This thread is for discussion of Italian politics, both in Italian and in English

This thread is for discussion of Italian politics, both in Italian and in English
>In questo thread si discuterà di politica italiana, in inglese e in italiano

>Italian Sup Forums Discord - Sup Forumsitica

>paid entrances the reason of protests

>protests continue

First for FISH TO FISH!


>paid entrances the reason of protests

L'articolo non spiega nulla di nuovo, ancora non capisco perche' i finocchietti di Bologna se la sono presa tanto per dei tornelli.

Io sgozzo i porcelli per sfizio


Comunque, the reasons of the protests might be legitimate as the entrances have to be paid to access the library. The other thing is also that now those rabid communists have a precedent to whine about poolece brutality.

Tornello fassista

Was in Italy 2 months ago, gonna go again very soon, I fell in love with the country and it's beautiful architecture and art.


>muh open self-managed university.

different words for the same thing: turn university into caretaking centres.

I understand that paying to enter the library is a dickmove, but they escalated too much.

hoping we have money to preserve our heritage :)

Pay attention to fascist turnelly

post cute girl(boy)

Ma che cazzo parlate inglese ricchioni

I can't find nothing about paying for enter.
It's a one time for the pass card? How much?

Some student from Bologna here?

Daily reminder that the only solution for this country is a dictatorship

>not an absolute monarchy

Just read about how Renzi ordered naked statues to be covered when the Iranian president visited a year ago. Just how cucked is Renzi? If I worked in the parliment building during say, a saudi's, visit, would he require that I wore a hijab? Pretty glad my ancestors left Italy at this point desu.


It was a dick move, literally

Perche non possono piu entrare per spacciare e drogarsi . Non e a pagamento , semplicemente non possono piu entrare esterni . E i sinistrati dicono MUH FASCISMO

Renzi got angry that time, anyway he is not the PM anymore so who cares

He is a faggot . Just like every politician in this countey

>paind entrances
it would be preferable, but as far as I've been told it's going to be enrolled students only
Which isn't the worst case scenario, but it's far from optimal setups

Only for the cameras I think.

Same party as the current guy.

Ovviamente dov'è che si poteva metastasizzare il cancro liberale americano? Bologna ovviamente.

Avrei pregato che mettessero i tornelli alla nostra facoltà perché i posti per studiare sono ridottissimi e i tizi delle altre facoltà ci fregano i posti.

Per non parlare degli schifosi che hanno fatto casino alla Maker Faire di Roma del 2015 perché "muh La Sapienza è umanistica abbasso la tecnologia!!!1", luridi bastardi magari la Maker Faire la facessero da noi.

Still, even in my cucked country, the thought of the president personally ordering the covering of naked statues in a museum would be unthinkable. Making women wear hijabs for diplomatic visits would cause huge protests, yet, Sweden and Germany do it regularly.

PD is a meme party with people from all over the political spectrum(not right wing obviously)

Bologna ha il suo cancro liberale sviluppato in anni di lassismo e sinistra

Ma perché proprio Bologna? Cioè, qual è il motivo per cui fra tutte le città italiane Bologna è la più stereotipicamente comunista?

In Italia chi rappresenta l'alt-right?

Daily reminder that mussolini was a genius who predicted white genocide near a century before it got actual; that manafed to avoid a German invasion of Italy and that was a healthy fascist (whitout being a mass murdering totalitarian madman) and that you niggers killed him.
You deserved mani pulite, tangentopoli and Berlusconi


>inb4 M5S


Sapienza here
It was more for the fact that the città universitaria was literally fucking closed to students and they had to pay a ticket to enter (even if with a reduced price), lessons were suspended and so was literally all work inside città universitaria, I think library was also closed. This made a lot of students fucking livid
It wasn't a nice week/month, they could have made better arrangements with the university but neither organizers or rectorate was interested

As far as muh humanities goes, Città Universitaria doesn't have as amny as you think

La Lazio

L'unica cosa che il movimento 5 stalle può rappresentare è l'evoluzione della p2 in un'era di globalizzazione forzata

Penso che sia un processo durato un secolo e mezzo
Tieni conto che fino all'Unificazione stavamo sotto al Papa, e da qui forse é nata la prima insofferenza all'autorità forte. Durante il fascismo a Bologna ci fu l'attentato a Mussolini, questo ti fa capire il clima politico che, come poi in tutta l'Emilia, si respirava a Bologna. Mettici la Resistenza e il quadro é più chiaro. La maggior parte dei sinistroidi a contrario di come si pensa non viene da famiglie bene ma dalle periferie, e in periferia ci sono posti veramente dimmerda
Poi per carità, qualche sindaco rosso buono c'é stato, ma i sinistroidi mi han cagato il cazzo, poi scopri che la metà non son neppure bolognesi e ti incazzi ancora di più

Ho riso assai.

Make Lazio Great Again!



PD is a hodgepodge, but to be completely fair both Renzi and Gentiloni originally came from the same party (Rutelli's Margherita).

La vita è come la minchia, a volte si fa dura senza motivo.

Chi /orobico/ quì?

>was literally fucking closed to students
For ONE FUCKING WEEKEND, not weeks, neither months.
A Weekend.
I could understand having to pay to enter the University, but then again it wasn't for a month, just the weekend. Besides we're talking about Rome here, it's not like there's no other place to study in peace.

Io lo dico che il M5S è letteralmente il CTR/Shareblue italiano.