I love how you sheltered little kids hate Islam, but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives...

I love how you sheltered little kids hate Islam, but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives. Why don't you go to a mosque and speak to some Muslims? Have a conversation with an imam and let him help you understand the Quran. Get an actual education that isn't nonsense from the media and anti Islam memes. Learn to not be so afraid of people who are different than you.

>Inb4 achmed

I'm a white male and a non Muslim. Muslims are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet. If you would just stop believing the media, propaganda sites, your conservative parents, etc. and go out and meet some Muslims, you would see that for yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:


How about I go directly to the middle east and carpet bomb every single country? Instead, I'll just spice up this bot post with some SAGE.


You're right Ill go to a mosque and make the canada attack look like a fucking joke, thanks for the insperation cuckold

I have spoken to a mudslime. Nothing good came of it.

As someone who lives 10 minutes outside Rotherham, I can confirm OP is a faggot.

>Implying a lot
I'm glad you've had a pleasant experience with Muslims... Judging by your post, a Shia? How would I know that?

I'm a fat neckbeard who lives in my mom's basement BTW

i've been to london where they now infest the streets of the city.
they don't want to talk to you.

What you've spoken too retard, are muslims who've lived their ENTIRE LIFE in America or another Western Democracy. Muslims in the middle east are not how you described in the slightest. They'd all call the ones living here not real muslims as well.

>They'd all call the ones living here not real muslims as well.

Because they are not.

Fuck you I'm from Michigan those people are a virus

Op is a naive liberal idiot


I'm an ex muslim.
What's your point, faggot?

>democrats have trouble connecting islam and terrorism
>ISIS has no trouble connecting islam and terrorism

Moderate Muslims are fine, well educated and genuinely good people. The problem is there is a massive amount on uneducated Muslims who don't even understand their own religion but use it as a justification for whatever selfish shit they want to do, they are scum.

nt ShariaBlue

>but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives.

I don't speak arabic

As someone who grew up in the shithole that is Birmingham, OP is full of shit.

Muslims living in their own countries are fine. Just please allow us white chrisitians to live amongst ourselves.

Stop romantacizimg them retard, they're not all Jazmine from Aladdin, they're savages. They'll be nice in a mosque just like an alcoholic wife beater acts nice in church.

Kek I live in Frankfurt which is shitskin and feminist capital fuck off you shill

ALL muslims are bad. The only Arabs that are normal are the ones who despise Islam and don't practice religion.

Everybody else, start an argument and throw in sharia watch the reaction be "EVERTHING IN SHARIA IS JUSTIFIED"

i know plenty of muslims. i don't want them dead or gone, only you. and only because you've demonstrated that you're too stupid to be here.
we have enough sub-human garbage here. you're useless to us. leave, you are no longer welcome here.

Spoken to muslims

don't care

send them back


Gr8 b8 faggot.

fucking mudshit

I know of several Muslims and they are very fond of letting EVERYONE know they are. I am only acquainted to one who works at a gas station in my town and he is pretty based.

I don't need to have aids to know that it sucks.

My highschool was full of Muslims.

I can tell you that their culture is 100% incompatible with ours. They were the only ones getting in fights, they jumped people constantly (5 guys on 1), they are completely fucking rude, and they turn their houses into complete shitholes.

Because every damn muslim in my town is a pretentious piece of garbage that won't even speak to any non-muslim. I have no clue where they came from, one day everyone here was white, the next you can't go out without seeing an arab. If they were nice people i wouldn't give a shit, but they'll just straight ram into you on the sidewalk and keep walking like they didn't do a damn thing wrong.

>1 post
What a fucking shocker

I just moved out of an area of London that is 40% muslim.
They are literally worse than niggers and destroy everything they touch.
Drug dealing, alcoholism, degeneracy, then these niggers would go to the mosque and try to act pious.
Somali men walking around in western clothing smoking a cigarette with their wife in a garbage bag and their 12 gimmigrant offspring walking 10 feet behind the husband.
They had to build a fence around the train tracks in the area because so many Pakistani muslim women were killing themselves because of forced marriages, where they would be sent back to Pakistan for life basically.
Did I met some ok ones? Yes.
Can mass immigration of muslims work in the west? No.

>Muslims are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet

you could replace muslim with blondes and youd get the same result. just because theres alot of them, dosnt mean its okay. and theres probably more muslims then blondes

>I love how you sheltered little kids hate ,blondes but you've never even spoken to a blonde in your lives. Why don't you go to a barber shop and speak to some blondes? Have a conversation with an barber and let him help you understand the hair colour. Get an actual education that isn't nonsense from the media and blonde jokes. Learn to not be so afraid of people who are different than you.

>Inb4 hans

I'm a white male and a non blonde. blondes are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet. If you would just stop believing the media, propaganda sites, your conservative parents, etc. and go out and meet some blondes, you would see that for yourself.

True. The real muslims are those isis faggots and the ones who support them.

Muslim here, thank you for the kind words OP.

Everybody hates Islam.

I spoke to a muslim man once, he married my cousin. His breath constantly reeked of cumin.

Smelly subhuman Pakis should be fed into furnaces. They aren't people, regardless of which faith they happen to profess.


My cousin is a goat by the way.

Muslims definitely know how to treat their women.

Other than that, losers with low IQ bowing down many times a day like idiots.

That whore is showing too much ankle, stone her to death.

I tried using surah 33:53 to teach a Muslim that Allah is Muhammad's sock puppet, but he just yelled at me and called me a bigot. This is why I don't speak to Muslims.

You're a dumbass, the US has gay pride being brainwashed on a daily basis, and Muslims dont respect that shit. If you want to live peacefully with muslims all degenerative behavior needs to be purged. Kind of hard to respect the US if your religion condemns transgenders and miley cyrus.

A muslim ban protects both the us and islam. Our retarded atheistic values here arent good enough for muslims.

I have known many muslims and they do not fit anything you describe. In fact the weird thing is they are a lot like Sup Forums users but they just can talk about killing jews and hating women because of their culture, it's very strange.

wtf I love Islam now.

>said no sane person ever.

I have three great Muslim friends. All are older GenX like me, late 40s. One is apolitical. Two voted for Trump (even though they had doubts about him) because they fear radical Islamic terror becoming the norm in this country.

I also had a good Muslim friend who ran a store in my neighborhood. He was my original redpill as he was totally woke, loved infowars, liveleak and whatreallyhappened.com. He trusted no government and thought Americans were nice people but foolish. He was unable to overcome the PTSD of his growing up years in Sadaam Hussein's Libya and his conflicts about his religion; he was very devout, Islam was immensely important to him, but he also recognized the problems with Islam worldwide. A divorce from his beloved wife precipitated his suicide. May he RIP.

I'm pretty sure he would've voted for Trump. He got it about what was going on with Islamic imperialism and globalism in Europe. He saw the rapefugee invasion coming and predicted it in, I think it was, 2011.

My experience of Muslims tells me that we are absolutely correct about the threat immigration from the modern Middle East poses to our values, our way of life, and our countries here in the West. The older immigrants from that part of the world, like the parents of my GenX friends, are fine. But it has to stop there. That's it. Done. And the Middle East MUST be purged of radical Islam and stabilized completely, by force if necessary.

Sheltered little kid calls me a sheltered little kid.

Hey OP, spend some time serving in Afghanistan as I did mate. Then we'll talk. Until then I'll continue to view you as a worthless little pussy. And you know what, all muslims would actually agree with me.

You have 'given them your ass'. That's the saying they have for people like you.

I don't hate Islam. It should stay in muslim countries. That's it.

>The Muslims I personally know and interact with are good people, that means there aren't any problems within the Islamic community

Let me guess OP, you also think terrorism is just a response to colonialism/imperialism and the crimes of the west.

Please watch the following video, it gave me a different perspective and challenged my assumptions when I was as ignorant and naive as you currently are



>Locals of a country being invaded aren't too fond of interacting with their invaders
Wow, I'm shocked!

Taqiyya allows muslims to lie to avoid persecution and also BAIT!!!!!!

>Muslims are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet

false, false and false
If you wanna go by personal experience:
All the over 40 muslims i've met are wary bigots and mildly xenophobic
All the under 30-20 muslims i've met are either ashamed of admitting heritage or hate their parentage for said bigotry

I've read and listened the fucking quran and is fucking christianity all over again:
preach something but do something else
write something and pretend you're taking inspiration from it

That's my experience of younger/contemporary Muslims and newer immigrants, definitely.

Older ones who immigrated in the '60s and '70s seem fine, most of their kids too (who are now in their 40s and 50s.) But the newer ones, watch out.

>I'm a white male
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies

Wow. You gave me a (you)

And here I was thinking you were a 1 post only kinda guy

You're a very sheltered person. You obviously have no real experience outside your little world. Your thought about life only reflect what you've seen.

Leave real life to those of us whobhave lived it. My nation went in a peace keeping capacity. Building infrastructure; water irrigation systems, schools, hospitals. We supported local law enforcement and helped train their troops. They were happy to see us.

Seems the only ones who didn't like us being there were the Taliban. And you.

Again mate, piss off, regardless of whether you a 16 years of age or actually 25. You are a literal child.

I read the quran and didn't like it at all. I've talked to Muslims, and they're usually like other Americans I've met: a mixed bag of good and bad.

It's a religion. The devout are fucked up, the moderate are just regular Americans that may or may not drink/eat pork. Whatever.

Yeah, it's like conservative, fundie Christianity with fangs. On steroids. And an extra swig of Haterade.

It's incomprehensible to me that libshits defend it. All I can say is that that was a hell of a brainwashing job you coordinated, Soros, marxists et al. Impressive shit.

One of my closest friends is ex muslim. He says most muslims are normal decent people DESPITE Islam. He has told me he hates how an evil cult has brainwashed his parents from birth. He has lived through and survived Islam and he despises it.

Hadith can go to hell. They're as much of fanfics as apologetics of the church fathers.

desu I don't hate Muslims I just hate middle Easterners. They make Muslims look bad. Muslims from Southeast Asia are better

>O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity.
How is this related to sockpuppetry? Or is it that Muhammad is such a beta that he can't just tell people to leave and needs to blog about it?

>I love how you sheltered little kids hate Islam, but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives.

I've spoken to plenty of muslims.
Most of them aren't bad people but their values are incompatible with our society.
They honestly believe that freedom of speech does not include offending their favorite magical man in the sky and you should be processed for it, that gays should be killed, etc.

I don't want to exterminate them like all the edgy stormfags here but I don't want them in my country either.

Two of my friends are sand niggers who are "moderate" muslims. Go gamble and drink together. They aight.

>Moderate Muslims are fine,

There's no such thing as a moderate muslim.
They all fundamentally believe in the core values of Islam, regardless of how adamant they are in their application.

The most moderate muslim you can imagine wouldn't have a problem with his less moderate friend jailing you for insulting Allah.

i'll give you a quick summary
the historical background of the verse is that muhammad would invite people to his house for meals, and they would show up early and stay late to ask him questions. But Muhammad was a busy man, he liked to have sex with his 9 wives granted to him 3 verses earlier, so he didn't like talking to them afterwards. So he received a revelation from Allah to tell his followers to leave him alone so he can fuck his wives and sex slaves. this video explains it much better.


I have multiple Muslim friends that I've known for many years.
Islam is still an abhorrent and backwards religion.

One of these friends is a woman that would probably agree with me, she already considers herself an atheist, but can't tell anyone or else her dad will beat the shit out of her.

Can someone post the picture of that Canadian cuck-queen in the back corner of a mosque

please tell me, a Jew, about your peaceful religion, Achmed.

cherrypicking as fuck
the quran brands all the other religious groups as eretics ( false prophets ) and deserving of the reign of fire and active figthint against
Not just the Quarysh
I'm not even assed enough to give a proper font to such a blatant lie (it should be trough the first 2 chapters of the quran tough)

>Be me
>Move to Eastern Canada
>See muslims for first time in life
>Women allow their 8 children to scream and cry and do whatever the fuck they want
>These undisciplined children grow up to be a fucking imitation of hoodniggers
>Constantly try and act like the blackest, most stereotypical crack slinger
>"Niggah, wash you at?"
>"Shieet dis bitch talkin to me?"
>"Wullah I beat yo ass"
>"Say wullah nigga"

Honestly, my first impression of a girl in a burka is that she is a retard. Most of the time, I'm right. They're annoying as fuck, the dumber ones can't speak any language properly (shit arabic + hood imitation english). They think they live in hoods because they live in lower middle class neighbourhoods.

>Muslims are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet.
Nope, nope and nope. The Muslims in Sweden are disrespectful, brags constantly and shout constantly.

>If you would just stop believing the media, propaganda sites, your conservative parents, etc. and go out and meet some Muslims, you would see that for yourself.
See my flag. I know what Muslims are like, they've invaded my country since I was a child. Fuck off with this pro-Muslim propaganda you fucking cuck.

spoke to a muslim chick. she was pretty cute. played vidya too. not bad at all.

still don't appreciate the whole religion tho.

Been to several countries in the Middle East.

You are full of shit. Muslims are dangerous animals who would as soon execute Christians as look at them.


Jokes on you, my parents are first generation immigrants from Iran. Stop making assumptions about me you stupid fucking liberal

>but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives
I've probably spent more time around muslims than you considering I spent my 20's killing them.

Mudslimes are scum.

Born,raised,living in a Islamic country. I still hate Islam ?

Every single non-Muslim who says this makes a full 180 when they actually visit a Muslim country. And not just to the western tourist cities, but the actual slums and ghettos that 90% of the population lives in. You know how liberals like to claim that only a small % of Muslims are terrorists? What you will see is the exact opposite of that claim.

Just go to liveleak if you want an education on Islam.


I love how you sheltered little kids hate Trump, but you've never even spoken to Trump in your lives. Why don't you go to the Whitehouse and speak to Trump? Have a conversation with a Staffer and let him help you understand the Trump. Get an actual education that isn't nonsense from the media and anti Trump memes. Learn to not be so afraid of people who are different than you.

>Inb4 CTR

I'm a black male and a non Trump. Trump is by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming guy you will ever meet. If you would just stop believing the media, propaganda sites, your liberal parents, etc. and go out and meet Trump, you would see that for yourself.

Someone redpill me on how to get cute Iranian gf

With the travel ban it's going to be tough

Shut up fat amercian I see and speak to the fuckers everyday.
They are not like us they dont behave like us and dont belong with us.

My grandma is friends with a Muslim woman who hates Jews so god damned much. It's hilarious hearing her rant. Straight out of Sup Forums. If I gave her canisters of Zyklon B today, she'd be committing crimes against humanity tomorrow.

Not the first time I've met one, won't be the last. Their energy and aura is demonic. Their fate has been cast by the Lord, and I'm over here just sharpening my sword

>but you've never even spoken to a Muslim in your lives

Spent two years living and working in the middle east. Not the westernized versions of the middle east in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, where they practice """"Islam"""" and just rely on slave labor to build ski resorts in the desert.

Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.

Islam is a blight. The middle east was a mistake. There is no integrating Islam with civilized societies.

Those countries and their ideologies aren't really worth it, turn them to glass.

I can smell your nose from here.

While i met some good muslims that actually has respect for the beliefs of others, there's a load who enter the country and shit it up for themselves

>Why don't you go to a mosque and speak to some Muslims?

Why don't you go to a KKK rally and speak to some racists?

>Muslims are by far the most respectful, humble and welcoming people you will ever meet.
westernized ones. the sand niggers of the east are like westboro baptist church on hyper steroids.

If i go to a mosque, they might offer to show me the roof.

Holy shit, muslims on suicide watch. Clear the area.

>civilized countries

You mean the west? Where emasculated men cower like beat dogs before their fat, brassy slut-wives? Where your entire existence is controlled by bankers and materialism? Where your worldview is controlled by Jewish film studios in Hollywood, and your musical tradition has been rotted to the core by Jewish producers and their pet negro rappers?

Keep your "civilization," m8. I'd rather live in the woods, or a run down shack in the desert than take part in your New Babylon.

You'll regret your post OP.

>Sadaam Hussein's Libya
NA Education never ceases to amaze me

t. Ahmed

I went to school with a bunch of Bosnians who im fairly sure were all muslims and they seemed pretty cool for the most part
that being said, they were white for the most part too

Thank you for your service.

Hope things are OK for you now you're back home and doing regular life.

>dem evil bankers
>jewish conspiracy
>negro rappers

ive met plenty of filthy subhuman shit muslims.
they are as much as a snake as the jew but don't even try to hide it.

This is why I hate Muslims, as a Jew. They whine about "Islamophobia" but are the biggest racist and antisemites on Earth.

37 countries altogether evaluated consisting of a Muslim population of roughly 64% of the entire Muslim population (1,077,802,424) If the percentages gathered are to be an accurate representation about 70% roughly 755,924,039 want sharia law as law of the land!

Unfortunately only 20 of the 37 countries (still 48.4% of the entire Muslim population and of that still 70.9% want the mandation of sharia law) in the study that were farther evaluated in regards to the specific supports among the hududs.

384,059,798 (46.6% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 65.6% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour stoning as punishment for adultery sadly that sentence greatly favours women, almost exclusively.

365,045,426 (44.2% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 62.4% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour corporal punishment for thieves and robbers such as amputation of the hands.

299,717,714 (36.3% of the total Muslim population in the 20 countries evaluated, and 51.2% of the population that want sharia law as law of the land) favour the death penalty for converts/apostates.
Sources: pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/#_ftnref6