Monkey dress up

Nigger wears MAGA dress
the left freaks out
so where is peta when you need them?
get this monkey back in its cage

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Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy.

is she /ourgirl/

She's making my dick great again.

Fuck off, leaf, you racist fucking shit.

She's a based black who wants to send em back

>Nigger wears MAGA dress
quadroon at most, whiter then america as a whole and probably whiter then you.

Get mad leaftard

you guys are shit skin loving pieces of trash
all niggers are black
no such thing as a black that isn't a fucking nigger
no such thing as a good black because all niggers are fucking scum
not some
every fucking coon in the universe is a fucking worthless future criminal even if they never commit crime they are still ugly as sin and deserve to die for being part of a uncivilized smelly repulsive crime driven race
fuck off negro lovers
its idiots like you that go out of your way to help lesser races because you feel bad
fucking IDIOTS look after the white race and ignore subhuman filth
let them take care of themselves.


>Google her music up
>Expect dumb nigger rap about drugs, muh bitches and money
>this one is the first result

I'm actually pleasantly surprised.

we wuz changs

Almost guaranteed whiter than that chink

>In trying to blaspheme against the nigger you fail to realize that you yourself have become a nigger


She's only 1/4 black, though. Her Dad's Italian, and her mom is mixed.

>She's only 1/4 black, though. Her Dad's Italian, and her mom is mixed.
She could be less then 1/4 or more then 1/4 depending on what half she got from her mother.

The Left calling people niggers now

We have won guys. We turned them into what they hate the most.

What a timeline

would smoke weed with her and have casual sex without the intent of procreation.

Someones girlfriend fucked a nigger.

Nah, she is not that beautiful. She however looks like somewhat decent person.

>400 tattoos

Man she's attractive.

Reminds me of when there were calls to "ban the Confederate (battle) flag"

Very mellow and has just a tiny bit of an Arabic feel to it.
Pretty calming overall.

a fucking leaf

haha, lol, i know right!!!!!

>A fucking leaf

Exactly. It is refreshing to see some gentle stuff instead of typical ghetto-huge-ass-bumping-against-the-camera while "singing" about selling drugs.


Clearly this is because of racism or something.

This one is my favorite.

Look at all that racism and white supremacy.

>She's a based black who wants to send em back

>my sides

Niggers trying to LARP as white people by wearing maga apparel

Threadly reminder that this is typical CTR behaviour: a person who seeks to create more division in the right wing.

Filthy degenerate. You will hang on DOTR

That pretty girl is whiter than half of Europe.

Why can't leafs do fucking anything right?

Meh i hate niggers as much as i hate liberals. I bro hugged a black man today. Hes a good man. Im a fat chain smoking drunk. Im to the point i just want to have a Son and go away. Im not even worthy of my name.

nupol : the thread

WTF I know like her now



>Im to the point i just want to have a Son and go away. Im not even worthy of my name.

Almost sounds like rap lyrics if they were more introspective and thoughtful.

get good nigga

too obvious shareblue

She has more courage than any of us will ever have

>tfw artists and actors find out they get more out of MAGA than virtue-signaling some lost libfag cause

Gonna be a good year.