Hey white boys...

hey white boys, how does it feel knowing that whites are going to be a minority and we will be in charge and take all your women?
People of Colour - 1
White bois - 0

low quality bait. Try harder untermensch

Feels great, you and your (((children))) going to live in third world shit tier dystopia.

aw is the white boi mad
feels good being black when all the white girls chase after you, leaving the white bois alone to jack off


hows it feel to be poo colored ?

Africa and the Middle East are the cradles of civilizations. Until the Nubians, whites couldn't even wash themselves! Until the Arabs, whites couldn't even write!

Don't know, ask yourself.

Even if you did take over the country, it's only because the dumber of whites will have given it to you.

Like literally everything else you have, you would not have it if it weren't for white people giving it to you.

Is it depressing being a shit skin, or are you even developed enough to feel shame?

>>Burn the coal pay the toll

Are you mad white boy? How does it feel knowing every white women you know will go black one day? That's not because they're dumb, it's because black men are strong and more sexually pleasing than whites.

I don't care if whites die. Less whites, less war and less oppression. Sounds like a good world to me.

Sure m8, take the whores. Black girl and Black man has a 200% greater chance of div. We will take all the quality east-africans.

white girl and black man 200% too

>Don't know, ask yourself.

but you do know, you respond like a teenage shit skin

>implying white women that aren't already lost causes would ever want to do something as disgusting as fucking a nigger.

Good luck on your mixtape, though, I'm sure that'll elevate you from the streets homie.


how does it feel knowing you all have aids

You dont take women as in ownership fool. You can marry these dikes we dont want them. Enjoy paying their alimony as they divorce your brown ass.

now i can post what you said on twitter & facebook.



pick one man, alimony ain't drugs, niggers therefore ain't paying it.


Arabs will enslave us black people without no more white people to stop them.

Just makes a mixed-race baby??? No problem there, carry on white boy.

Mad cause you know I'm right. White girls are hopping all over my dick, more white girls come for me than black girls and I live in a majority black area!

Okay dude do it! The only people that will be mad are the altright and no one takes them seriously.

Hey we're brown, not gay.

We will fight back, this time we are level on technology.

>We will fight back,
Your an imbecile, we blacks cant beat any race on earth except our own, arab countries have more advanced military than our underdeveloped shitholes that only exist because of white people donations. Arabs will fucking destroy us.

>white girls chase after you

Those girls are probably the type that want sex at age 9


More blacks than arabs dumbass. Stop standing up for the white man, they enslaved us as well.

Even worse as these chimps are marrying 1 or 2 wives into multiple child units without prospects. They will crash the economy and bleed the state dry while polluting the lands with their worthless existence.

The Irish were slaves way before you retards and we didn't give a fuck and got on with life

As much as it pisses me off, we black people need white people to continue existing, some research I have done has shown something very interesting, that only white people like us, all other races on earth see us as subhuman apes.
Arabs could easily cull our numbers in Africa, numbers dont mean shit, war is about strategy and tactics not OOGA BOOGA LOOK HOW MUCH GUNS I GOT MOTHERFUCKER you idiot. Besides its not just arabs the entire middle east would enslave us, and if you think we can take on Iran or Israel you are nuts.

I'm part arab and it's true
not only that, we will also take your women lmao

>this time we are level on technology.
Lol no. The only tech you monkeys have was handed to you by us. You fuckers still can't figure out how to drill a well, or not drink from the river downstream of where you shit.

My brothers would drop any arabs that came for us stop being so defeatist. The world will soon be black
portugarab shut the fuck up, we will take yours first

Niggers, spics and Muslims will be culled in the coming race war.

>world will soon be black
>we will take

dum nigro detected

They don't know how to hold an economy without whites they will turn Europe into africa.Constantly at war with eachother fighting over a few acres of land.

The military tech of Africa is inferior to the middle east, we cannot win against a war with any middle eastern state. White people with technology basic electromagnetic technology tookover our continent without much of an issue, and white people have morals, sand people would eradicate us with modern war technology.

Besides muslims are not our only future enemy, Im afraid the mexicans will probably invade and takeover their island nation once they become the majority in America.

post OPs brothers

low-provocation aggression is connected to a gene that's found 3 times more likely in arabs than blacks

arabs are like black people in a way, but more violent and less dumb, which is why they're far more dangerous

they are also far more racist about black people than white people will ever be, you'd know that if you spent some time with them

they will enslave whites and blacks alike, get ready

The arab problem is not just in Europe its in Africa, all of North Africa is arabic and reducing white people gives these arabic humans the power to invade south into black nations. Mauritania is already an arab state that enslaves black people, and Sudan use to be one as well until the white people helped the black people fight of the arabs. Its only a matter of time though before the north africans enslave all of the black people in Africa.

imagine all the famine.

low-provocation aggression is connected to a gene that's found 3 times more likely in arabs than blacks

arabs are like black people in a way, but more violent and less dumb, which is why they're far more dangerous

they are also far more racist about black people than white people will ever be, you'd know that if you spent some time with them

they will enslave whites and blacks alike, get ready

you're redpilled af, my nigga

you're right, the next great war will be fought over africa's resources

>Enslave whites

Them arab fucks are being used in divide and conquer tactics. When the time comes the elitists will drop the hammer and unleash the white fury.

White people are trying to warn you dont come here, do not feed into our masters plans. But hey brown people cant help but fall for give mes refusing to fix their own nations.

the balkans

A world without white eh.


I dig it. White people food sucks

>implying you aren't going to be eradicated once and for all when the white race wakes up

how does it feel that a race war is coming and you have never really seen us angry