The Goals of Cultural Marxism are to destroy the Family, Christianity, Private Property and your Nation...

The Goals of Cultural Marxism are to destroy the Family, Christianity, Private Property and your Nation. Marxists believe that these are intrinsically anti-Communist and must go in order to usher in the Revolution and so have gathered a loose alliance of feminists, minorities, LGBT, muslims etc. to bring this about.

HOWEVER, despite many successes, things aren't totally going to plan eg. Trump, populism etc. so I'm asking:

"What do you think will be the ACTUAL end result of Cultural Marxism?"

Other urls found in this thread:

A huge swing to the right by a younger generation fed up with the liberal policies of their parents.

Has anyone else noticed the /leftpol/ invasion on other boards and even here, trying to make it look like the Frankfurt School and critical theory was a good thing?


Friendly reminder Communism is an international revolution, not something relegated only to the Soviet Union or ching chong Chinese.

Generation Z is going to continue on with the torch we've started and I don't think they'll be as forgiving and passive as our generation has been.

Screw the end result, I want to know why no conspiracy nut has ever tried to kill the end bosses of his conspiracy. Like Sup Forums and Soros.

Maybe. Pic related

Beats me. Seems that a lot of our elites were in on it already

>dont engage with the literature
>dont engage with the opposing viewpoint
>mischaracterize a concept you don't understand
>associate it with the ills of society
>build elaborate stories, fears, explanations and predictions off of a malformed boogeyman
>say anything contradicting your narrative and characterization is ignorant, misinformed, dimwitted, or an evil conspiracy
>masturbate to fantasies of validation

This is the thought process of people who lack critical faculties. OP and those alike are no different than SJWs.

Woah woah no good points on Sup Forums please

The total eradication of international jewry from the West.

See what I mean?

lol don't disagree with me!!!!!

Reddit pls go

feels like seizing the means of prodution in here

never used reddit, been on Sup Forums since 12

anyone who disagrees with me is a communist

I remember this phase

Kek. Yes I do. This topic is like a magnet to Marxoids!
Last time this was put up it seemed to be suddenly flooded by leftypol - obviously theres nothing to this (or the Long March through the Institutions!)

I'm not making a point about my/any political stance and I do so very consciously for 2 reasons:

1) Because the crime here isn't the ideology of anti-Cultural Marxism or Cultural Marxism itself, the true crime is the apparent lack of self-criticism or substantive engagement of any concrete material from any side.

2) Because I knew someone was going to respond with something to the affect of "chekk this cultural marxie," and nothing gives me such perverse joy as going to Sup Forums and seeing that the people so viciously contend for an ideology are usually extremely unknowledgable about it or its opponents.

*that so viciously contend

This is just a religious right justification to force their bullshit on our country.

The end of western civilization

China, Russia (with its reclaimed territories of Ukraine and Belarus) and Thailand will be what picks up the pieces

>Me smart
>Sup Forums stupid

Neo-Marxism, the new left, critical theory, cultural Marxism, that's all semantics. What really matters the effects it has led to. After the failure of revolution, and the failure of numerous Marxist regimes to achieve proper socialism, these champagne socialist """intellectuals""" intended on achieving communism through other means. Unfortunately for every white person, and working class person this meant, the substitute of the base and the superstructure in terms of importance.

I agree with the greentext (more the latter line than the former), which is why I call it a perverse joy. viva kek.

Can you see at all in your statement that you've not made one substantive point against cultural marxism or refuted one line from their works? There is plenty to refute and disagree with, and my problems with it are abundant. What I'm hoping to do (besides be a shit on a message board) is have you question if you're really making a good point against marxist thought or if you're just shit-spewing an equally uninformed youtube video to an audience you hope jacks off with you

note: only one of those two things isn't degenerate

And I agree with you when you said:
>the true crime is the apparent lack of self-criticism or substantive engagement of any concrete material from any side

It will just be a back and forth engagement, of accusing each other of not knowing anything.

I do however stand by what I said earlier. I feel as if the new left has become a circle-jerk of bourgeois Bolsheviks, that have moved from workers rights to identity politics. Hence why Marxism is more popular on university campuses instead of among the working class. This is what I meant when I said:
>the substitute of the base and the superstructure in terms of importance.

I personally am from and lower-middle class background, and am culturally and socially and traditionalist. Economically sympathetic to Third Position. Specifically Strasserism, Falangism, syndicalism etc.