South America, what went wrong?

I have a serious soft spot for our shitskin bros down south

>built incredible, lasting civilizations before we ever showed up
>most today are Christian
>most are hard workers
>most have strong family units
>statistically lower crime than other shitskins

Where did it all go wrong, Jose?

I wouldnt mind you guys one bit if youd stop having 75 kids each

>you have to go back, b-but it didnt have to be this way

Other urls found in this thread:

extreme corruption

SI. We can no reads the backs of a condom wraper.

How do you go from this to cartels hanging people from highways?

I just dont understand.

>statistically lower crime than other shitskins
lol no.
Even relativity white south american(like argentina and uraguay) countries have africa tier crime rates


I always wonder the same.

Another ponderous thought that I often ponderously pondered is all those people literally eating dirt cakes (Haiti for example), are they all so fucking retarded that they don't know how to grow a plant?
They live on a tropical island. They can literally grow almost anything they want.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to not know how to grow crops and resort to eating dirt fucking cakes?

>what went wrong?
The same thing that's going to happen to Sweden and Germany.

>Where did it all go wrong, Jose?

At the very begining. The first people that came here were Jews expelled from Spain.

Land that was built on blood demands blood, one way or another

Ill need some evidence on this one Nigel

Mexicans kill for shock value to send a message. Entire African villages come together and cheer as they tie a tire around a mans neck and light it on fire.

>Where did it all go wrong, Jose?

Spaniard laziness combined with Mexican violence.

That was a 7 year old boy who tried to steal some food.

Governments that are just a few notches above Africa-tier. Argentina with constantly threatening war against us because of some fuckoff island instead of improving trade and infrastructure like a normal fucking country, Brazil having shadow leaders who literally bought their madame president into office, and Mexico who keep the country with a police force consisting of a single bloke writing down what happened in his office that day inbetween doodling sombreros. Shit's fucked, personally I blame Central American communism and it's spread, since that kind of government is inevitably gonna corrupt.

> amerishit wondering why south america is not great

Are you awere your nation is the cause of suffering across the world ? you put and remove presidents in order to maintain hegemony, you win more by having south america poor, pick a history book.

90% of their population was killed by disease. There was no one to maintain the civilisation.

>Since the dawn of history the Neqro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

>His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.

>A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.

>In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

>With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.

It was the introduction of LAZY Spanish blood that turned them all into sub-humans

Race mixing.

> Next thread is going to be an amerishit asking why africa or libya is poor
Why are americans so ignorant of their own government ?

>">built incredible, lasting civilizations before we ever showed up"

We know Spains glory days are long behind them, but no need to shit up the discussion

darwin didnt say this m8

>Accurate crime reports from Africa

is being white a ticket to upper class in your cunt?

Are you retarded? They sacrificed thousands of prisoners in one day in brutal ways to appease demonic entities like Huiztilopochtli, and you are surprised when they still act the same way and execute people in brutal ways?

Latin conquerors

>maaaannn dis whitey fault

are you so stupid as to believe that everyone on Haiti eats dirt all the time because they are too dumb to farm

Who is really the idiot here

Ive heard it was wrongly attributed to him but I never looked into it

Who said it?

People, don't put us in the same bag as Mexicans

nobody expects the spanish inquisition

Race mixing.

It destroys identity. The Latin Americans were race mixed out of existence either physically, culturally or both. Their culture was replaced by some bastard culture that doesn't serve them or their interests. It's the same with Africans - Africans are meant to be hunter-gatherers or seasonal farmers. They're not meant to live like White men. Forcing them to just fucks everything up.

i think it was another guy who was also called darwin

i looked it up once but i cant remember who the real author was

>Who is really the idiot here

You tell me, I'm not the idiot eating dirt.
I discovered at a very young age that growing food keeps me from going hungry. It's common sense yet people there are eating fucking dirt.
They are eating the shit that they are supposed to be growing food in. Makes no goddamn sense.

Is it beyond repair? Will it require a widespread disaster to reset their populous?

Something liberals still haven't figured out...

You can't take primitive people with a culture 1000+ years behind and then just put them directly into modern civilization and expect everything to just seamlessly work out. People are not simply interchangeable cogs in a civilization/culture (machine). The culture is a direct expression of the characteristics and behaviors of the people involved in it.

>most are hard workers
>most have strong family units
>statistically lower crime than other shitskins

I've been there and studied their history. What do you want to know exactly?

In summary, it was already starting to go wrong before the Spanish arrived as the Inca empire got so extended they had trouble communicating fast enough to allow for a centralised authoritarian government.

The Spanish came and took advantage of it, killed the Inca and took the country for the Spanish crown. They pillaged most of the gold they could find and all those riches went back to Spain, and later to England and the Benelux as Spaniards got too lazy to work themselves (this in turn led to financing the industrial revolution in England).

Back to the Incas: before the Spanish effectively came, the diseases they brought to the new world did and decimated the population. This also helped them conquer the place (along with some local beliefs that white men with beards would come to rule them).

Disease + civil war + conquest : shit went down fast after this.

Looks like chile has got their shit together

>statistically lower crime than other shitskins
Are you dumb? Spics definitely have higher crime rates than Arabs and Hindus/Pakis.

Indiscriminate reproduction and evolutionary selective pressures outside of agricultural civilization.

We got conquered by the biggest retards in all of Europe, the Spanish. If the British had come down here instead of the Spanish and the Portuguese, South America would be a rich capitalist paradise. Instead it's a shithole with pockets of nice.

It's what happens when you take people who are not farmers and have no genetic inclination to farm and put them in a bastardized environment where some people farm or they're being told that farming is what they need to do. Cut off all aid to Haiti, cut off all contact to Haiti, and the Haitians would sort themselves out in a few generations after most starve and they return to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which I imagine would be based on fishing and shell collecting.

Simple. They didn't have horses. No horses means no civilization

If you all would stop funneling coke into our country youd be ultimate bro tier

I highly respect your people as whole Perubro

Same thing as in East Europe. Communism,

Lazyness, everyone tries to do as little as they can.
You also helped a lot by pushing strings to get is into dictatorship
And the main factor, was that we fucking genocided Paraguay.
Let me tell about this country.. back in the 1800's Paraguay had their own industries and everyone traded with them, leaving the english out of the market. They didn't like it, so they toke adventage of our cucked unitist goverment and made brazil, uruguay and argentina go in to war with paraguay, we killed every male over the age of 14. Later we had to repopulate their country.

Let me get this straight. Not only did they lay down when we arrived, they prophesied it? They welcomed it?

Makes me question if it was worth saving.

Essentially the US funded military dictatorships and coups destabilized the region turning it to shit

you have to go back

>Lazyness, everyone tries to do as little as they can.
Exactly, as i said. It's communism.

This is an understatment. Spanish people at the time were only thinking about muh fighting and muh conquest, because those would bring them riches. They loathed working the fields, and Spain got rich in gold while becoming poor in people and agriculture. They then gave the gold to England and the Benelux to get good stuff done by others, and became a shit country with some really nice looking churches and castles.

Probably, or allow dictators like Pinochet to come in and clean up and just do what's practical, rather than try to force an ideology because that's the ideology you believe in, no matter if it will work or not (like Hugo Chavez).

what's up with your cunt? aren't you and chile supposed to be the best SA has to offer?

>built incredible, lasting civilizations before we ever showed up
this isnt true, many of the ruins that were built in 1200-1400 era were abandoned by the time the spanish arived

also they were incredibly brutal, chicten itza had a sacrifice well for young women and a decapitated head chamber for the losers of their basketball games

I get that, but at some point you'd think that the lady squatting for hours each day making DIRT CAKES would have an epiphany along the lines of:
>Maybe I should put seeds in this dirt instead of digging it up and making cakes for the kids to eat dirt.


>decapitated head chamber for the losers of their basketball games
I'd watch NBA if it were to adopt this rule

Going to take a blind stab...resource curse?

I dont think we have the moral high ground to speak on brutality

The main difference being they believed then they were giving offerings for a greater good. However misguided, they were able to see beyond themselves.

Today its senseless violence for drug shekels

Me too, itd really do a number on the ratings

That requires a larger frontal lobe and an average IQ above 70, user.

Yes, it's crazy but actually really interesting that they had this mythology about a white god with beards who would come back to rule them. Look up Viracocha.

Also, I'm only talking about Incas, but the Aztec had something similar : "Similarly to the Incan god Viracocha, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and several other deities from Central and South American pantheons, like the Muisca god Bochica are described in legends as being bearded." Remember all natives have no beards, at all.

Some historians say the Spanish embellished those stories and that the beards refer to feather birds on their masks, but another possibility is that some white people lived there a long time ago. It's actually really probable as the current to go from east to west of the Atlantic is easy to follow, while it's more tricky to come back.

That's why it's important to have atomic bombs if you want to be better and richer than your stronger neighbours,..

South america is one of the most diversified cultures. It was a melting pot, where a lot of different cultures mixed. We share the language, music and literature. The average latin america country is way better than any african or pakis and even indian. Actually I dont know any latin america immigrating to india or afrika. The other way around yes.

Beting conquered by spanish was not the best thing to happen. They are lazy, and probably not the smartest in europe. Abuse, corruption, inequality etc made some countries to revolt. But communism is not the answer.
Wars and revolts led to more corruption and violence. Some coutries are becoming really stable (chile, costarica, peru, even colombia), while some have gone the wrong way (venezuela). But I forsee good things for that continent, so many resources, good music, goog people, hot chicks, no muslims..

Most of the biggest latin american countries are not so 3rd world. Argentina, mexico and brazil have domestic nuclear capabilities but signed the non proliferation agreement.

My African Sulcata Tortoise even understands that if he poops around the entrance to his burrow it promotes crop growth outside his burrow that he can eat if he doesn't want to venture out very far.

We got colonized by Spain and Portugal

Multiculturisms endgame is South America

Easy explanation:

The god that looked after and took care of these people vanished.

When I say god I have one very specific Archon or Anunna god in mind.

In Peru (Moche I think, not Incas) they had arenas were the best fighters fought to death. The victor would then be druged up and sacrificed (they had many options, including skinning him alive).

It was for the best. British Empire would have filled us with niggers

Fascinating, this is the first Im hearing of this

Do we have any idea were the beard myths originated? Im with you, chances are an unimaginable wooden sea creature just showed up on their coasts one day. Itd fuck with me too. Fast forward a few hundred years and you have white beard myths.

>>most today are Christian
Not really. Almost nothing is as facepalm-worthy as Mexican or Brazilian attempts to discuss theological matters.

And when these light men skin in boats appeared the locals thought that it was a return of the gods.

Uh, what is the difference? Mexishits ripped the heart out of people in their temples then, mexishits rip peoples faces off now.

>muh aztecs were sophisticated

No, they werent. They were absolute savages, just like today.

In my opinion, they should legalize sacrifices. I think this is what they need

Yes, we are. Uruguay have the lowest crime rate tho.
Not sure how to manage that in 1800's tho

see Allow my unchecked glorious quads to guide you

it is from Thomas F. Dixon Jr.’s novel The Clansman (1905).

* The Pima tribe of Arizona speak of how their ancestors came from an island at the centre of the world before that island sank beneath the ocean. Leading the relatively few survivors from that island was South Doctor, the heroic progenitor of the Pima tribe. South Doctor was a powerful medicine man. South Doctor held magical crystals in his left hand and guided the survivors from a cataclysmic deluge to safety between the Gilla and Salt Rivers.

* The Incas believed that their civilisation had been founded by Kon-Tiki Viracocha, a red-haired, light-skinned man who appeared in the Andes from the east following a terrible flood.

* Polynesian legends tell us about light-skinned, blonde-haired culture-bearers who fled to the Pacific islands after their homeland sank into the ocean.

* The Aztecs traced their earliest origins, not to America, but to a vanished island far away across the Sunrise Sea (their name for the Atlantic Ocean). Their founding fathers were culture-bearers from this far away island.

Also, something really important for the Incas: the people were made to believe that the Inca (the emperor) were descendant from gods and a living god himself, son of the Sun. So when the 200 Spanish soldiers captured the Inca, the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Inca stopped the fight and the Spanish cavalry spent the full day slashing at unresponsive Indians.

Later when the Spanish decided to kill the Inca, no ruler could take his place so the revolts were not as bad as they could have been, and the Spanish controlled the whole empire rather quickly.

Then the lazy Spanish could have built upon this and created a really powerful country, but as with everything else they only used those people as semi slaves and pillaged the country resources. It all went to Spain and Europe.

Have we ever been able to verify this vanished island or is it shrouded in mystery and myth as usual?

While were at it, any evidence to support Euros going there that long ago? Seems a bit excessive, but not impossible

Last thing: the incas used to kill gays, along with all of their families as well as burn their houses and uproot their trees. As examples.

I know /po/ will appreciate this info...

The vanished island in question is Atlantis and Atlantis still exists today, although today it is called 'Antarctica'.
Remember that Plato said that Atlantis was larger than Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and Libya (which in those days referred to Northern Africa minus Egypt) combined. Antarctica is larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. Read up on Charles Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement and keep in mind that Charles Hapgood died suddenly in (((suspicious circumstances))). Antarctica (Atlantis in those days) used to be near the equator and thus had a tropical climate. Also, Plato said that there were elephants and bananas in Atlantis. Elephants and bananas naturally exist ONLY in tropical climates. Crustal displacement made Atlantis slide southward to its present position.

You have to go back

KEK has spoken!

Enough to convince me. Thanks for posting, its obvious this is something you hold dear. Im glad youre posting.

Thats it, thanks Norbro

Peru doesn't really funnel coke into your country America-sama, it's just that our coke is so good that the rest of the cartels just straight up grow ir and produce it here and then take it there.

Worst we do to your country is worship Miami and clog up the lines in Disneyland.

I have Italian blood (in this case the dude was 6'1, blond and blue eyed), he married a literal nigger (she worked as a slave I think in some crop field), and on my dad's side I have some slave chink blood, the rest is general shitskin mixtures.

I am the living proof that racemixing can doom a country.

There's also the fact that you people good the good end of the stick with the Britbongs, when the Spaniards came here they were (and still are) the shithole of Europe, the guys were completely retarded barbarians that couldn't be bothered to exterminate us and at least make this a white country. I don't know if that would have been that much better though, our ancestors here in Peru were (apart from the Incans) the legitimate most ancient civilization, and when the Incans came they had a perfectly functioning socioeconomic system that could've developed further than just 100 short years had those filthy Spaniards not come ruin it all.

We weren't niggers or tree niggers :( we literally WUZ INKANGZ N SHIET with one of the most efficient "socialist/communist" systems to date but now we're the capital of the hispanic shitposting world. If this was an English speaking country, trust me, a leaf or an australian would be considered top quality posters here.

This seems a bit far fetched but I dont know nearly enough to dispute it

Im going to have to look into it. Do geologists give any credence to the idea that Antarctica was once a wildly different climate in an entirely different location? Seems to work within the Pangea argument

Really makes you think about all those weird, straight line structures we see from satellites

>built incredible, lasting civilizations before we ever showed up
were they really that incredible? sure, a city on a mountain top is always an eye-catcher but it was built in the 15th century with stone-age technology. not that impressive sans the landscape. the pyramids are monumental, but thousands of years behind the rest of the world.

>the legitimate most ancient civilization

Explain yourself.

semi related-the Vikings had a mythology of a land to the far west of the sea, this helped inspired the exploration that found America, it is fairly likely that the Vikings forefathers either came from America after being ran out by an attacking tribe or met someone who did

shitposting aside, is your youth as globalized (knowledge, pop culture etc) as anywhere in the developed world? do you think there's a chance SA would ever turn away from the cancerous communist narrative that seems to thrive throughout the continent?

>before we ever showed up
> we
> we

literally who? oh, its an ameriturd roleplaying as yuro episode... lol fuck off

Probably talking about
>3500 BC

As cliche as it sounds, niggers. Atleast in Brazil after they were liberated and just hanged around instead of deporting them back to Africa as it was originally planned. What blacked Brazil were the slaves, otherwise we would be whiter than europeans.

>The Norte Chico civilization (also Caral or Caral-Supe civilization)[1] was a complex pre-Columbian era society that included as many as 30 major population centers in what is now the Norte Chico region of north-central coastal Peru. The civilization flourished between the fourth and second millennia BC, with the formation of the first city generally dated to around 3500 BC, at Huaricanga, in the Fortaleza area.[2] It is from 3200 BC onward that large-scale human settlement and communal construction become clearly apparent,[3] which lasted until a period of decline around 1800 BC.[4] Since the early 21st century, it has been established as the oldest known civilization in the Americas.

>This civilization flourished at the confluence of three rivers, the Fortaleza, the Pativilca, and the Supe. These river valleys each have large clusters of sites. Further south, there are several associated sites along the Huaura River.[5]

Do you all not celebrate this history like us cumskins celebrate ours? Seems to me this is something that should be taught from birth

Caral started developing 5000 years ago, you can easily put at least paired to Indian and Egyptian civilizations.

Peru's youth is as alienated as can be. I mean, hello look at me senpai. It's hard to say because the youth has taken its alienation as far as emulating your feminist and socialist cancers. That's a huge part of the reason of why I was supporting Trump during the elections, I firmly believe he will set the example for the rest of the countries to opt for the development of a nativist/conservative culture.

You wanna know something cool? Despite the amount of cucks flourishing and thriving in my country, the "alt-right" has already started to cook, which I recall took a few years for America to develop from the traditional conservative side (i.e. ignorant christian fanatics), so I have good hopes for this country if Mendoza doesn't win in 5 years.


I don't believe Latin America is a lost cause in the way other 3rd world shitholes are

thats the fucking Caribbean brah, that shit has NOTHING to do with us.

We white people, who came from Europe
We didn't just spring up from the ground like plants.






Inca, Mayan and Aztec people were incredible. I am especially fond of the peoples of the former Incan Empire.

I've loosend my hatred such that I will accept Latino/White mix as White. Some can be accepted, they are often a based race and part of the white American experiment since our first steps.

Take it light Latinbros. I am a hardcore white racist who actively calls deportations on my neighbors, however I am a student of history and admirer of all cultures and peoples and in the right context I have tremendous respect for your kinsfolk and our shared history.

If we can both walk these grounds lightly and in harmony we can come to a better end. Godspeed to each of our peoples.