What's the endgame of feminism, black lives matter and this "accepting"...

What's the endgame of feminism, black lives matter and this "accepting", tolerant nature that is being pushed so heavily in the west? These movements are gaining traction and everything but white is how a lot of people view the world. They feel justified, but what will happen as a result.

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Elites get a race war and mongrelization of middle-class bloodlines, instead of getting put in camps.

Feminism already did what it was suppose to do.

Destroy the nuclear family and put the women to work so (((they))) can make more money, anything else now is just a bonus. Nowdays the state raises the children instead of the mothers, that's why you see so many brainwashed people.

SJWs and white nationalists are essentially the same thing.

They both recognize that the regime is working against them and express their anger through the most personally advantageous approved means.

No feminist, BLM, or WN offers you concrete steps towards improving societal circumstances. It's not entirely their fault though, because they'd be assassinated by the regime if they started talking in ways that made sense.

We shouldn't hate SJWs or WN for being vapid, but admire that they are willing to voice the discontent that well share while working to empower ourselves such that we acquire freedom of expression.

Ya except no idiot. White nationalistic principles do not result in the world of multicultural progressivism we live in today, while feminist illogical principles lead to this world. Feminists are handing us over to the status quo while white nationalists are in opposition. Women have always had an easier existence than men.

>What's the endgame of this "accepting", tolerant nature that is being pushed so heavily in the west?
White genocide.


>What's the endgame of feminism, black lives matter and this "accepting", tolerant nature that is being pushed so heavily in the west?
there is no endgame
they're quite literally too stupid to think past this day or the next.
you can see this in all of their actions. they give no shit about the future, they live in now, want everything now(paid by others), and don't give two shits about anyone other than themselves.
they even fight among themselves ffs
that's identity politics in a nutshell

Fascinating passage. Thanks for sharing, I need to read more by this Scruton guy

Let's talk about the nature of reality.

Every single one of your fellow human beings has the capacity to kill you.

If you wish to articulate truth, you will be a disruptive agent. Perhaps for the best, sure, but disruptive nevertheless.

As such, one who is going to deal honestly, to give voice to some truth, must be able to stand against the reality that they are surrounded by 7 billion people who might potentially kill them.

In particular, there are governments and oligarchs and what not with the assassins on the payroll. One is not able to articulate a very significant truth without challenging the driving forces of the present conditions, which means that one is not able to articulate significant truth without challenging people who have assassins at the ready to snuff you out.

As a consequence, if you are not able to stand against the will to power of the status quo, if you can not protect yourself from assassination by the state, or an oligarch, or some other system of the status quo, you are unable to speak the truth.

In short, your freedom of expression is strictly confined to the domains over which you can exert leverage. Can you force the government to stand down against you when you challenge it? Then you may speak truth about the government.

If not, then your domain of truth telling is very small indeed.

Now obviously most of you know that there are very few individuals in this world able to challenge a government. As such, there are few who may speak any significant truth.

If you want to challenge the world, you must first empower yourself. If you think you have identified someone telling the truth and cannot imagine how they might have thusly empowered themselves, then you are simply retarded.

If you find truth in the ramblings of some degenerate WN or SJW who knows nothing about the application of force on a scale that would threaten a government, then you should know that you have misidentified truth.

They are socially retarded and just cling on to a submissive mindset since it gives them some sort of place and comfort.

Communism is the end game.

The end goal is to force your acceptance of brown people moving to western countries by the million after they have made their own regions unlivable through overpopulation.

The more brown people they allow in now, the larger the cultural base they will have in the future to make demands of their host society to save their doomed cousins still inhabit their homelands.

Whenever you hear the UN talk any kind of climate alarmism remember that this is what they are actually worried about.

Destruction of the west.

Feminists don't understand basic philosophy, history, biology, economics or psychology. There is no fucking way they even have the smallest grasp about the implications of their actions on society in the short run or the long run. They have no plan; they're just fucking with a time bomb cutting wires until it eventually explodes.

>I need to read more by this Scruton guy
everyone does


A globalist state with no sense of individualism thanks to the interracial mixing of the nations. Population that will be the perfect mixture of the consumer and the worker. Mindless people, "Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork but just dumb enough to.." not question the status quo. All of the events which you are now seeing are leading to this final state of the humanity, just think about it. My opinion is, this is the final chapter of the survival of the fittest, and you know who are the (((fittest))). Accepting the liberal ideologies is the essential part of this process, hence the mass brainwashing of the youth.

That feeling of being threatened, that "why is it getting traction NOW" feeling, is in fact the problem.

age of consent will be raised to 25(feminists are planning this right now). old women will do this to force men to marry them or be labelled a sicko.

young girls will also be fed bullshit like you're seeing today, but worse.

elites love it because it propagates another divide. They want to divide us as much as possible, age, class, sex.

Divided we are weak.
If you want to know more about feminism, go google josaphine butler and learn about the history of it's origins.

Elite kikes used feminists various times to destroy the family unit step by step. It's just going to be more of the same, slowly getting worse and worse while the elites keep us divided.

This is also why natsoc was such a threat, because it was the ideology that united EVERYONE in a nation. They can't have that.

Fantastic post, i could not agree more.

Statements need to be backed up with actions. Might makes right.

I prefer to say that might is a prerequisite of right.

Not all who are mighty do what is right unless you want to gerrymander the meaning of 'right' to be exactly 'might' - in which case you may as well have said blue is blue for it would have been just as meaningful of a claim.

Perhaps that is a better way of putting it.
But as i said here natsoc was a threat because it called out communism and kikes, but it was actually getting the strength to back it's statements up.

That's why nazi germany got crushed and why your statement is so true. You can't be right if you can't back your shit up by winning. It's sad, but that's how this world works.

There is no end game. There is also no measure of success.

It has no endgame.

It's post-enlightenment ideology and virtue signaling taken to a suicidal extreme beyond all reason. It will end either when this culture is crushed and replaced or when we're all dead.