What is this man's endgame and can he be trusted?

what is this man's endgame and can he be trusted?

He's ok

Make Israel great, he doesn't give a fuck about America, as long as the shekels and weapons keep coming.

greater israel

>can he be trusted?

Of course he can't be trusted, don't you remember the Michelle Fields fiasco?

He's been bitchslapped by Piers Morgan repeatedly

Ask not what your country can do for you ask what your country can do for israel

He still hates trump(not as virulently as before of course), so he still has some growing up to do before he is accepted in alt-right circles.


He constantly whines on about the rise of "tribalism" in the United States, but he's so insanely and unwaveringly pro-Israel and pro-Zionism that it's like he's truly blind to his own obvious hypocrisy. I remember when he did a video about the Israeli settlements, and the way he completely discounts settlements as even being a CAUSE of conflict in the area is truly amazing.

>can a jew be trusted

Have you learned nothing?


I actually noticed how he defends leftists but only if they're Jewish.
Ben is smart but I'm done with him after how he acted last year.

all jews are like this. it's deep and innate. they truly do not notice it.

Wanna know why you faggots will never take your ideology outside of this Malaysian basket weaving forum?

Not a single fucking one of you know how to recognize a friend when you see one

Benji stays.

Ben Shapiro :

> I stand for civic nationalism and putting America's interests first over the globalists.
> Except for defending Israel's interests; that's priorrity number one.
> Hey goys check out what TRAITOR OBAMA DID TO OUR GREATEST ALLY - he only gave 1.2 billion in military aid instead of the promised 1.35!


your reddit is showing

No, they know exactly what they are doing. There's nothing subconscious or suppressed about this behaviour.

it's deceiving when majority of jews in america are heavily liberal and pro multiculturalism, not necessarily because hes not 100% white christian

Ben is smart and doesn't take shit, I like him but I don't agree with him on everything
He gives women far too much credit

Theres nothing confusing about it my leafy friend. Shapiro is a nationalistic kike, they all are. And thats ok.

Like Milo, Shapiro has oppression points that he uses against the left. Its the same reason I support Blaire but hate trannies irl, s/hes useful

99.9% of people will be turned away from full on 1488. Very few people will not listen to a Jew talk about black people.

Its a means to an end, he fucking stays

You may have a point with people like Milo, but Shapiro is a snake. He isn't just "not perfect" he is your enemy.

I like that Ben is on our team but he is very blue-pilled on some issues. For example, he hates on BLM (rightfully so) but loves and respects MLK (literally 1960s BLM).

The enemy of my enemy and all that

Lil Benji isnt a threat, his culture at large is. Individually hes a net benefit, for now

Youre trying to jump from A to D but it cant be done. People like Benji are the only way to bridge the gap unless you want to get out there and personally tour the country dismantling liberals everyday of your life.

MLK was in no way, shape or form similar to BLM

If Id compare them to anyone itd be the panthers, that still isnt fair though because at least the panthers fed people. BLM screams in a corner then cashes the white mans check.

>t. Netherlands education

Lets suppose youre right, youre not, but well suppose nonetheless. Even if MLK was secretly a black supremacist hes still the lefts savior. Arguing against MLK for no reason only hurts your cause.

No, you side with MLK and hold blacks to his standard. If all nigs were like MLK this would be a very different country. You all really need to learn how to beat the left, youll never do it unless you outsmart them within their own arbitrary rulebook. Its so easy to use MLK to sway them to our views.

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy if they were originally my enemy. At best you use them to attack your enemies, they're never your friends.

Ben "neo-nazi's hero" Shapiro