Canada is at the tipping point. Before us lays two roads

Canada is at the tipping point. Before us lays two roads.

One road is America, Britian, any and all righteous countries who dare defy the globalists plans and the rise of Islam. There will still be wars, terrorist bombings, screaming Leftists.... But out of the ashes these countries will rise. And from it, their strength will manifest a hundred times over.

The second road is Germany, France, Sweden. Countries who's decisions have already crippled them for the battle ahead. These countries may survive the future... Or they may not. Either way their battle is not to resist or repel the doom they have bought, but for mere survival. If they make it through or not will depend largely on the generosity of those on the first road.

Bill M-103 is coming... And whether or not it is enthusiastically supported matters less then what happens in the 3 years afterwards.

There are GOOD PEOPLE still in Canada Sup Forums... And they are resisting as HARD AS POSSIBLE this disease.

Please watch and support this video. Share it. Spread it around. It's already #41 on tending.

Our media has abandoned us... But if we can get the message out to the masses... Our fate is not yet sealed.

get well soon

We're fucked. I don't see any grassroots opposition to the Liberals. There's no middle-class revolt brewing behind the scenes.

Should we fix mexico as well?

I really dislike these threads, not because of you or any Canadian poster, but because they remind me of the inevitable, I feel like a big war will come sooner or later.

We have a plan B incase Canada completely fails. The same goes for plan C if canada gets fixed and we don't they take everything except CA and the south

I understand your negativity, but there are large numbers of dissenters in the Canadian country side.

Video is now at #32. Even if Canadians themselves aren't mass liking it, getting the message out will surely do some good.

I'm from rural Canada. I'm not seeing these large numbers of dissenters. Most folk are apathetic at best, or supportive of refugees at worst. There just isn't the seething anger that exists in the US and was harnessed for political change.

We're closer to Europe in attitude to refugees than the US, and our outcome will probably be much closer to that of Europe's.

I agree we more closely resemble Europe. Born in Atlantic Canada I see little to no hope out there... Which is why I joined the military and moved to Alberta.

There are a disgusting amount of hypocritical Lefties in the armed forces... But rual Albertans, as well as much Albertan cities, are disgusted by all this.

I dunno man, lots of people I talk to are pissed. Even the chief leaf's shine is starting to ware.

Ayy military dude

I'm considering joining the reserves, what are the biggest things I should know about in relation to the military before joining on? Assume I'm above average fitness compared to most of canada

Fuck off, leaf.

How old are you? I will only ever recommend the military as a means of acquiring a "free" skill set for young people as it currently stands.

As for fitness.... It depends how much stress and being yelled at you can take. They'll let in any fat fuck as long as they don't sign the release papers once they go through basic.

it's time to save the leaf.

Refugees aren't a problem for Canada, or at least not in the same way that it is a problem for Europeans or Americans. It's fulfilling its purpose as outlined by the Canadian government, and it will continue without any opposition.

The problem with the Canadian immigration system isn't related to economics or crime. It's based on identity, and that problem hasn't manifested yet. It won't become a political issue for a while.

I was reg force so I don't have first hand knowledge of the reserves, but I've worked with them and helped train them so I have some limited second hand knowledge.

From what I can tell the reserves are mostly what you make of it. You can potentially work your way into a tour as a replacement or augmentee for a reg force unit. Or, you can be a complete shitpump and treat your time in the reserves as co-ed scout camp with guns.

If you want to actually get on tour you will have to do your own PT and be dedicated at it. You will have to do some real networking and go above and beyond in all areas.

If you don't want to go on tour then you can pretty much just fuck around and do whatever. Just make sure you don't bonk every chick on your courses. Lots of VD. And don't fuck with the reg force guys after hours because they'll beat the ever loving shit out of you.

Atlantic Canada is ripe for an outsider party. The only reason they vote Liberal is because they're products of the environment that the government has created.

Bad economy, aging population, boogeyman in the city limits (Halifax being an immigrant city) - sounds like the perfect environment.


can we meme the /ourguy/ into the syrup palace

18, not in college yet. Considering Veh. or Wep. tech so I have some skills beyond just the military.

When it comes to the yelling, what comparisons can be drawn? I've watched some videos about the reg force BMQ and it doesn't seem absolutely unbearable. Stress isn't something I have an issue with.

As said above, I'm going Veh. or Wep. tech ideally so I don't know if I'll be doing many, if any, tours. I wouldn't mind one, but I'll have to see what happens.

What's VD?

Yeah the kind of chicks that join the army tend to get around. I guess if the sexes were reversed and I was surrounded by tons of young hot sex deprived women I'd be a slut too.

Take nothing personal and that its all a game and it'll be fine. Note you STILL play the game even if you know it's a game.

I had a beer with my Master Seaman after it all, good laugh. But before that I hated the fucker.

If you are going vehicle tech or weapons tech you WILL be deploying. Vehicles break down if you look at them funny, and they don't fix themselves. And the most finnicky weapons get used mostly overseas, and need folks to fix them. Also, combat losses in equipment need to be dealt with. You will be the one dealing with that shit. Vehicle techs often work 24/7 in shifts because if the boats aren't serviceable nobody can do ops, and if you can't do ops the AO goes to shit.

Good news is, is that you will never, ever leave the FOB. Your only road moves will be entering and leaving the theatre, so your tours will be pretty safe.

With respect to BMQ don't worry too much about it. It's a head game and once you accept that and just grind it out it's no big deal. Biggest cause of stress is the dumbasses in your platoon who don't understand it's a head game and ratchet everyone else's stress up by bitching and complaining non-stop. Just shut up, suffer in silence, clean your fucking shit, and stick it out. After that your life will be a breeze.

I'm /comfy/ with that concept to be honest, I considered Sup. Tech before but I heard from some of my mates who had been in the US reserves (and then later the US marines) that most STs are boneheads. I don't know if that's different here but I'd rather do something a bit more interesting than warehouse work, even if it is a bit more challenging to fix everything.

Being stuck in an FOB is probably worse than I think it is, but the less of a chance of a random-ass IED the better.

I've been yelled at during practice or whatever for basketball and other sports, never gets to me really. Probably nowhere close to the same thing but that's good to know.

Feeling lonely again, Canada?

Remember when I first discovered you? It took decades to carve a successful nation out of the polar wilderness and it really reflects how far you've come. Eyes really are the gateway to the soul because when I look into yours, I see a radiant flash of hope. Just because you have a bunch of prancing liberals going around fucking shit up doesn't mean it's the end of you, it isn't. Forget about me, I'm a vile, hopeless shadow of myself about to be run over by Islam but don't let that bring you down. My time is over, yours has just begun.

Canada, please take the legacy of the Anglosphere and head for the stars. You're my only hope and I don't want my people to die on this pathetic rock, the United States is a lost cause because Trump was a pyrrhic victory against an increasingly large tide of savages, you can still reverse the damage done to you. It's not too late, but you've got to act now.

Sincerely your dying, decrepit father.

Fighting for canada !. Lol

I generally liked Canadian FOBs. One thing we're really good at is logistics, and our cooks are fantastic.

I'm probably biased though because being back at the FOB meant I wasn't outside the wire humping up and down mountains and freezing my ass off.

Seriously the getting yelled at in BMQ isn't a big deal. You'll probably be at Saint-Jean, which is just lame. You've probably got this mental image of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket - that's not Saint-Jean at all. Less screaming and violence, more officious pedantic faggotry.

At worst it's 13 weeks of boredom. The hardest thing you'll have to do is stay awake in lectures.

One last piece of advice: DO NOT get married until you are a Sgt. Tons of 18 year old morons get out of basic and immediately marry the first bar scag that sucks their dick. This is the worst thing you can ever do. DO NOT look for a wife, girlfriend, or even a casual fuck, at a bar in an army town. DO. NOT.