Besides money to eat, what incentive is there for working?

Besides money to eat, what incentive is there for working?

There are things in life other than money in case you didn't know.

It fuels my superiority complex.

To buy the things that you want and need?

>what incentive is there for working?
you can save money to move to Germany or Sweden where you don't have to work

>didn't read my post

I was suckered into having a child, so I'm going to say "family" and try to drag as many anons down with me as I can.

There's no such thing as a need.
There may be consequences you don't like for not pursuing something you want that lead you to value that something more than other things, but there's no such thing as a metaphysical need - a thing that *always* and *necessarily* outvalues all other things.

>Besides money for food

To keep society running? Do you think farmers give you food for fun? Do you think cars magically appear in the sky? of course the Internet gets maintained just for the lols and hospitals sure employ only bored people who dont know what to do with all that spare time

guns, ammo, powder iron, water filters, coal, charcoal, shovels, sandbags, car, horse, dog, order bride, underground oxygen farm, bomb materials, fertilizer, axes, gas mask, mask filters, digital storage, smoke bombs, coolant, lubricant, wd40, duct tape, monitor system

To be able to fund any activities or goods you would like? Seems pretty simple.

I mean you could just say screw it and try to take on a load of debt for whatever reason if you wanted.

Why do we do anything?

NEET life is the best like so I work for 9 months then take 3 off every year.

You think this question is profound but it really isn't
>duuuuurrr why you do anything if you're gonna die

To grab 'em

To stock up for the race war user?
You mean you haven't been prepping hard

uh... the *need* for water, the *need* for food, the ned for *shelter* from the elements. I pay rent, and i need to pay rent with money, hence job.

Here in America, the idea is to work and slave and save until you build up a little nest egg, only to lose it all the first time you get sick, and then live in a cardboard box under the interstate eating cat food until you die before reaching the age of Social Security.

>guns, ammo...shovels... mask...duct tape

Is it redneck mating season?

Money buys headphones. I see no point in your question, honestly.

>superiority complex
Okay achmed. Go blow up somewhere else.

You said
>There are things in life other than money in case you didn't know.

And these things are bought by money, in case you didn't know.

None of those are needs - they're just things you tend to want more than other things because of their instrumentality toward your continued state of living. But there's no law of the universe that states you need to live or that living is the highest value at all times objectively. Very obviously it's not, since people sacrifice all those things instrumental toward their continued living - and indeed, often sacrifice their life itself - in pursuit of other values.

So no - you don't "need" anything, because nothing is a need. There are only things you want more than others, and those wants are entirely subject to change.

Oki doki... I "strongly subjectively desire" food and water to "objectively sustain my life processes," but, you know, it's not a NEED or anything. Yes. Quite the philosopher.


It's not. In fact, I "strongly subjectively" desire a world in which you're nothing but a empty corpse, such that you can't burden the world with your cancerous, leech-like entitled pathetic existence.
I guess that's a need according to you ^_^

You've checked out from the argument because my reductio ad absurdum worked. It's fine, resort to insults. Bye!

Capitalism is jewish subversion.

So is communism.

Erisianism is the only way.

Take the green pill. Stop buying into the demonic lies.

Bit of a revision here though, national socialism was not fascist, and they intended to move into Erisianism after defeating the jews. So discard that image from there and put in the fasces symbol instead of the swastika.

You should look up what that term means, random-retard-who-never-graduated ^_^

NEET life is the absolute worst. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Hahahaha you're a fucking retard



Not much my man. Working long hours is for chumps. My parents taught me the following financial priorities, wish I listened to them earlier:
#1: Roof over head
#2: Bills are paid
#3: Food on table
Simple. That's all you NEED to spend. If I had listened at 18 rather than being an arrogant argumentative dick till the age of 25, I would own a fucking house by now.