United Scandanavia

Why don't the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Afghanistan just settle their differences and become one country, already.

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>What is the Nordic Council


I've suggested this many times and it turns out the number one reason why NOT is because you can call my country Afghanistan and everyone knows what you mean. The other ones don't want to because Sweden is fucked.

no! only our oil money

>Get romanticism
>Become great power
>Get into union with Denmark

As long as the other countries can convice the Swedish politicians to deport all of our leeching migrants

It just needs a bit more cultural oomph!

Anyway, not before we've deported all brown eyed savages.

finns and norwegians need to annex sweden, if their could only be one annexation of my lifetime I wish for it to be that, i prioritize it above US annexation of Canada

If we got together into one big country we'd basically be Canada 2.0


Yes, why wouldn't Norway want to join with Afghanistan, lose exclusive rights to its gargantuan wealth fund, have to share Afghanistan's refugee burden and become more centralized? Sounds great

That's the Nordic Resistance Movement's ultimate goal.

Sweden is literally cancer. My gramps is Norwegian, and he has told me many stories of the eternal sven. Also Norwegians only recently(relative to other European countries) got their independence from Denmark, and as my gramps likes to say in his heavily accented English "Fuck Denmark!"

That's a joke dude

Ya from south park, which is funny cause my gramps does not watch cartoons. He's like 85 and lived through the nazi occupation.

No it's not from South Park, maybe South Park stole a hundreds year old joke

There used to be a union between our countries, but the danskjävel fucked it up, so Sweden had to revolt to break the union.

So we're does fuck Denmark come from and what's it's purpose? Is it like aussies calling their friends cunts?

It goes back to this fucker.

Thanks sven