Red pill me about genetically modified food pls

Red pill me about genetically modified food pls.

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attempts to copyright food


GMOs are organisms that have their DNA modified to change the characteristics of the organism. I'm sure you knew that part, but the part that everyone's up-in-arms about is that it's not perfect, but we're being subjected to it anyway.

The fact is that any change may not affect us at all, but since things that are poisonous or carcinogenic or damaging to humans in some way aren't really that different from the things that aren't, the possibility exists that the changes that made that soybean more resistant to disease also causes colon cancer after 20 years of consuming them. Nobody knows. Odds are pretty good that we aren't being poisoned really, but there's another aspect that has everyone up-in-arms. One example is a soybean introduced by Monsanto. This bean can be sprayed with round-up, which is an herbicide that devastates nearly any plant it touches. Even the residue is poison, but these beans ignore it. Unfortunately, that means that the fields saturated with round-up require continued applications to keep the weeds out still, but those fields are not toxic to everything BUT those beans, and they're expensive. Additionally, Monsanto made damn sure you couldn't re-seed with your own grow, as all the seeds are sterile, so you have to always buy them. Remember the poisoned fields that will only support that one soybean? You can grow shit on them for years after stopping round-up, so unless you're prepared to lose large tracts of your productive land for years while they flush out, you're limited to only growing that bean. You can't even rotate crops.

They end up on our tables without us knowing and enslave farmers and farmland. The concept isn't necessarily evil, but the applications have been pretty fucking bad.

It's mostly fine. The fear comes from ignorance and Monsanto being kikes.

It's like global warming. Might be good or bad depends who you want to believe. I think it's great for globalists and large corporations.

GMO?sure thing.
also instead 'red pill' use 'tell' please
GMOs have the ability to be resilient to stronger pesticides and so farms can use these to eradicate various herbs,insects and fungi.
Flavr Savr Tomatoes for example have some of the chemicals for decomposition removed so it can have a longer shelf life. all and all GMOs are completely safe.The fear of GMOs comes from ignorance.

Essentially good thing, but as usual, jews try to gain total control over it and use it to grab shekels and cuck goyim.

Agreed, but the ignorance isn't the kind that can be easily corrected. Even Monsanto is ignorant about their own products. They proved it by being stumped when other organisms started evolving to compensate for the modifications they made with their own products. To trust that nothing could possibly go wrong that could harm us ultimately would be naive. Knowing ANYTHING about Monsanto and still trusting would be mental illness.

>GMOs are completely safe.
Monsanto and their investors thanks you for your support.

I prefer to just throw apples randomly out on my field and wait until something good sprouts out.
>literally how McIntosh was invented

>also instead 'red pill' use 'tell' please
I hate the red-pill meme. How many decades do I have to red-pill people before everyone thinks it's as gay as I do?

please elaborate on your claim.

Blame the kike's
A Jewish family of slaves owners started Monsanto GMO
(((Monsanto))) owned 40â„… of America's black slave's

Look, just avoid hfcs and any artificial sugar and you'll be fine.

You should probably avoid real sugar, too.


A lot of nonsense is going about the GMO, mostly in retarded murrica.

You can feed humanity because you can make crops immune to many if not all pestilence.

Collateral victims include/could include Bees that are essential for most pollination.

A modified product can be made better (eg. not harmful to bees), a banned product cannot. (humanity will starve)

...Well, that is.. if western world could or would share food with shithole countries.

But atleast we could in theory make much better crops for the shitholes too if they ever care to do something productive.

The modifications themselves aren't dangerous.

But it allows the use of dangerously large quantities of pesticides that kill all non-GMO organisms.

Humans have been genetically modifying food ever since we started cultivating things in the stone age. The only real difference between then and now is that we've gotten much more skilled at it and can make changes directly rather than through longer term breeding programs.

The only real downside is that now you've got multinational corporations like Monsanto who can copyright their crops and then when they inevitably get loose in the world and out-compete and kill off the other strains Monsanto gets to come in and sue the fuck out of everyone for violating their copyright when really it was just some broke ass farmer trying to grow some corn.

Thats actually not how it works. It's more genious and more scary than that.

The plants are engineered to produce natural pesticide themselves.

They're mostly ok. I don't think there's any GMO that can damage a human being. The problem comes from plants being modified to be resistant to certain pesticides, which are later abused and can contaminate the soil and the water.

nothing wrong with them.

>The plants are engineered to produce natural pesticide themselves.
See my first post.

>The plants are engineered to produce natural pesticide themselves.

No they're not.
Or at least it isn't common.

Because if the plants make pesticides themselves then how would companies like Monsanto make money on the long run?
Selling pesticides is where the real money is.

I know you might not be on top of technology in Serbia, but come on, You are on the internet here.

Nobody knows why bees are going extinct.

But it's most likely a combination of excessive pesticide use and competition from honey bees (note it's only wild bees that go extinct, not domesticated honey bees)

Shit is this the first time I get to redpil someone

thanks for the link brb

Liberals and hippies hate them for reasons so they are /ourfood/

Every bit of food you have ever eaten throughout your entire life has been genetically modified. Ever since humans cultivated food, be it plant, or animal has been modified.

Here you go OP

>in the EU, biopesticides have been defined as "a form of pesticide based on micro-organisms or natural products"

Not GMO except in rare cases.

half the world would have starved to death if not for GMOs, fruit and vegetables have become much larger and yield more thanks to them
that's all the red pilling you need, the only people who think GMOs are bad are dumbshit vegans

literally breeding apples. that's all it is

Just another example of arrogant prics overestimating their understanding of science and the risks involved in order to squeeze every last joule of energy from an already pretty much tapped out planet in order to grow an already unsustainable population of pretty much mindless consumers (see nuclear power).

They're generally harmless and safe and offer a lot of potential benefits. The only people who worry about them a lot are either uneducated spergs or worried about something only tangential and business related like patenting of biology or Monsanto being awful.

It's still gene modified food, and you have to admit its perhaps even more scary than just resistance to pesticides.

Splicing genes into fruits/vegetables to resist pesticides isn't the same as selective breeding. This argument is a huge red herring

2 real issues - first of all do you really trust private companies with this, and second of all it allows for a greater carrying capacity for the planet and we have too many people as is

That's a fine line.
GMOs that have everyone upset are that way because someone literally took out one piece of DNA and inserted another. The changes are intentional and likely altruistic in the base form, but that's not where the process ends. What comes out is usually a bastardization that not only overcomes something important biologically, but also makes sure they profit from it by changing a lot of things that don't have anything to do with good intentions at all. Great, we have corn that doesn't mold. That probably didn't hurt anything, but what about the 25 other changes that were made that made the plants sterile and resistant to pesticides and herbicides that the company also sells?

Hybrid organic tomatoes that grow bigger and are more disease-resistant because they were cross-pollinated with strains that were aren't upsetting anyone.

Its literally the exact same thing, only the process is more precise and the failure rate is much lower.

And this.

This furor over gmos is total hysteria caused by ignorance and feels. Aka the two hallmarks of all liberal protests.

It's completely absurd and frankly, it's slowing human progress, which should be a crime.

Its not only that. There are various parasites and diseases that prey on bees in their hives.

Even if domesticated honey bees wont go extinct they are still getting hit hard recently, read up on colony collapse disorder, europe is having extreme trouble with it

Now, i mean.

Just entrust it to government organizations then who can't patent it.

I don't think you know what literally means

This post will be ignored by the ravenous consumers on this board because stuffing their fat faces with the world's energy then shitting everywhere and throwing it at each other is more fun than thinking about stuff.

>half the world would have starved to death if not for GMOs
Yes Goyim, how are all those Starving Africans™ supposed to survive without high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and soybean oil?

ALL bees are under threat you clot
The longer wetter winter over here is killing them

What are you talking about? In America a shit ton of domestic honey bees have gone extinct. IIRC at some point they thought that 80-90% had died.

But i do. Just because we have microscopes now doesnt mean the process of selecting favorable traits has changed.

So its the usual shit. Product is fine but the company pushing it is utter cancer. Thanks kikes

Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals.Canola oil is a natural pesticide and 93% of all canola's are GMOs however,the biopesticide is not made from it being a GMO,the GMOs make it resistant to strong pesticides.

look up nassim taleb for the intro to the true gmo redpill. anyone pro gmo is either a shill or just a tard

All european honey bees, which are the most common bee in the world, wild or otherwise, experience colony collapse disorder. It has been proven that pesticides are causing it. Beekeepers are refusing to service fields that use certain pesticides now as a blanket policy.

The known diseases and parasites are not colony collapse disorder. It's only pesticides.

>their effects on humans and living organisms are studied, but not well enough
>their effects on ecosystems have been studied and they are detrimental to natural ecosystems
>they mix with wildtype organisms and this modified genetic code is introduced into wildtype organisms - once this happens we cannot selectively remove the modifications

Monsanto being bad is a leftist meme. Not one person can point to a single concrete thing they are doing that is ethically wrong. It's like with Shekelli, you hear about him and think he's the worst person in the universe, but as soon as he clarifies what he is actually doing it makes sense and is reasonable.

The real kikes are anti-GMO shills, and as usual they bring tons of useful idiots with them.

Hybrids and cross-breeds aren't GMOs. Only GENETICALLY MODIFIED organisms are GMOs. GMOs are very, very recent.

Humans have always genetically modifiied crops because of selective breeding. Now what has happened in the past is companies like Monsanto have modified some crops to not grow seeds and only they can grow the seeds, which they sell to farmers in places like India, but they also pushed the Indian govt to ban some crops that produce seeds so now thw farmers can only buy seeds from Monsanto. There was a drought some years back and a lot of the crops failed which led many to commit suicide becuase the seeds are expensive and they couldnt replant the failed crop becuase they didnt at least produce seeds like they normally would have, even if they didnt grow properly.

its a scam for coorporations to own seeds and crops

once theyre GMO shit blows over into family farm, they accidentally grow someone else's "intellectual property"

they now have their seed destroyed and Monsanto owns their crops

one day everything will be GMO and you wont be able to get food from anyone else

Artificial Selection, look it up.

>we have too many people as is
I always forget about that point.
Bring on the GMOs!

>Monsanto made damn sure you couldn't re-seed with your own grow, as all the seeds are sterile, so you have to always buy them.

I feel like this is kind of justified though. Otherwise how would you ever get rid of a GMO crop once It's planted? If it gets out of control, starts growing somewhere it shouldn't, etc? Would you put Round-Up on it?

They're not selecting anything. They are replacing certain genes with others that are completely different. We don't know what the long term effects of consuming these mutations are, not to mention the long term effects on the environment of spraying huge amounts of Roundup

> What is a revolving door
Just look up Monsanto's lobbying and relationship with the government and certain officials.
Also look up Anniston, Alabama, Monsanto spend decades dumping toxic waste there unbeknownst to anybody and covered it up and now it's a Superfund site.

>their effects on humans and living organisms are studied, but not well enough
>their effects on ecosystems have been studied and they are detrimental to natural ecosystems
Incorrect again,GMOs are not damaging but the Pesticides the are sprayed with are.
>they mix with wildtype organisms and this modified genetic code is introduced into wildtype organisms - once this happens we cannot selectively remove the modifications
this doesn't happen,also why would you think we can't remove the undesired traits?

That's not GMO you dumbshit, just as modern dog breeds are not GMO. They have been selected for their traits, but their DNA has not been specifically edited by us.

CCD has been irrefutably linked to certain pesticides, and beekeepers are refusing service to those who use them. This is a very recent development, and will probably spread to the point of making these pesticides go away. There's hope.

The way it's handled is pretty shitty with copyrights and what not but it is going to be required for the human race to survive. It's either that or start culling Logan's Run style.

You're too drunk for this, kurwa. You literally defeated your own point in one sentence.

Isn't it frustrating? Doesn't it suck to realize things that you know nobody else even notices, then watching them continue to make the same mistakes?

just as modern dog breeds are not GMO.
no.there has been genetic changes between the dog and the wolf.

Read it again - the products aren't "fine" as we simply don't know.
The manufacturers are indeed greedy fucks, though.

Except that we are not at this point either. Most of current GMO stuff isn't custom edited, but effectively a genetic copy-paste from one organism to another.
When CRISPR-CAS9 becomes widespread, it might start to be a thing, but not yet.
Also, you can still re-seed. Issue is the next generation won't be nearly as productive due to how the method of producing the GMO happens to work.

Domesticated bees going extinct won't be a big problem.
They are very inefficient at pollinating.

But if wild bees, especially bumblebees, go extinct then many plants will have a very hard time reproducing.

forgot to add
>just as modern dog breeds are not GMO.

this is total bullshit. we have been genetically modifying foods since day one of agriculture.

>what is selective breeding

so fuck off dumbass

>Patent life (especially seeds)
>Sue farmers for saving seeds to replant, which was one of the driving forces of agriculture for millenia
>Bovine Growth Hormone scandal
>Sue farmers if their own crops are contmainated by GMO
>Sue states if they try to label foods that are GMO, by claiming that it is giving an "unfair advantage" to non-gmos
>Creating a monopoly on seeds
>Bt Corn , that produces its own pesticides that wild animals will barely even touch
>Spray glyphosate on everything
>Created Agent Fucking Orange which ended up killing American soldiers in the Vietnam War
Anyone got anything else to add to the list?

or it will be casually discarded as idiotic bullshit from a person who doesn't understand genetics and the fact we have been GMO'ing food since 30,000 BC

Nobody's bitching about hybrids, idiot.

You are a fucking numbskull who had bought into the scare tactics of liberal hippies.

You have an orange tree orchard. Over time, you notice you have a tree thats a little more resistant to cold weather. Now, hundreds of years ago, you would have had to, through trial and error, breed trees with that trait, a process that can take years. Now, through the magic of science, which you are lacking knowledge of, we can look at its genetic make up and select the trait out and get the same exact result we could hundreds of years ago much faster, without trial and error.

Please educate YOURSELF on the subject and quit buying in to fear mongering from liberals.

>we need government controlling business
>business and government are intertwined REEEEEEE
how the irony escapes you guys is beyond me

>Monsanto got screwed on their waste disposal decades ago and settled out of court
Stuff that happens to every big company, ever. Oh, the humanity

One tactic is to actually let it get out of control.

Then sue any farmer that accidentally got some GMO seeds mixed in his normal seeds.
Effectively makes non-GMO illegal.

You forgot massive liver damage from Roundup. Monsanto has known how dangerous it is and buried the research.

If rampant edible crop infestations were a problem, hunger wouldn't be. Their motivations are purely to sell more seeds and chemicals.

It turn on and off human genes. And pretty much a jew.

They are studied, but not well enough. Us arguing about this is like arguing about a medical technology with risk. It may benefit us, but there is a small chance that it can go very, very wrong. Who's right then?

>this doesn't happen.
yes it does. google it. i've googled it for you. GMO strains mix with wildtype plants. do you know how to perfectly remove a genetic sequence without consequence? what happens if we find out that the genes we modified had, for example, downstream effects on the genome? Or that the genes were inserted in multiple places, and we don't know exactly where? Which genes were present before our insertion, and which ones were put in by us? The reality is that we do not fully understand the effects of the technology we are using.

Regarding mixing of wildtype, i googled it for you

Roundup - which is the trade name of glyphosate - is an intersting herbicide, it is entirely absorbed through growing foliage, and once it hits the soil it becomes nearly (but not completely) inactive (you can even spray around tree trunks, provided there aren't wounds in the bark). You can spray just before or after sowing, as the seeds aren't affected. My grandfather brought a some wheat fields that the previous farmer couldn't get a return on in the 70s, just as roundup became available, and it was miraculous, suddenly all the twitch and other weeds just vanished.
So no, fields sprayed by roundup aren't then limited to GM soy. In fact, you can use less roundup, because you can target the weeds while your resistant crop is growing.
That's not to say there aren't potential issues - roundup may build up in some soils - but actually this lessens the problem. Also, some plant viruses may cause genes may hop from your GM plant to weeds, so we could end up with resistant weeds (though some resistance has developed naturally, particularly in twitch).

The patent issue is a tricky one. It stops farmers from keeping seed back for the next year, and the variety of crops reduces. Patents only last 20-25 years, and they don't stop people growing traditional varieties if they want (there's a potential infringing cross-pollination problem, which should be dealt with by legislation).

>next generation won't be nearly as productive
Not always true, but equally effective.

Specifically editing the DNA is objectively better and safer, results in much less random variation and allele crossover, much less potential negative mutations, and a much greater guarantee of expected traits.

They increased all the estrogen

You are implying that the process of gene editing, as done in laboratories creating GMO, are the same as someone picking and choosing which organisms to breed in order to select for certain traits.

Did you take biology in school? Have you ever studied mendelian genetics and the like?

>Patent life (especially seeds)
Of course, because seeds with a particular genetic makeup ARE THEIR FUCKING PRODUCT

>Sue farmers for saving seeds to replant, which was one of the driving forces of agriculture for millenia
Nobody stops farmers from using regular seeds. They chose to buy Monsanto's product and sign a contract saying they won't save seeds. Then they broke that contract.

>Sue farmers if their own crops are contaminated by GMO
A farmer got sued because his crop was over 90% Monsanto GMO crop, even though he had no license to use it. You don't "contaminate" 90% of your crop with exactly identical GMO DNA on accident. He tried to screw them and got caught.

>Sue states if they try to label foods that are GMO, by claiming that it is giving an "unfair advantage" to non-gmos
And the courts will decide who is in the right.

>Creating a monopoly on seeds
Literally not true. They defend their carefully crafted GMOs by declaring the genetic makeup their intellectual property. If they couldn't do this, they would have no business.

>Bt Corn , that produces its own pesticides that wild animals will barely even touch
This is bad how?

>Spray glyphosate on everything

>Created Agent Fucking Orange which ended up killing American soldiers in the Vietnam War
I guess any creator of firearms is inherently evil, too?


> how the irony escapes you guys is beyond me
What are you talking about? No government/business is perfect but if you don't want some level of business oversight by the government you're a fucking ancap autist. If we didn't Monsanto would have just kept dumping and the town would be uninhabitable by now.
Interesting, do you have a source on it being damaging?
> Studied, but not well enough
Based on what arbitrary personally-derived criterion you have? Scientists in multiple fields with better credentials than you have developed their own criterion and they heavily seem to agree that they're safe.

Yeah, but the issue is that this is more of a limitation on how genetics works (Functionally, what they do is mix AA and BB plants to create the AB seeds that are the best ones, but due to Mendel, next geenration will only be 50% AB), rather than how (((Monsanto))) are dicks.
They are still kikes though.
>Mfw it's mostly their fault that GMOs have a bad name.

Are you high? Do you realize that trillions of domestic bees are transported thousands of miles to pollinate farms? They literally load hundreds of hives onto semis and drive them all over to pollinate things because any other method is the least efficient. There are places in China that rely purely on thousands of hours of human hand-pollination because the bees are gone. Do you think wild bees are even remotely plentiful enough to keep up with agriculture?

>What are you talking about? No government/business is perfect but if you don't want some level of business oversight by the government you're a fucking ancap autist. If we didn't Monsanto would have just kept dumping and the town would be uninhabitable by now.
What I'm saying is that you can't call for massive government oversight and regulation of certain businesses and then cry about those businesses seeking to have good relations with the government.

>muh Roundup
kys, you meme spouting faggot

>objectively better and safer
Prove it nigga.

>results in much less random variation and allele crossover
GMO organisms are exempt from genetic crossover and variation?

>much less potential negative mutations
So GMO do not reproduce sexually? They are not subject to the same rules of genetic mutation as they reproduce?