Why is it so impossible to ever have a common sense conversation about weed legalization with a conservative?

Why is it so impossible to ever have a common sense conversation about weed legalization with a conservative?

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Conservatives are threatened by any type of change. They consider beliefs to be the most sacred things, and since they get their beliefs handed down to them by dead people, there's no way to have modified beliefs handed down, so they have to change their minds about something instead, which is very troubling to conservatives.

That doesn't really make sense because weed wasn't illegal until the last 2-3 generations. So somewhere down the line someone had to change their mind from why it should go from legal to illegal, why can't it be done again?

Why not throw cigarettes onto that board?
causes all kinds of shit
countless deaths, most of the users
costs healthcare billions
slow death only, really
calms brain cells after sex

Vaping has really changed the game on that though, I don't know of any way to consume alcohol without causing the same problems normally associated with it.

...2-3 generations? I've been on the planet for 41 years, and it's never been legal in my lifetime. Criminalization occurred because big business had a lot to lose to hemp, so they smeared weed ruthlessly and vilified it long before anyone here was born. Most of the right-wing weed rhetoric up until it started being tested more remained unchanged from those times. They have a real hard time coming up with anything new because they're realizing that all of the old stuff was shit, and most of the new stuff is wildly speculative. Fix your mental timeline and things will come into focus a little better.

I'm pretty conservative and I think the war on drugs is a fucking waste of time, effort, and money.
I like my booze, that is true.
Don't like cigarettes but don't mind cigars or pipes.
I don't like smoking weed but sure as hell wouldn't mind some bud butter.

True, but still damaging, legal and somewhat popular in the dry herb form, which means almost literally an early death.

Weed has made me more conservative and opened my eyes to the degeneracy that a lot of "stoners" have

more conservatives need to smoke so we can drown out the mindless thralls who represent weed

You filthy. mouth-breathing stoner degenerates are delusional.

You apparently don't agree, but instead of ad hominem, how about some intellectual discussion? What do you find inaccurate in that post?

Personally weed is a lot more addictive than alcohol.

I don't know about weed 'growing brain cells' isn't it pretty much proven that it fucks with your brain and can cause psychosis? I love smoking grass but I've seen it fuck with people and it's easy to get out of control.

You conservatives worry about a lot of unnecessary shit. Smoke some dope and gain perspective. We all die, nigger.

Long term pot smoking leads to short term memory problems that can be permanent if you smoke it for years and years and years.

Weed doesn't cure cancer. There is SOME evidence that direct application of Cannabis oil to SOME kinds of tumors can cause them to shrink. That's not a "cure" for cancer you fucking retard.

KEK. Okay. Have you ever met someone who doesn't bitch and complain as soon as they're out of weed? No. No you have not.

1 million deaths annually for alcohol? That is mostly accidental deaths like car crashes and falls. They don't split the data and you're a fucking shill.

Weed is degenerative and alcohol is slightly less degenerative.

>but muh hisotyr
>ppl ben smokin' da herb for 2000 years

And people have been fermenting grains into safe-to-drink alcohol for thousands of years too.

Kill yourself D&C shill

Alcohol has medical uses (being a disinfectant), is a social tradition and help, and most importantly, it doesn't necessarily make your life revolve around consuming it. Weed becomes part of you and your identity. If it's so non-addictive, why does it absorb any notion of skills or hobbies beside it?

That's not a problem? It causes a myriad of problems later down the line.

'Didn't make the most of education, smoked weed instead'.

'Didn't do any chores yesterday, smoked weed instead'

'Weed after school, Weed 24/7 in the weekend'

It sucks up all the free time you can invest into it, and social skills suffer, too. The only people a stoner positively interacts with are other stoners. A stoner will not seek out a job in favour of smoking another blunt. Even if they did, they'd likely be rejected on appearance, because a stoner will cut corners on any activity that isn't smoking. This includes any job they do land, leading to dismissals and layoffs. This record will permanently remain, staining any future attempts of self or economic improvement.

tl;dr: Alcohol might kill a body, but Weed destroys a successful future.

same here, it helped redpill me by making me more open to new perspectives and think about things more 'deeply'. Also I love learning and watching debates and shit while I'm high.

Marijuana is a depressant, for starters.

>grows brain cells

Some people overdo it, but at least they never shoot up a grade school or kill a family with their car, too fucked to drive; they're more likely to eat some pizza, or a box of oreos and watch Dr. Who. Conservatives get triggered by weed only because they waste their lives toiling away for a paycheck, so they think everyone should. Our bodies will one day rot in the same ground, but I won't be pissed when I get there. Other than that, every cent we earned in our lifetimes will not benefit us. All the children we had in our lifetimes won't help us stay alive. All the people we subjugated to our will can't keep our bodies alive one second longer. We'll both be dead. Why anyone wants to spend this little time we have here being stressed-out is beyond me. Have at it.

I sure am glad someone in Canada knows everything. Tell us more, Dr. Leaf.

I agree with your spiritual perspective, inner peace is a lot more important than anything material. But you cannot completely detach yourself from the material world, then you end up becoming a burden on society.

One of my good friends is totally fucked, can't study, can't hold down a job, lazy and stressed as hell. She smokes to 'forget and relax' but I can see it's also the reason she's in the position.

You literally said that alcohol doesn't necessarily make your life revolve around it, but immediately made the assumption that weed always does.

I guarantee you know more pot smokers than you think you do.

I'll forget that the rest of the stuff you said was retarded, but you literally compared the least-detrimental example of one to the worst-case of another. The part where alcohol kills a million people worldwide every single year isn't a meme. Some of those people are undoubtedly killed by drunk drivers, but many of them simply drink themselves to death.

>dudeweed lmao

Gonna need some evidence for your claims.

Actually, it's psychoactive. It's literally an antidepressant. THC is a mild hallucinogen. It may have some overall depressant-type effects to the physiology, but it a hallucinogen, not a depressant.


Cures cancer... pffft sure thing dip shit

Burgers already are enough apathetic, pothead.

>non addictive

fucking lmao

yeah tell some of your stoner friends to stop and watch them fucking cave

weed turns you into a dem voting nigger. everyone who gets locked up for it is one less retard on the streets voting and ruining america.

I both think no drug should be illegal but at the same time every kind of drug/alcohol is degenerate

Alcohol doesn't kill you fucking mong. It's a method for one to kill. Someone drinks to much and dies? They drank to much. Someone's killed by drunk driving? Alcohol isn't the problem; it's the person who decided to drink alcohol.

I don't care if weed's legal or not, but the person who smokes weed better be able to show up and do their job sober and proficiently just like the person who drinks better be sober at work.

Why is it that liberals say all the time how drugs and alochol are bad and never accept the risks with marijuana?



>Cures cancer
It may have a positive effect, but it doesn't 'cure' cancer.

>Zero deaths in history

>Saves police & NHS billions
How exactly? I'd like to see some figures for that.

>No OD
See above, it's still harmful

>Grows brain cells
Cannabis use predicts the onset of psychosis.

Weed smokers are degenerates.



Assessing the conditions of others is a dangerous game. That's why people who study it their whole lives still get it wrong. In your friend's case, there's no way either you or I could accurately diagnose a condition. Because weed is involved, and you are biased, there's nothing I can say to tell you otherwise, and I'd be as much a moron for trying. Sometimes people overdo things. Sometimes this leads to stories on Sup Forums bitching about the evils of marijuana. Sometimes people are killed every single day by drunk drivers and liver failure from drinking. Be glad your friend didn't choose to escape into the bottle and kill herself or others. It's likely that your friend would be doing something else if weed wasn't around.

Being Dutch, being a 'pot smoker' is not exactly hidden. I've seen friends devolve into husks of their former selves in favour of their rolled up leaves, and squander everything else to continue smoking them.

Alcohol is terrible, too. Unsolicited violence, drunk driving, and the clear health risks. But the one thing you can see it that most people drink in moderation, which is something I don't see many weed users do.

And it's not impossible at all to smoke weed early and still be successful. But transitioning out of an addictive lifetime isn't easy, whether it is alcohol or weed being the addiction.

Emotionally addictive apparently doesn't occur to these people; which is often time anyone's actual addiction to any substance well before there is a physical dependency. Also, thc binds neuron and nothing grows extra brain cells, you only have so many and that's it. Stoner logic is terrible

>non addictive


the question here is chemical dependency and weed doesn't cause that, you braindead little shit.

>marijuana grows brain cells
this is why everyone finds you guys annoying. why can't you just say that you like it and that it's relatively harmless. Why do you have to make it out to be a medicinal miracle that does everything from make you more intelligent to curing cancer? also stop pretending that it's not addictive. it is absolutely psychologically addictive.

It's a stretch, but TCH specifically has been shown to kill cancer cells with heavy dosage, much, much more than you'd get smoking it.

it helps with the treatment since induces hunger, sleepness and numbing of pain

>not knowing the difference between physical addiction and mental
shiggy diggy do

I never knew Brazilians were such opinionated dickheads. It's hilarious every time I see that green flag; I always know it'll be some decent shitposting.

""""""GROWS BRAIN CELLS""""""""
That's why weed makes people look super intelligent, it is the closest thing we have to the limitless drug with no side effects!

Seriously though I don't necessarily have a problem with weed but your picture shows the negatives that come with abuse of alcohol, not recreational drinking. You're more likely to change peoples minds with facts and equal treatment of both sides instead of saying alcohol is evil and cannabis is a miracle.

no, that's not the question assmuncher. everytime you faggots claim it's "non-addictive" you are being intellectually dishonest


OP wasnt being ironic when he posted this

look at his posts

They have been brainwashed by decades of reefer madness.

Alcohol doesn't kill you? Is this the "guns don't kill people" argument?

I'll clarify - people engage in widespread alcoholism, which destroys their livers, hearts and physiques. They abuse it to the point where the drive and kill people. People sometimes drink too much at one time and die, too. You're right; it's not the alcohol. Sure is funny how this "method" happens to kill so many people, yet it's totally acceptable because it's the individual's fault for using it, but suddenly demon weed is the cause of the fall of fucking civilization, though you'd be hard pressed to even relate it even loosely to a single death ever.

For one, white people have been using for generations and whined like big babies when the government tried to prevent many future deaths due to drunk driving and spousal abuse. For the other, those same religious hypocrites continue to keep it banned for no reason at all, none, literal retards.


Those two are right, everything else on the weed side is bullshit. OP you are fucking retarded posting that shit

You are such a cuck. Weed use was very common in Japan and legal. Up until the Japanese defeat in ww2, to be more American it was made ilegal and now look at you.

Your graphic is outdated. There are now documented od deaths from cannabis. And a longitudinal study in New Zealand pointed other researchers in the right direction, turns out that adolescent cannabis use stunts brain development.

The jury is still out on the cancer studies, they're still ongoing. Also, cannabis has a very real and well documented psychological addictive effect. Look online, I'll bet you can find a Marijuana Anonymous chapter within 50 miles of wherever you're at.

Now, all of that being said, at the very least pot has noteworthy analgesic properties.

Iirc, pot was made illegal around the turn of the century as collateral damage to the ban on hemp. The cotton lobby pushed that through to protect their interests.

>Zero deaths in history
It sure is funny how this is the ONLY DEATH EVER RECORDED IN BRITAIN'S HISTORY FROM MARIJUANA. Kinda makes you think, doesn't it? Kinda makes you think that someone's full of shit with an agenda to prove.

Nice retort. Doesn't really counter any of my points though, does it? You degenerate stoner.

Even if your bullshit were true, it still does not justify prohibition.

Nobody's suggesting drinking shit, you stupid, stupid person.

Exactly what cancer does cannabis cure?

You degenerates are delusional. You'll construct any narrative you have to to defend your addiction and abhorrent lifestyle.

What about the other points then? Do you think the meta-analysis of studies into cannabis fabricated the psychosis link?

>studies based on empirical evidence

I'll say it again. You degenerates are delusional.
Which is actually a symptom of cannabis use so that makes sense.


Whoever made that misinforming infograph deserves to be shot.

Because it's legal in the only states that matter

I never said weed was the fall of civilization. Jesus fucking Christ, do you have reading comprehension problems? Look at my post again. Where did I mention anything about weed being bad? All I said was that if someone likes to toke up or get krunk, they better not be doing it when working. And it does come down to personal responsibility; if someone cannot control their urges, they have to deal with the consequences. Same thing with firearms (since you brought up something else out of the blue).
Firearms by themselves are tools used by people for defense or offense. Depends on the person using it and for what. You can be responsible with firearms, just like weed and alcohol and cigarettes. I won't smoke weed, but I like to have a beer once in a great while and I like having my firearms.

Nice bait post.

There isn't a point in doing such, facts and logic will fly over your head. I could discredit you sources but there is no point. I've been smoking weed for nearly 10 years now, if your bullshit was true I'd be insane and or dead. I have smoked so much fucking weed and I'm fine.

I didn't actually make that meme. I like smoking pot. I suffered from deep suicidal depression for years, but it's gone now. Weed took the place of the coma-inducing psychotics and antidepressants they fed me for years, but none of them did what pot does. It does have a psychological addiction that lasts about three days. The fact is, it's a fun time that also happens to be a medical curiosity that absolutely fucking deserves to be tested and used. Opium has the medicinal up vote. What are your opinions on that? People spend way too much time whining about weed when real problems exist.

Dont forget pot = supermodel GF

alcohol is made from food.

You can make booze from open air yeast spores.

You can ferment milk.

you're as full of shit as OP

>I-I could counter the results of the meta-analyses of multiple decades of research based on the scientific method, I just don't want to!
>However allow me to offer a rebuttal with some anecdotal evidence from my personal life!

Pathetic. But I'd expect nothing more from the dregs of society.

How so, dude?

I agree, booze needs to be banned. Just hear me out, because i know it's impossible to ban it with today's technology.

But in the future, when the NWO wins i hope they do ban booze, as it's the WORST drug.

Seriously, it destroys fucking lives worse than heroin. Everyone thinks because it's legal they can abuse the living fuck out of it here, they get blackout drunk, women become complete whores, men start fights and kinghit people, they shit and piss themselves on streets and that's only the anti-social behavior.

Drinking at home here is even worse and mothers abuse the living fuck out of it, becoming full blown boozehounds and thinking it's justified because it's legal and their kids are "hard".

It does so much fucking damage in so many aspects, i'm fully aware that some people (like myself) can hold back and have just one drink and keep it chill but the average person CANNOT.

The fact it's legal makes them think it's as safe as fucking water and it's insane. The average aussie does not even know it's a drug!

You obviously aren't fine because you're here,

Whoever made this is retarded.

>if you don't agree with me, you don't have common sense
First off, I live in Long Island, New York. We're full. If you weed lmaos get weed legalized here, the population will explode. The traffic is awful here and I will defend my expressway from the hoards of out of state plates with my life. Fuck off, we're full.

Was made illegal as part of campaign to find things to do for the prohibition warriors when prohibition ended.

I feel the same about you. Your problem is that you thing there's a standard to live up to just because you choose to waste your life doing that.

I'm not a blind supporter of any "fact" that supports weed, but I know the pain relief and antidepressant benefits firsthand. I don't know about what link you're talking about, but I'm sure whatever you're talking about has been taken out of context or something to support your right-wing bullshit agenda. Go ahead and stress yourself into the grave. I'll meet you there after living a stress-free life on your dime, fucker. Hahahahahaha! Give me weed and give me free money!

Cause people know what potheads like.

Every single one of those weed-smelling, africa-worshipping, limpwristed fuck tries to convince you with the exact same list because their life revolves about weed.

>dude but its good for you
>come on dude, dont be like that, just consider it
>dude ancient indians used weed
>dude weed makes you more spiritual man
>dude weed makes you so much more creative!
>whoa dude im so stoned WEED JOKE LMAO 420 ECKS DEE

I want feed legal but heavily taxed and advertised by the plainest looking OLD MEN CONTROLLING THE WORLD so it loses its "coolness" You wouldnt be a rebel smoking weed anymore but a gubmint drone.That alone would cause some fucking hippies heads to explode


fucking pick one

stoner shitheads can't go to a fucking family party without sneaking out to the garage to toke

get bitchy and whiny when they don't have it

you're right. they should both be illegal.

It's not good for you, but not hard to quit. I smoked concentrates for years and just got over it one day. After about a week clean I was fine. There are withdrawals, sure, but they aren't that bad...was much easier than quitting cigs. The people who can't quit weed are weak, like people who can't lose weight or can't stop playing vidya.

desu i am pretty addicted to weed, probably because i started smoking it with baccy

Just look at Oregon.
>muh weed
>muh sanctuary cities
>muh water

And boy, do those leeches flood in here from Mexico and Commiefornia. We practically have bum camps along I-5. I wish they were gone.

The only part of your infographic that's true is, "no OD."

>grows brain cells

>common sense conversation about weed legalization

What the hell is common sense about a lowlife drug addict whining about why he needs us to let him get his next fix?

So a hard working guy with a wife and kids living in a nice neighbourhood. Who likes to toke up everynight is some how the dreg of society? Bro if i want to do something i just do it. I'm not like you full of restrictions and self limitations. Your all mad stressed and depressed because you don't allow yourself any freedom. You are weak. Now excuse me while i light my spliff.

>Why is it so impossible to ever have a common sense conversation about weed legalization with a conservative?
Because the majority of Sup Forums consists of clueless autistic teenagers who are incapable of critical thought. They trumpet the rhetoric that a plant-in-the-ground boogie man is making society more degenerate when alcohol is blatantly more harmful than weed and is sold on the shelves for recreational purposes. But, let's ignore that and focus on a herb in true slack-jaw Sup Forumsack fashion because we associate its use with niggers even though it fucking originated in Asia. I'm convinced that if this board full of Reddit-worthy retards was in charge, they would go door-to-door arresting more people for possessing cannabis as if they were the second coming of Carrie Nation despite the irrefutable comparison you've posted.

>non addictive
Bullshit desu
>anti depressant
Debatable,it can have difderent effects on different individuals, it can be a depressant to people that are aleready down and amplify their depression especially if the subject develops a psychological addiction
>cures cancer
>grows brain cells

3/10 b8, but still should be legal imho and it's less harmfull than alcohol

At least alcohol has culture and history to it, and it includes wine, champagne, beer, whiskey, vodka, etc.

Pot is just pot and pot "culture" is vapid and empty.

Opinion discarded.

>things that never happen

They're both bad.

Easy answer.


>I don't know what link you're talking about

Can't you read or something? Here are some more.




These are long terms studies following people over decades. They've produced results consistent with decades of research into cannabis use. It predicts psychosis, particularly schizophrenia.

But of course, it's all an 'agenda'.
You're delusional, your weed has rotted your brain.

Hey, you forgot your hat! *tosses fedora out the front door*

Yeah, this right here. You could easily enjoy alcohol without getting drunk, like having a nice glass of wine with your dinner.

You only smoke weed to get stoned. That's it. Anyone that says otherwise is fucking delusional pothead.

"POT" culture is what it is only because it was criminal for so long. Give it time. Also, you clearly don't know anything about pot culture.

Prove me wrong. DEBATE ME! You have no arguments Atheist.

Still waiting to see your counters to the scientific meta-analyses, scum.

You can do what you like, but don't pretend you're not a wastrel.