America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between

>America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between
how accurate is this?

pretty accurate

no civilized people mutilate their male baby's genitals for 'hygenic reasons'

Not accurate at all, but I wouldn't expect a leaf or surrender monkey to understand.

No civilized people elects Trudeau or legalizes fellating dogs.


>european immigrants conquered north america in 6 generations

Barbarism: Pioneers fighting with Indians, killing each other in duels, fur traders in the frontier raping and killing

Civilization: Taming the west, South getting industralized, Continental railroad

Decadence: Birthcontrol pill, baby boomers, car culture, flappers, television, nigger music, unprecedented number of american kids go to college and get indoctrinated with leftism

Maybe if you consider Natives to be "America".

Otherwise, we were never barbaric.

we didn't 'legalize' fellating dogs, we just don't have a law against it

civilized people don't allow their countries to have domestic warzones

trump is based, europeans are just jelly because whites take orders from nigger hordes over there

pls delete this o block is sacred

America had phases of pioneers, commerce, affluence, but it has never had a phase of high culture. Their affluent stage was so great that they succumbed to the worst vices of excess and now they have entered the Long Decadence. Only a total collapse of the United States will end this decadent period.

You've got to admit that it all happened rather quickly when compared to world powers of the past.

>France is over 20% Sub Saharan African


France went from civilized to caliphate without any resistance in between

civilized people don't let their countrymen drink sludge while funding the jews with trillions of dollars


This decadence of yours sounds based as fuck tbqhwy familia.

Are you implying that the Feds don't send literal shit tons of money to these cities? They do. It gets spread out over mostly state lines so it gets blurred. All that happens is more money goes to inflated pensions and keeping existing jobs. Then after, when nearly nothing is left, it goes to fixing infrastructure.

Also niggers.

america's 56% white when you include illegals
if trump manages to deport all the illegals it'll go up to 65%

I could make more fun of Neo-Algeria (France) but you stopped collecting racial data because it was racist

Whites are civilized, Blacks are not. Apes are similarly not civilized and never will be.

*laughs derisively*

Every Muslim country goes from barbarism to decadence and back to barbarism again. A lot of the times it's a mix of the 2.

False, the time period after world war 2 and before 1970 was still wjhat can reasonably called civilized. Hippies and commies ruined it. Mcarthy did nothing wrong

>us aid to Detroit: $0
Bullshit, they receive a shit ton of federal money not to mention all the bailouts.