India low IQ. Indian Americans very successful, though?

Sup Forums explain some of these points
-How are poo in the loos the most educated and financially well-off ethnic group in America when their countries average IQ is 83? They are the most successful of all Asians and even more successful than Jews. Their country's IQ is lower than the average IQ of African Americans. It's even lower than the IQ of a lot of African countries.
-Asian IQ's in the US include Indians. You guys say that Asians in the US have high IQ's because of their country of origin but poo in the loos who account for almost 50% of Asians have IQ's in the low 80's, so that doesn't make any sense.

lets see how they will be in 8 years

All the smart ones got the fuck out of india. There's over a billion of them, there's bound to be a few non-retarded ones.

this too

while chinese will go back to the mother land, pooinloos once left SAY they want to go back, but after seeing how non shit the rest of the world is they never do

the smart poos moved to america. it's not rocket science.

Know tons of Indians, still don't belieb you.

All the smarter ones come here. Doesn't change anything we need to stop taking in so many.

Immigration standards. America is more than happy to take smart people from any ethnic/national background, and we do so all the time.

This is just an example of cherry picking via brain drain/human capital flight. Only the most intelligent, most educated Indians are permitted to legally migrant to developed Western countries. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the top 1% of Indians have a higher average IQ than the typical American, and thus would outperform the average American.

It's the same pattern displayed with the Filipinos and Black immigrants, both groups actually have an average IQ on par or even lower than the average African American. Yet, they have a higher than average educational attainment and household income than the average American because the ones migrating are the intellectual elite of their countries.

Unlike Mexico, India sends us their best and brightest.

The smart ones get a moderate amount of money in India, and then use that money to get the hell out of India.

I know nobody who has a nigger tier iq but hey whatever you say it's not like these nigger tier iq people have their own space program and nuclear weapons

that's actually what i've been pondering about. i was checking IQ's and immigration. i live in san antonio and run into mexicans all the time. most illegals are below the average educationally and financially in mexico. i worked in a fancy shopping mall and all the rich mexicans would come during the holidays and buy everything then they'd leave. it's a lot easier to hop over a border if you're poor than it is to cross an entire ocean. if it was any other poor country that was on our southern border, we'd still get their shittiest. or rather, their shittiest would outnumber their best.

In addition to , Indians are fiercely tribal and probably the least ethical people on earth. In India, the ones in the south hate the ones from the west and so on. But in America, and Indian's an Indian. Once the few really talented ones get into top positions, they exclusively hire other Indians, even ones who are complete shit at their jobs. You don't see this with East Asians, who just ruthlessly look for the best candidates, or whites who are on the lookout for blacks and women.

Indians take over shit because one of the gets a good job, then flies in their 3000 cousins and gets them jobs, and so on. They're seriously like fucking cockroaches.

i didn't mean this to be offensive. i'm honestly just curious about IQ issues. i'm not a staunch believer in IQ as a very good measure of intelligence, but keep an open mind. i don't think IQ tests have a lot of scientific rigor. i'm a true believe in the flynn effect. there are multiple cases of the flynn effect.

there is no proof indians have low iq. it's all jewish propaganda against the superaryan state. i mean i'm pretty sure no went around surveying a billion people for iq

there are plenty of fucking pajeets in my city thanks to a sister school our college shares with India

The apartment complex I used to live in had tons of Indian women in their classic garb walking in the middle of the street

And all of the men and children liked to play soccer in, you guessed it! the street

There is one attractive Indian girl I have met, she was friends with my ex and she was model tier, she even hated every Indian person darker than her

>tfw Omaha Nebraska has the largest concentrated diaspora of Indians in the whole U.S.

like i said, i'm just curious about IQ and race issues. i also don't buy into China's IQ because i believe there is a lot of sampling bias. i'm thinking they don't test a lot of poor people in villages and add their scores to the average.

has to do with literacy rate. while natural intelligence itself doesn't depend on literacy, i believe iq tests do

I believe the issue arises from the lack of basic facilities to 70 percent Indians my theory is that, cause this finding has always surprised me I generally test pretty high on the iq test and seeing absolute retards is rare for me. Cause all the complaints that /pol makes about nepotism and Indians don't make sense to me Google and Microsoft don't need hoard of programmers they actually do need smart people

where do you live user? i always see kids playing on the street.

They had a rigid caste system for somewhere between two and four millennia. The smart ones are almost entirely from the upper castes.

>-How are poo in the loos the most educated and financially well-off ethnic group in America when their countries average IQ is 83? They are the most successful of all Asians and even more successful than Jews. Their country's IQ is lower than the average IQ of African Americans. It's even lower than the IQ of a lot of African countries.

Because the Indian caste system is ACTUALLY a race system with the highest castes being distant cousins of Ashkenazi Jews, pre-conquest Turks and Iranians.

It's essentially Apartheid had it gone on for longer and in a more isolated part.

The tragedy is that even the highest castes couldn't quite stop from mongrelizing over the years.

No offense, but can you read?

There are a lot of environmental factors which can lower measured IQ: shitty education, poor nutrition, developmental exposure to certain pollutants, poorly educated parents, crowding, traditional gender roles, and lack of test-taking experience. Indians in India include a large population who got fucked over by some mixture of the above.

Second-generation Indian-Americans all had access to the US public school system, US environmental standards, and US women's rights standards. First-gen Indian-Americans are preselected for test-taking skills and personal educational accomplishment as part of the immigration process.

It's not surprising that the ones here score better than the ones back home - the average American IQ a century ago appears to have been around 80 by modern measures. We've since upgraded our culture, so we produce superior outcomes.

Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) also affects intelligence by a lot since most of your brain growth occurs before the age of 5. When people talk about blacks people's IQ and how it's genetic, I can't help but think that it may have something to do with African American's high ACE scores. Abused children's develop differently than others.

These tests were made back when most of the world had underdeveloped nutrition and are probably based on laughably small sample sizes.

These days the average Indian is as intelligent as your average white and this is why so many corporations outsource there

I'm rather impressed by the Indians who come to my university from India. Many smart ones

Highest caste are more related to Russians than Jews.