/swepol/ För vår moder Svea

Can we turn around sweden?

Will our capital become minority white?

London already is. The Anglo has fallen.


How is the SJW problem in Sweden?

Is it as bad as the memes portray?

Sweden actually has some of the lowest confidence levels in the EU. It's much more likely that Sweden will leave than, say, Estonia.

The issue with Sweden is that a large percentage of the population is very leftist and politically correct. The American style SJWs are very rare in Sweden.

>t. country who's poorer than Luxembourg
why is he laughing?


Dags att sätt igång markarbetet nu gubbar!

Honest to god, that's a thin varnish. The reality is that the majority of us are very quick to not like people/races that acts different from us – which is a good thing. The current hysterical SJW type mania we see right now is 50% globalist media trying to convince swedes that the current situation is a good direction for us – and the other 50% is religious nuts that has taken PC-religion as a substitute for our country now being one of the most ateist places in the world.

Don't worry just wait until Pope Francis dies we'll take it back.

Don't forget, you're in the EU forever.

>Sweden's entire population votes to leave.
>A stuffed suit with an EU lapel pin stands on the Swedish border and says the Swexit is cancelled.
>Sweden goes silent except for the sound of cars on fire and distant, muffled "Ayyyyllaaah Ablmaaaaooo!" in the distance.
>All native Swedes dead by 2020.


Wanna bet?

I find the lack of diversity in your royal family disturbing, you fucking racists.

I didn't know Sweden was in the EU. I thought the Scandinavian countries had their own union or whatever.

Damn, that explains all the refugees and feminists. Sven, you gotta get out, there's bad hombres in the EU

Does this quote apply?

t. Señor Sesenta Porciento

shut up you dumb american

I bet you thought europe was a country

If we really do try to make a serious attempt, i bet the US military will end up invade us and squash us all. You know, like you did last time we tried to...

Sweden is the cancer that ruined Europe in the first place. If Sweden leaves the EU it might end up actually being salvageable.

Why are you spreading bullshit like this? You know it's not true. Sweden contributes more per capita to the EU than almost any other country but has almost no influence over the political direction of the EU. France and Germany are the ones responsible for the demise of the EU.

Don't even try.

>t. bilal

I don't know. I think Stockholm will remain white for a while. Malmö and Göteborg is lost tho, nuke it. Just point out how much money we are donating to Poland and the rest of the niggercountries and maybe we'll get shit going down here

Nah man Europe is a continent

Under the Trumpenreich we're gonna send foreign fighters and arms to support your cause buddy

I've been to London, have never seen so much shitskins, naggers and interracial couples in my life. More in numbers than anything i've seen in any city in Sweden. Explain you anglo fag.


Because there is an ongoing campaign from "globalists" to start infighting among ourselves.

"Hating on Sweden/cuck meme = (((shilling)))

Lame counter. Being called out for being sole responsible for the current situation = answering back with an image of ONE nagger with a sign.

Lame ass Anglo fag.

Pakistanis and Poos are actually called british.
Not that stinky somali.

hey fuck you. If we were never forced to give up our empire the world wouldnt be cucked.
Everything would be fine but no.
Everyone had to rebel. Now look at the world.

Peter Springare has jolted hundreds of thousands of swedes awake to the facts about crime and rapefugees. This is it, time to strike while the iron is hot!
Sign the petition to have a new BRÅ-investigation, and check Springares support group on fb, protests are being organized. Time to take this to the streets

It's ok! We'll send you the muslims. Just gtfo already and contain the marxism!

Wait, what?
If you hadn't been forced to give up your empire, you wouldn't have been a tool for destroying your white brother countries? Is that what you're saying Jeeves?

I would bet four organs of your choosing that Sweden will remain permacucked until it is devoured by the avarice of another empire in some distant century.

Through the chilled years ahead, time shall count from the date
That the Swedes began to hate

Nice to hear Sven, hopefully we'll some day meet on a cruise between Helsinki and Stockholm and we can look back at these dark times and have a laugh over the cheap beer.

>follow this facebook feed
>go to a silent protest
>vote for a miniscule bit of legislation
>eat a can of fermented fish
>frown at a muslim raping a white woman on your front lawn, but quickly look away in embarrassment when he notices
>"This year will be different..."

I'll take that bet burger.

And if i lose that bet and Swedens resistance of this current situation will be stopped by another country – it will most likely be you and your burger country and your globalist overlords that will stop us.

You know like the last time a european country tried to resist the globalists. Thank you for that burger,

First time i read a somewhat positive text about a Swede from a Finn on this fucking board.

Yes , i hope you are right.

Your descendants in Minnesota did the same thing politically to that state as you are doing in your country.

Your DNA is damaged. Unlike Germany, Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium, I hope the Swedish people get genocided by race mixing.

Fuck off and don't come back. I wish I never hear of you ever again except history books.


Fuck off mongrel burger. Save your own fucking country instead of bitching about our struggle to overcome the invaders. Either that or send some fucking help.

Hello (((globalist))) trying to create infighting. Aren't you late for your lax bagel?

Could be done easily - deport all kebab out of Sweden an then have an immigration policy which is based on only taking the best and brightest in from overseas. Politicians like to make something complex so then it means they avoid actually having to make a decision. Politicians avoid making decisions because it would require them to actually do something and stand by that decisions rather than just passing the buck.

We sent help in the way of warnings, historical, and anecdotal evidence of the evils of unchecked immigration a decade ago.

You spit on the messenger and plugged your ears. So drown in the blood of your countrymen.

No, you sent "help" in the way of military bombings in all of Europe, invaded our shores to stop us. After that you placed military bases, infiltrated our domestic media to propagate self hate, demilitarizing and multiculturalism in such a massive way never seen before. Now when you burgers see the result of that you have the audacity to judge us.

THIS is the prize you got (including your own shrinking european ethnicity) for winning WWII.

>tfw have to go to Stockholm next week
Will i survive swedebros? How many violent shitskins in your capital?


Stockholm inner city is pretty white. Ghettos, not so much.

have to be careful then if i pass by the ghettos

>Will our capital become minority white?
Part of me believes that Oslo will become minority white before Stockholm
Oslo deserves a nuke

Göteborg isn't that bad , i mean the only place you'll see niggers is at like förorten and the central part. The rest looks pretty white to me , it's not like malmö yet. But it's slowly getting more niggerish i've noticed. So sad

What are you willing to do, to save sweden?
The only thing you can do atm is prolly start killing blackies.
If you are real sinister youll make it look like it was a jewish ritual.

I've been to Copenhagen. Didn't look better than GBG or Sthlm imo. What do you do yourself to solve your problem Dane?

That was the Jews.

Remember to vote for that one uber-Jew whose fell and evil name escapes me at the moment for the EU head.

Oh, but EU members aren't elected... are they.


>antifa defending israel
Nigger you fucked up

What faggotry on you on about paki, the destruction of europe is a good thing

t. destroyer of the aryan race

Det borde förefalla självklart för någon som kan utläsa statistik om ekonomiskt tillväxt, att medlemskapet i EU i överlag har gynnat Sverige. Generellt sett var det ett välavvägt beslut att ansluta sig till unionen utan att gå med i EMU. Det går att rikta genuin kritik mot vad EU har kommit att bli sedan vi gick med på nittiotalet, men det råder ingen som helst tvekan om att Sverige, tillsammans med Tyskland, Nederländerna och övriga skandinaviska medlemsländer har tjänat på ett EU-medlemskap. Principiellt är dock ett svenskt medlemskap oförenligt med folksuveränitetsprincipen så som den traditionellt sett har tolkats att betyda, och den som anser att nationalstatens bevarande väger tyngre än den ekonomiska egennyttan har något att argumentera om. De som däremot verkligen har missgynnats av ett EU-medlemskap, om några, är länderna i södra och sydöstra europa då de fullkomligt saknar de komparativa ekonomiska fördelarna med de mer utvecklade och exportbaserade ekonomierna i norr. Att däremot tala om fri rörlighet inom själva EU som problemet, d.v.s. den lag som gör det lättare för övriga européer att etablera sig temporärt i Sverige, får oss att framstå som hycklare då statistiken även här talar sitt tydliga språk: vi utnyttjar och gillar faktiskt också denna möjlighet att studera och jobba i andra delar av Europa. Ekonomisk turism som främst är förknippad med utomeuropeisk invandring, har att göra med hur unionen på en överstatlig nivå har misslyckats med att utveckla ett strikt ramverk för hur detta fenomen ska hanteras utav de länder i norr som främst har drabbats av detta på senare år. Att däremot försöka lösa detta problem genom att måla fan på väggen med hela EU är inte bara omoget, oärligt och korkat; det visar på att vi, likt alla andra länder i Europa, har fallit offer populister med enkla förklaringar till komplicerade problem.

Nothing atm, but considering a lot to start a political party and just start shitstorms.
My first party name was declined because it was similar to another party name.
Also Denmark =/= Sweden.
You country is a lot more fucked than mine.

What? The soldiers invading Europe was jowish? Not really, right burger?

I swear, burgers are more cucked by juice than any other european country, because you white burgers always are willingly killing for him, even your own blood family, and after that you have the audacity to cuck blame them.

Fuck you burger.

>build a wall
>deport them all
>kebab will fall