You wake up in 1913. How do you stop WW1 from starting and save the West?

You wake up in 1913. How do you stop WW1 from starting and save the West?

Use my knowledge of history to appear as a prophet, then use my status to prevent women's suffrage

Murder Gabriel Princip

Idk if you really could, OP. Too many overarching movements were doomed to collide (militarism, empirialism, nationalism, etc). Even if you killed Princip, another Serbian nationalism would have filled his shoes.

nationalist* sorry

You don't. You will become another player in a big game with your superior knowledge for future events and will finally die as the head of an international corporation gigant which controlls most of the power worldwide.

>Ah shit I forgot my Sup Forums infographics on the jews
>Where the fuck am I?
>How am I going to take a boat from here to Germany?
>Where's Kaiser Wilhelm I?

Time travel doesn't work like that. If it happened before then it WILL happen again. You can either stop it and be killed by the global elite and their Jew masters, or you could use your knowledge to quietly build up a fortune and sire your own father a la Lazarus Long.

I'd just have a great fucking time and live a fulfilling life. Ride the American road to hegemon status.

If I have a time machine full of technical information and blueprints for modern machinery, I'd hand it over to Kaiser Wilhelm in exchange for certain political promises(Dismantling the Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire once the war was over).

If I had nothing but the clothes on my back? Well I guess I'd have to settle for shooting Woodrow Wilson and Gavrilo Princip.

>allow every event leading up to 1934 to happen.
>convince the fuhrer you are from the future and give military advice
>tell him to convince spain to send millions of troops to fight in the war on the western front
>tell him to convince turkey to send millions of troops on the eastern front against russia
>tell him to convince Ireland to fight against the Brits

If you're gonna go that route, better to advise him to hang Wilhelm Canaris for treason and to only use Ribbentrop on diplomatic missions to the Soviet Union and keep him the hell away from negotiations with Britain and Spain. Without that dipshit's bad advice on Britain, Hitler wouldn't have pushed his luck in Poland and the war would have been delayed another several years, which would have been to the overall advantage of the Axis.

Assassinate the Kaiser instead of FF


>invent computers
>get rich
>create media companies
>buy private army
>rule the world

assassinate franz ferdinand

>wake up in the middle of a backwater town with no money, influence, or credentials

I don't, I starve to death trying to find some way to survive

You eliminate Woody Wilson so WWII doesn't happen. VP Thomas R. Marshall would have kept us out of it and the war would have ended in a stalemate keeping the borders of 1913 intact to this day.

Kill Gravilo Princeps
Kill Kaiser Willhelm
Kill Czar Nicholas

because they were all the former was an autistic edgelord and the later were both trust fund fools

the three of them combined got 20 million people killed

>wake up in 1913
>personal hygiene is not polished like today (aka people smell)
>can't talk to world leaders because of their bad breath

I may end up letting history commence and join the Führer asap.

Kill Conrad von Hotzendorf

Work for a couple of days as a laborer or a cook to get a couple of dollars. You could even go teach somewhere since you can read better than 90% of the country.

Then you go to a bookie and make some money. After you have a couple of hundred dollars, call a stock broker and make some real money.

i fantasize anout this alot

wish they'd make a show about it

would be like breaking bad but the guy would just dominate with common knowledge

>get my facts in order
>acquire materials, contacts and carefully plan
>*cough*... *cough*
>fuck me, pertussis
>die alone

Assassinate the duke before he's in Serbia.
I would then tip off Prussia about brewing jewish boleshevik revolution before 1918.

I would also assassinate Stalin, go to the beer hall and pick Hitler off while he's having a firefight.

Poland will reign supreme.

Assassinate the Tsar of Russia.

Rebelion in Russia kicks off. Soviets win and can't join the war.

Germany wins. Glory to the Kaiser

If you assassinated the tsar you wouldn't have a russian revolution.

But the tensions were there. The power vacuum would've caused the rebelion to kick off certainly.