What happens here?



Devolved niggers and burgers

Minority of the world's problems

Stuff and shit.

Making America great again

Burgers, football and guns

The making of things great again.

Freedom is best :DD and hard choices :DD

rural and suburban retards

Real America, deer hunting, nigger shootouts, and too much drinking.

>smoking leafs
nothing wrong with fucking up some canadians.

All good things

Id say just enough drinking and a lot of ass grabbing.


come to an end.

I live in a town of about 150,000, next to a bigger town of about 500,000. Just woke up, need to get ready for work, but prolly will be late for surfin' the chans. Pretty much life in the circled area.

Your food

The Midwest is the wonderful part of the country where the insanity of the East and West coasts stews into genuine American Culture..Also Chemtrails.

Salty milk with coins and bags of sand

Everything of value and worth in governance, technology, entertainment, and culture for the past 240 years.

Arizona has several farms cattle ranches and mining industry's. New Mexico has some oil companies. Oklahoma is basically Texas except for more Indian land and maybe less liberals. Also each one of these states has several military bases.


woah what a hot haabibab

You keep having reoccurring dreams about your ex who left you after collage. Its miserable.

ND here. We watch libs fuck up the East coast. Then we watch libs fuck up the West coast. And when that shit get's close to us we say fuck that.

School shootings


International jewry

Check those digits



Israel's ATM.

Meme magic happens here.


>LA and NYC not in the circle
Freedom happens there.

You're not wrong. I'll give you that much.

Delete this

Highest incarceration rate in the world

that's bad?

Only for criminals. But muh illegal substances!

incest and autistic ramblings about MAGA MAGA MAGA

that's what I was implying

if you don't brake the law you don't go to jail, land of the freedom doesn't mean land of no law

>Texas in circle
Quite a bit considering Houston is doing good economically now

couldn't have said that better myself


Disney world, corn, boats, vacation, work, play, cowboys and Indians.

i delivered a quarter horse foal up there in Montana yesterday. it was a boy and i named him Fred. today im getting out the big .50 and throw a few rounds down range and then maybe later ill throw a few home grown steaks on the grill or maybe chilli i cant decide which.