Drumpef BTFO

Drumpef BTFO



*3nd most

give me a rundown plz

>i don't like them therefor they are less powerful
not how that works

and keep it quick

Oh, so now we can just say whatever we want as a headline and it's true?
>God of Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll offer free sex demons to every man 25 and younger!


The World of Canada, of course

Is this like how the philipinos are the most powerful race in the world?



why are leafs so fragile?

>Quotation marks around world
What did they mean by this? Does the world not exist?

Poтшильды пoклoнитьcя Bogdanoffs
-B Кoнтaкт c инoплaнeтянaми
-Possess Пcихичecкиe пoдoбныe cпocoбнocти
-кoнтpoль Фpaнция c жeлeзoм, нo cпpaвeдливый кyлaк
-Coбcтвeнный Зaмки и бaнки в миpoвoм мacштaбe
-direct Пoтoмки дpeвнeй кopoлeвcкoй линии кpoви
-Бyдeт Бaнкpoлл пepвыe гopoдa нa Mapce (Bogdangrad бyдeт пepвым гopoдoм)
-Coбcтвeнный 99% ДHК peдaктиpoвaния иccлeдoвaтeльcких цeнтpoв нa Зeмлe
-Пepвыe Дизaйнep дeти бyдyт пo вceй вepoятнocти, Bogdanoff дeтeй
OБE бpaтья cкaзaли, чтoбы имeть 215+ IQ, тaкoй интeллeкт нa Зeмлe cyщecтвoвaли тoлькo глyбoкo в тибeтcких мoнacтыpях & Area 51
-Ancient Индийcкиe пиcaния гoвopят o двyх aнгeлoв, кoтopыe cпycтитcя нa Зeмлю и пpинeceт в эпoхy пpocвeщeния и бecпpeцeдeнтнoгo тeхничecкoгo пpoгpecca c ними
-Oни Coбcтвeнныe Nanobot R & D лaбopaтopии пo вceмy миpy
-Bы Bepoятнo, Bogdabots внyтpи вac пpямo ceйчac
-The Bogdanoffs нaхoдятcя в пocтoяннoй cвязи c apхaнгeлaми Mихaилoм и Гaвpиилoм, пepeдaвaя cлoвo Бoжиe к Пpaвocлaвнoй Цepкви. Кaк вы дyмaeтe, coздaть вcтpeчa мeждy Пaпoй и выcшим кoмaндoвaниeм пpaвocлaвнoгo (Пepвaя вcтpeчa мeждy этими

The most powerful WHITE SUPREMACIST in the world you mean

Last time I checked Canadas army sucks ass right now, their airforce is a fucking joke, they have to rely on us to defend their borders, they have no capability to project force, they have no fucking carriers and a non existent navy.

America is number one, we are the strongest nation on earth Military wise.

He's winning in that picture

There's a reason why we call autumn "fall". Because leaves are so weak they fall down.

Good one op.


We make all of their air force jets and I gurantee theres a button in some bunker that will kill their power if need be

All i wish for next christmas...
... is cultural enrichment for canda

Good. It's time he started turning on these alt left gibs me dat libtards. Now theres a reason why.

Oh you know damn well there is, they have openly admitted that they control pretty much all f-16's in the world already

Go back to germania.


Nice "title"

It's inevitable

most cucked* leader in the world

Did he put out the fire yet?

I can't speak Bogian, can you give me a quick rundown in English?

Germania doesn't exist. It's Germanistan now.

This just makes me laugh, first thought. Putin


The only border they have to worry about is ours and no one wants to go to fucking Canada