Let's be honest, the world would be a better place with him

Let's be honest, the world would be a better place with him.

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Preaching to der choir OP.

Post this on tumblr or reddit and see how it goes


We would have colonized Mars by now and cloned 4-titted Moon Princesses....

I'd honestly rather Hitler be the ruler of Europe than the kikes.

Enjoy your prison term.

Just imagine...

Hitler believed the French were an inferior race and wanted to dominate us, i can't side with him despite everything he's done.



And he was right.

>4-titted Moon Princesses
i'm sorry, what?

How long do you think he was going to live? Even if they'd won the War he'd still be long-dead by now...

His legacy would survive

His racial policies were fucking retarded and played a major role in his failure

His legacy did survive... we are literally living in the "Hitler existed" timeline you autistic kraut.

Now back to your ficki-ficki.

What do you mean?

I mean Hitler lived and did exactly what Hitler would have done. We are living in the Hitler timeline so how else could things have gone except if Hitler had been less of a retard but then he wouldn't have been Hitler.

As painter.

Thanks man.

new research shows that every girl would look like this if hitler won

Germans were considered barbarians by everyone in Europe for centuries, everytime you escaped from your master's leech (france) you tried to destroy Europe

>Hitler believed the French were an inferior race
Sauce? I've never heard about this.

It would've been better if von Bismarck would've been the eternal leader of Germany. He made Germany.

Hmm, nope. Going into a 2 front war with 2 nations of equal power was.

If the anglo cuckbois would have been less of retarded jewish cuck slaves then they wouldnt be anglo americuck cucknadian faggots

He's talking about French speaking blacks probably. In the time of Hitler Africa was an extension of France and UK.

I believe Hitler hated french for the WW1 not for other reasons.

Nice knowing you guys. Hopefully prison treats you okay.

Wat? Are you Paweł or Ivan or Schlomo?

He was just enormously butthurt over ww1 and Napoleon

Read mein kampf and you'll know why jean-pierre

Regardless. Israel would exist anyway.

No argument here, Hans

>nuremberg trial feels


Reported to the Bundesnachrichtendienst

Probably not for long once the Germans kept pointing out the shady tricks of the Jew.

Well you guys like Trump so much. It's not too surprising that you'd want to be oppressed by Hitler, too.

Oh yeah, Hitler oppressed the Germans so bad. Life in the 3rd Reich must surely have been hell.... kek.

reminder that most of you wouldn't survive hitler's regime

Really makes me think.

lol educate yourselves
>I have never liked France or the French, and I have never stopped saying so.
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France.
>The inexorable mortal enemy of the German people is and remains France
Mein Kampf
Hitler hated the mediterranean master race

Wasn't it because he saw the French as sneaky backstabbers who kept importing blacks?

Not gonna lie, I went to Paris two years ago and was alarmed at the amount of blacks there. So I kinda get his point.

He was a sensitive man.

It's for the better of the earth, anyone who opposes a perfect world because THEY aren't perfect is a selfish fuck

I'm Slav and saying this

true, it would unite us against a common enemy (Hitler) again

I would

So you basically disproved yourself. Hating someone does not imply seeing the other as inferior. But of course, since propaganda wants you to believe the "Herrenrasse" shit, which isn't even true, then Hitler hating someone must automatically mean they are an inferior race.

Dat mental gymnastics. Also pretty laughable considering hating people of another nation was rather normal back then and was done by everyone.

A joke from Bismarck: How do you kill a Frenchman? Push down the toilet seat when he drinks.

>For this very reason, France is and remains by far the most terrible enemy. This people, which is basically becoming more and more negrified, constitutes in its tie with the aims of Jewish world domination an enduring danger for the existence of the white race in Europe.

>What France, spurred on by her own thirst for vengeance and systematically led by the Jew, is doing in Europe today is a sin against the existence of white humanity
-Mein Kampf

At least he's saying "led by the Jew", but still he hates the french people

so true user; this got me in the feels earlyer


You're the one doing mental gymnastics if you can't admit Hitler despised the frenchmen and yes, he considered us as untermensch.
Are you saying the entire "Herrenrasse" thing is made up ? I'm very open minded about these things but i don't see how you could convince me he didnt believe the germans were a superior race

I'd like to add Germany has even more immigrants than France so you're point is invalid

I have nothing against the French personally, but I don't think either of us can really disagree with those quotes assuming you're natsoc

Of course his analysis is right but tell me how can a frenchmen side with Hitler when the guy wants to dismantle France ? I'm natsoc but french natsoc, not german.

He'd have died by now anyway probably.

Things would also probably become more liberal over time like all industrialized nations.

he allied with nonwhites against us he's was a low-level multiculturalist who got lied about by jews
this is more true today than ever, prescient and cannot be contested. They burn police alive if they go to the wrong neighbourhood

>he considered us as untermensch.
No he didn't... you couldn't even find a passage for that yourself.

>Are you saying the entire "Herrenrasse" thing is made up ?
I don't have the sources at hand myself, but the Reichs Ministry of Race clearly stated in 1940 or 1941 that they did not see the Germanic race as superior to others, nor any other race superior to another but rather that each race has unique traits which lets them excell in certain qualities. And this was official policy given to the people, not just some backroom talk nobody ever heard of.

It is deliberate exaggeration of post war propaganda to make fun of the ideology but they did not see themselves as superior. On the contrary, Hitler stated that he saw Chinese history to be superior compared to the German one due to their traditions going back even further than 1000 BC.

In addition this "subhuman" stuff is propaganda too. One can look into the original "Subhuman leaflet" given out by tha NSDAP and it clearly shows that a subhuman is a person with low moral standards and that "Every race has subhumans in them as a leaving agent" (Goebbels). The Soviets picked that up and just told their population "Hey the Nazis see you as Subhumans, an inferior race. Fight off the invaders and show we are the superior ones" to get Stalins "great patriotic war" going. In reality, the "subhuman" does not apply to entire races, only to individuals with degenerate moral standards.

At this point yes, it would be better.

What did Hitler think of the eternal Anglo?

If he didn't fucking sperg out he would have been fine

Not even a question. No doubt about it.


top kek

what else was he suppose to do? he never wanted war with england or america

unless you speak perfect french to them and can recite sartre, the french will always be insulted by you

hitler could not please them because nobody could.

we saved there ass multiple times, no thank you and they still talk shit about us all the time

I am well aware that AH hated France and the French. I'm pretty sure it did not have anything to do with race, though.



He had a hard on for them. Not even joking. Churchill was a cunt though, Mosley should have come to power

I think the fact that he said the French are becoming "negrified" implies that he considered them white in the first place

You seem to be a bit upset, my friend. Why so?

Look its another episode of the "if you didnt have blue eyes and blonde hair you were executed XD" maymay

speak for yourself

I think he meant if Hitler did win the war and then established a regime that lasted like 20-30 years and then died then that regime would be the legacy and the direction we go.

>we saved there ass multiple times
You tried to murder us 10x more
I read some actual quotes about aryans and shit so i dont know what to believe, will do some research tho

You ruined what could've been a perfect world you drunken communist fuck

No thank you i didnt like the oven

Reported for Volksverhetzung.

Only to reclaim our rightful french clay, which belongs to us through royal treaties etc.

>>could've been a perfect world
not for us

>Implying it wasn't Hitler's fault for confusing himself with Napoleon and continuously fucking up the Eastern Front

maybe before he became an addict

jewish communists won and russia lost big time afterwards

No shit

I don't know about the world. I'm certain Germany would be more prosperous. Too bad he sperged out and bit off more than he could chew. I don't like authoritarians anyway.

To the gas chambers with you.

It's unntrue. Many French fought for Hitler until the very end. He thought very highly of his French SS.

how long did jews have to leave, about 10 years? Ovens probably were bullshit, not denying mass murder by shooting from rogue elements in poland etc though

AFAIK theres no proof Hitler knew of any mass murders of jews, only deportation orders

just stopped reading after that

Haha yes the good anglo only wanted to spread justice and kindness xD

Doesn't Russia now have one of the highest populations of neo-natsocs in the world lol

Hitler even had blacks in the 3rd Reich. Why would it matter if they were French? People from other countries started joining the Reich because of what England and France were doing to them.

IL-2 looks almost perfect

>will do some research tho

The book "Hitlers Revolution" by Tedor gives some insight for the beginning, it's not too long and can be found for free online. Easy to read.

Also keep in mind, Mein Kampf were Hitlers believes in 1923, when the country was crushed and he was sitting in Prison as a mid 35yo guy. His views changed over time of course, a factor most people don't understand or ignore and he was not the only policy maker of the NSDAP. He was "less dictator" then school education wants you to believe just like Stalin was far away from having complete control over everything.

its the goddamn truth. you were ruled by the Jews then and you still are now. you, the drunk anglo and the cripple all bailed the Jew out so he could fuck us

the world works better under anglo rules, ask Oz, canada, new zealand, hong kong etc etc

you are missing out

I totally agree.

The hero we didn't deserve.

Actually not, but Russian right wingers are scum anyway.

meme quotes from kikepedia are not a source, frog

No fucking shit Sherlock, did it really take you 72 years to reach this conclusion?

You can verify the Mein Kampf quotes yourself

Most of Germany's immigrants are white. France is the least white European country. Russia doesn't count because it is mostly in Asia.

>Hitler in any way shape or form butthurt over Napoleon and not a great admirer of the greatest Frog that ever lived
More propaganda to dispell, I see.

>Man in the High Castle
>Juliana moves to Greater German Reich
>"Do I get a key to my apartment?"
>Oh, we don't lock our doors around here!

Right in my fucking feels.