affect those that muslims deem the haters? Does it only affect those who partake in hate speech geared towards islam? or does me eating pork make me islamaphobic?

I hope to god you really aren't this much of a nigger leaf.

Wow such. Harsh sentence in Leafistan


It is scary as fuck to me that people up there think this is even remotely a good idea. Down here the only people who promote this idiocy are a minority thank god. Good luck up there leaf.

Yes it is.


>Make Canada America Again

>pic related

>Make Canada America Again

WTF does it mean guys?
Can anyone red pill me?

Because that's the first step which precedes the next step which is fully putting it into law you fucking moron.

Once again, for the last time - Motion 103 is neither a bill, nor a law. It's just what it says - a motion. It's basically a formal suggestion from an MP. There's nothing legally binding about it.

It's not phrased as well as it could be, but if you actually read the text, all it's doing is suggesting looking into the issue of "Islamophobia and all other forms of religious discrimination" and determining the frequency it get reported to police.

I think it's a stupid idea that's not worth the government's time or money, which is why I signed the petition, and why I encourage you do the same. But even if it does pass, no laws will change as a result, at all. That's a fact.

There's been virtually no coverage about this on cbc, saw only one article and surprisingly the comments were open

Everyone said that this is a stupid fucking idea and how it's hypocritical as there's no other motion against jews, Christians etc

You don't seem to understand though. It might still be a motion, but what IF it goes further? This is what we're worried about.

I'm actually really scared for Canada.

All this motion suggests is what I've described. If they do end up going further, it'll have to be an entirely different piece of legislature, and won't have anything to do with this motion.



i am in Garret Genius' riding

Mr Genius,

I am a member of your federal riding in Sherwood Park, AB, and I am writing you to express my concern for the upcoming motion M-103 which is set to be voted upon in Parliament. This law is a threat to the free speech of all Canadians and will make illegal any criticism (even deserved) towards Islam as a religion or ideology. This amounts to an Islamic-blasphemy law and is unprecedented for a western society where free speech and individual rights are celebrated. Not only is this bill far too broad in its definition of “Islamophobia,” Canada ALREADY has strong anti-hate speech laws protecting all groups and should be more than enough to protect members of the Islamic faith. I am terrified for the precedent this law will set and of the potential for abuse of power and the ability to silence dissent that will come out of such a law being passed. I implore you and the rest of your party to stand up for the free speech rights of all Canadians and to CHALLENGE this bill in parliament. We voted for you so you could protect our rights.

Now is your chance.

We just had a terrorist attack that killed 6 Canadians, you mongoloids.

i dont care about canada but you have to keep those qts safe!

M-103 is mostly politically correct gobbledygook. Airy, ill-defined concepts that are hard to disagree with. But the motion is expected to pass nearly unanimously with all-party support.

It seems to single out Muslims for protection from speech they find offensive. The bits about discrimination against all religions are an afterthought, a tag-on.

Here's where this issue lies: If it passes it will amount to an official policy that no Canadian should utter the words “radical Islam.” Even if the policy is “shouldn’t” rather than “cannot” speak such phrases, it will have the effect of silencing most criticism of Islam – the well-informed criticism as well as the more visceral sort.

>If it passes it will amount to an official policy that no Canadian should utter the words “radical Islam.”
No, it fucking won't. Why would you think this?

I guarantee you that once M-103 gets into the hands of the activists and human-rights extremists who populate the halls of the federal bureaucracy, it will be the much broader definition of "islamophobia" that is enforced. We're already seeing it in Europe.

Yeah you're right man its just easy to believe when it comes to weedman and the cucks in Ottawa I don't care too much because I hold my tongue nowadays and watch the world burn, but underneath the veneer a lot of Canadians are redpilled more than they are given credit for it will never get sweden/Germany levels if you don't agree then you don't live here

>Why would you think this?

>her dick

Read, distribute, and get as many Canucks as possible to read
by Stephen Coughlin.
Failing that, talk up Coughlin's lectures on Youtube.
Coughlin's book is one of the most solidly written nonfiction books in history. He argues every point about four times with abundant and redundant citation. There is no way to read this book and not be transformed.

You mean, it'll make things exactly the way they already are?

Regardless of how people interpret the word "islamophobia", the only notable policy change that could possibly come of M-103 is keeping more detailed records of how often "religious discrimination" gets reported to police. Once again, I don't think it's worth doing, and I recommend signing the petition against it. But this isn't the life or death situation you all seem to think it is. If it does go further, it'll have to be done through a totally unrelated piece of legislature.

I think that you could legitimately be eligible for asylum in the US if youre a victim of this shit

These things are always vague and messy so it's flexible. In the future they can pass other motions, legislation, which by itself, doesn't precisely state no free speech... But combined with all the other vauge bullshit they passed can used as a bludgeon against it.

What? You think they're just gonna straight out say "yeah, you guys can't say things anymore or you're gonna go to jail m8"?

We already got a human rights commission that's been flexing its Politcal muscles shutting people down.... And only those with money and lawyers can fight it.

There should be no reason for this to be passed, as the goverment has no business in social issues or public opinion.

To say this isn't a step in the wrong direction is ignoring historical precedent.

>It's not phrased as well as it could be
What a fucking disgusting euphemism. "It could be phrased better". A law that is not phrased correctly is not a "oops it could be written better" mistake. There are professionals working on laws 24/7 trying to spot every loophole and minor difference in writing. A single word or letter misplaced in a law can make or ruin million of lives and take DECADES to remove after countless of victims. There isn't supposed to be a single extra space or dot in a written law. They are supposed to be under EXTREME scrutiny, and here you want to downplay the significance of passing a motion that uses the word phobia as the descriptor of a criminal offense. It is literally an attempt to criminalize being afraid of something. I don't care if you want to point out it's a motion instead of a law, I don't care if you are deluded enough to think it won't be abused. A law that is not worded correctly is not a tiny mistake to sweep under the rug and I want you to get the fuck out of my country.

> All parties

Fuck me, not even a token opposition

>A law that is not phrased correctly is not a "oops it could be written better" mistake. There are professionals working on laws 24/7 trying to spot every loophole and minor difference in writing
Oh for fuck's sake.

M-103 is not a law. It is not a bill. It's a MOTION. It was written up by some chick in parliament and doesn't actually mean anything.

Good fucking god. How stupid are you?

There are people here who only go to Fox for their news, what can you expect?

people are already going to jail for criticism of islam. m103 is going to make the police state worse

>hyper Liberal government in the age of growing movements to silence "muh hate speech", talk about vauge propositions and creation of groups to combat certain opinions
>doesn't mean anything

Technically correct doesn't always mean you're correct, just autistic.

proof that criticism of islam already gets you arrested for hate speech.

There is literally nothing wrong with Islam

this motion 103, if passed, will have 1984 style of thougt police on liberal defined islamaphobia. We're fucked.

Why contain it?

We have to leave Canada - us Whites unlike the Europeans have no real roots since we are FROM Europe..... Fuck! Canada is doomed

>he just forgot to take his meds guys!!



Read the previous sentence.
>I don't care if you want to point out it's a motion instead of a law
I have fully acknowledged your shitty point on a technicality. If you're only going to quote the last sentence then I can quite you a revised stand-alone final sentence
>A law, or bill, or motion, or any official body of text, that is not worded correctly is not a tiny mistake to sweep under the rug.
Now get out of my country.