8-Year-Old Kills Self Per Result Of Bullying


Ok, wait -

First off, where are 8-year-olds getting the idea to kill themselves?

Secondly, are kids these days REALLY so savage as to drive one another to commit suicide? Where are they getting that from?

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Fake news

Mom probabluy killed him by accident

black people don't kill themselves

His mother killed him and made it look like suicide.



>t. Suicide expert

>muh 8-Year-Old
Hmm, where did I see that before?

That thing isn't a kid. Looks like a niglet to me.

Good riddance.

Um, no, sweaty. herbwalker.com/obituaries/Gabriel-Taye?obId=1321100

This is my immediate go-to, but nothing will come of it because WE WUZ, etc.

>Mother claiming 8 year old committed suicide.
Atleast Casey Anthony had the decency to come up with a believable lie.

Other niggers likely made fun of him because he had a dad or something

>First off, where are 8-year-olds getting the idea to kill themselves?
Black people understands it is themselves they see in a mirror at about age 8, this is probably what happened here.

This also reminds me of a similar story a few months back involving high school girl. Family said she was being bullied and she shot herself in the chest.

>First off, where are 8-year-olds getting the idea to kill themselves?

Secondly, are kids these days REALLY so savage as to drive one another to commit suicide? Where are they getting that from?

This is a real thing that is happening I've noticed it as well. Children as young as 5 years old are learning about suicide and homosexuality. It's sick.

The youngest I've heard of was an eleven year old who hung himself. Eight is pushing it, but it could still happen if the kid was already messed up before the suicidal tendencies started kicking in. I'm talking domestic abuse or developmental disorders going unchecked by parents and teachers. It's pretty weird, honestly.

Bullying is a cop out for shitty parents & teachers. They didn't intervene and help a troubled child. Cause of death = shit parents, teachers.

Good. One less nigger to shit in the american genetic pool.

I remember that, but at least by high school the concept of actually taking your own life isn't as farfetched as an 8-year-old. Still retarded, but yeah.

Yeah, but WHERE? The only logical explanation is that parents are exposing their kids to these types of things per their own doing, which I wouldn't cast beyond the realm of possibility, but the point still stands.


fake jews

8 year olds don't know how to deal with shit
but with that said does an 8 year old really go and kill themself? cry about it sure but actually end it?

welcome to the age of ipads and cell phones for all

i blame the kids who tell them to kill themselves on roblox and minecraft videos on pornhub and xvideos

are Japs or Finns more well-versed in the ways of killing themselves?

Kids are worse than adults.
But 8 is too early. Maybe 10 or 11.

>Mother gives news station pics of kid smiling.
>"never told her he was the victim of bullying"
>"But of course it was the bullying!"

Either died from something more nefarious or had the whole "kill self" thing memed to him on a daily basis. 8-year-olds do not formulate ideas like this in secret, if they're even capable of genuinely harboring them at all.

Is it bad that I was expecting someone say "my 8yr old wife's son said this about Trump"?

In terms of melodrama, absolutely, but there's something both very wrong and very fishy when it comes to 8-year-olds killing themselves.

Finns, because they're half asian. They have all the secrets of the Japanese on top of the secrets of the white man.

And they all have puukkos.

So much edge out of France tonight.

Just look at the catalog. One or two posts just like this in almost every thread no matter the topic.

My buddy in 5th grade hung himself with his karate belt.
10 years old, but white.
Makes this seem slightly more plausible but yah I am skeptical.

This and the kid not being told that they can actually talk to people about this type of stuff

Black on black crime? Nothing of importance lost.

Goddamn. He looks like a nice little kid. Shit got me choked up

>Yeah, but WHERE?

In my country it's illegal to smack your kids.

They can get away with anything. They can terrorize other kids at school with zero consequences.

Also, we live in an age of selfishness. If you listen to all the new music these days, much of it is songs about people getting bitches or money or other selfish pursuits.

RIP lil nogger

it's edgy for you because your jewish overlord told you niggers were humans.
I don't have this kind of remorses.

>Secondly, are kids these days REALLY so savage as to drive one another to commit suicide?
No, but kids are mentally weaker.


Not to say I remember much about being 8, but I sure as shit don't remember any issue worth killing myself over. I wasn't bullied much, but still got my fair share of shit. It's just a natural kid thing. Somebody encouraged this, and my first guess is the mother.


Yeah, that funeral must have been absolute hell. A young suicide funeral was by far the most depressing I've been to.

I would say subconscious programming from music videos and Disney.

This kid also had DAD, name of Benyam Taye. Maybe the mom is covering for him. Gofundme $7k.

every time

>8 year old hanging himself

MASSIVE didn' 'appen on that one

What do you wager the changes are that the parents accidentally/intentionally killed him and are passing it off as suicide? Perhaps he mistook bleach for Mountain Dew or something

>t. Also suicide expert


Made me think of this

> First off, where are 8-year-olds getting the idea to kill themselves?
It`s called public education.

> Secondly, are kids these days REALLY so savage as to drive one another to commit suicide?
Most of smart negroes in usa came from private schools, that educated them separately from whites and from females and required them to wear civil uniform and civil haircut.
Of course this is not an option in public education any more.

>tfw forgot I was browsing the same thread and accidentally triple posted

It's election time soon, they're getting fired up

Under-rated post

>she is 8 (eight) years old

>It`s called public education.
Yeah I remember in grade school when they taught us how to tie nooses and ensure they're properly secured to a ceiling facet.

>8 years old

That's young.

the answer to both of your questions is Sup Forums

All that bullshit on the left side of the page really has to obnoxiously slip and slide up and down as I scroll? Really? Gas whoever designed this fucking website.

That negro was smarter than you and with his reading skill he knew how to google it all.

My brother made a half-assed attempt to hang himself when he was thirteen.

Luckily he didn't know how to tie a decent knot and his scaffold, being his cabin bed was shorter than he was.

Kids kill themselves all the fucking time.

Every video game they and their bullies play has other kids telling (screaming) them to kill themselves if they
Welcome to apathy town. Result of our times and beliefs.

I used to get bullied in grade school and fantasized about ending it all, even when I was 8.

Bullying at public schools really is out of control.

>suicide by puukko
We're not masochistic. CO poisoning, ligature, alcohol + winter, shotgun fellatio and hanging are far more common.
Women eat 5 Buranas and call for help.

>black people suiciding
Does that means they have equal feeling compare to white people?

Many such cases!

Coming soon:
Six million 8-year old march on Washington to stop Drumpf
It will be the BRAVEST thing ever. Ever!

If it says "8 year old" then it's fake news.
8 year old X is a buzzword

A six year old girl hanged / strangled herself to death on her skipping rope. She had told many people about her desire to die, and Drew about it a lot.

>Secondly, are kids these days REALLY so savage as to drive one another to commit suicide? Where are they getting that from?

Are you fucking shitting me? You're posting on the fucking site that basically turned this shit into a fine art.

>Comparing an 8-year-old's mindset to a 13-year-old's mindset

Not justifying, but there is major difference.

and you didnt adam lanza that shit? for shame user.

That's pretty metal, I would buy her a drink

sounds like a kike

If true this is horrible. But to be honest it's probably more so his parents fault rather than anything kids said/did to him.

It's awful.

Sup Forums why are you so edgy. ;_;


Don't reject reality for emotional reasons.

welcome to the real world
kids also fuck

what the fuck right?

i swear to god if this goes viral just because the kid's a nigger...

How is it even possible to push an 8 year old into suicide?They shouldn't even comprehend the concept of it at that age.

>where did I see that before

Serious question. What kind of bullying, and if you were 8, what prevented it from being stopped? I was bullied in middle school cuz I moved to a new city, and my stepdad beat and ridculed me so I was antisocial.

They always were.

My guess is that most don't have a legitmate solid figure to look towards for support and/or guidance. They are given the wrong advice and it fucks em over

The elementary really seems like a shithole.

>"It's not just happening in high school," Reynolds said. "It's in elementary schools. He's 8. Who knows how to tie a freaking noose around your neck at that age?"
>Gabe's art teacher, Antonio Smith, echoed Reynold's sentiment.
>"Ever since I was a young man growing up downtown I remember getting bullied for tucking my shirt in," Smith said. "I remember getting bullied because my mother kept me well dressed. I was an only child also, so I can only imagine how my mother would have felt. Seventh, eighth grade years is when it gets the hardest for young ethnic males because it's a fork in the road - do I go to the right and go to college and be respectful to women and do what I'm supposed to do? I'm going to be called lame. Or do I go to the left like everybody else - fighting, disrespect, not caring about academics?"
>Smith said the kind of pressure Gabe apparently felt at his school is being felt by students in other Cincinnati Public Schools, and he said it's happening at a younger age than ever before.
>"The peer pressure, right now, is at an all-time high," Smith said. "It has trickled down to first, second and third grade to where you have kids just so distraught."

And yeah, this is pretty messed up.

Doing that would require people acknowledging that there's problem in schools with primarily black students.