When did you realize pol was an echo chamber?

When did you realize pol was an echo chamber?

It may be true that anything can be posted, but that doesn't change the beliefs and opinions of the majority of the user base.

There are probably people here that believe the guy that said Fuck white people on twitter is the writer of the show Dear white people.


Eventually echoes distort into another noise. There's change ... not necessarily evolution, but change.

People get tired of the same old memes eventually.

Here's an echo which will resonate throughout eternity:
OP is a faggot.

I believe the guy who posts "Fuck Drumph and fuck White people" constantly here on Sup Forums is the guy who wrote the show Dear White People.

When there is no censorship, the most truthful opinion usually becomes the most common.

Oh you mean like reddit that actively censors comments/upboats and shadowbans users that defy corporate interests?

Or maybe Ted Turner's CNN which finally just said "fuck it" and disabled comments on all articles because they were tired of having to censor dissenting views from their articles?

Yeah sure is an echo chamber here. Not politics and does not count as a meta thread.

Then why do you come?

Oh right you're paid to be here and be autistic

you just know someone is a newfag from reddit or some other heavily moderated community when they talk about pol being an echo chamber.

that's what the catalog and filters are for you fucking nigger motherfucker.

So you're telling me that the board where dissenting opinions are ridiculed with responses such as cuck or simply not engaged at all is not an echo chamber?

Allowing all opinions to be presented doesn't necessarily stop echo chambers from forming.

The majority user base will define the board.

echo chambers will always form wherever you have community that disagrees with each other on small matters but agrees with each other for the most part giving the illusion of openness

And yet this thread exists

There can never NOT be an echo chamber

No such Utopia exists. At least here, you CAN give other opinions without being downvoted to the foreshadow

Discussion does happen here in the sea of shitposting

>illusion of openness
>not enough people like what I like therefore the forum is closed

Get a bunch of your faggot ass friends together and hit Sup Forums with some knowledge

You're like the fucks who call Trump a fascist whereas if you posted any of your cry babby shit in North Korea you'd end up disappeared

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean there is a lack of freedom

It's far from being an echo chamber right now there's a lot of liberal hate because globally liberals have shown their shitty colors but if you really think we all have the same political views on things you're delusional we shit talk eachother all the time. Sup Forums isn't some Sup Forumstier hivemind but it sure as hell is shit,

>People get tired of the same old memes eventually.
If only this were true


You can ignore insults and only respond to reasoned arguments, you will start a good debate very quckly. We very rarely get decent arguments from neoliberals here.

>Echo chamber
>Shills everywhere

Go join a Facebook group and come back in a week

There's no such thing as a stable community composed of people with competently different beliefs, there has to be structure, and due to this fact, any stable online community will inevitably turn into an echo chamber.

pol is relatively stable.

If i claim i'm a liberal today and then wait a month and claim i'm a liberal again. it's likely i'll be called a cuck

I don't care that pol doesn't agree with me.
I'm just letting you know that you are no different from the liberals you claim are in echo chambers if that is a belief you hold. if not i'm not addressing you.

Most people outside of Sup Forums believe that too. I've actually only seen it discussed outside of Sup Forums. Also that is such a meaningless example. Also how do you know it wasn't him?

>When did you realize pol was an echo chamber?

When they banned and blocked me for arguing with the groupthink.

Still waiting.

If you aren't here to shitpost and for humour and instead here to unironically discuss politics other tha the Syrian civil war threads then you're likely an autistic jobless virgin. There are still people in here that support trump

Because liberals don't want to stay here. Not our fault, my man. A bunch of liberals could come here, decide to stay and take over the board. There is nothing preventing that. We disparage opposing opinions, we don't prevent them from being heard.

Before Sup Forums was even created. Sup Forums is an echo chamber. Any cohesive environment is an echo chamber.

Left politics vs right politics also offers no compromise. They will never agree, nor convince each other of anything. They only can argue into space

This is just a fact of life. Our ideals are too Opposite to intermingle

>When did you realize pol was an echo chamber?
right from the beginning

the echo chamber isnt such a bad thing. its a good place to learn the views of your peers

Listen newfag, there are no post histories or downvotes or penalties here. If your opinion holds weight, it will either be refuted or considered. If it's just shitposty garbage (i.e "the 2nd amendment is bad!") then you're rightly going to get told to fuck off. Stop being whiny.

No, just the one that sounds best

Applying something and using it in practice is another story

Wow so now you're resorting to lamenting that everything is an echo chamber because dissimilar people tend to not aggregate, but surely you're some kind of fucking genius for pointing out "NUH UH U".

How very profound dipshit. Sorry your latest leftypol thread got BTFO.

kys my man.

>Anarchos and lolbertarian

All posting on one board. It's not an echo chamber you retard

Liberals think if like-minded people congregate somewhere it's automatically an echo chamber. For there to be echos it means there must be no counter-signals.

Do liberals get banned here?
Do communists get banned here?

What about the reverse, if a NatSoc went to any leftist forum, how soon would they be banned?

You won't accept this logic, you will bitch and moan that this is an echochamber.

Why change your opinion when you know you're right about everything?

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber.
>Oh goy, don't look at those hundreds of threads dissenting.
>Yes, polacks think the same and everyone circle jerks here, even though polacks argue amongst themselves about stuff but don't pay heed to that goyim.
>Ignoring communist polacks, socialist polacks, nationalist polacks, republican polacks, liberal polacks, capitalism polacks and libertarian polacks.

Yes. One. big. Echoing. Chamber. Everyone agrees with each other and these isn't a single conflict of ideas on this board.

4/10 bait. Made me reply. Here's your (you)

>If your opinion holds weight

There is no objective criteria by witch we can measure weather or not an opinions holds weight.

Weather or not any specific opinion holds weight will depend on the subjective values of an individual or group of individuals.

How do you convince someone that doesn't belief in objective morality that killing someone is wrong because you believe objective morality exists?

you dont. see:A person must conduct his own research. You observe, do not argue. Observe before you argue

The trick is to ignore the shit posts and the shit threads. It has always been like this. "Pissing in an ocean of piss"
Utilize the catalog and the ID systems. Make intelligent posts and respond to others. Ignore the retarded (you) addicts they don't want genuine conversation just memes.

Sup Forums is not an echo chamber, in fact I think this board (and website) is still one of the most extraordinary things on the internet. On here you can say anything as long as its on topic - ideologically speaking there are no banned viewpoints or things considered too offensive. It's amazing if you go on almost every other forum, the mods delete stuff relentlessly for being offensive or being too "out there".

what about anarchopollacks?
i feel left out

Pol is not an echo chamber.
you only get that impression because you let memes control you and blind you from the legitimate threads full of intelligent arguments.


What's your point.
Pol is a board of peace

Aren't you guys tied in with the libertarians or is it completely separated?

>having to realize it
You should have just known.

Holocaust denial and anti-vaccine opinions (based on MMR paper fraud) are two of this board's most egregious beliefs that a sizeable portion of the posters hold.

The fact that holding certain opinions becomes a signifier of merit automatically reduces the level of discussion and provides a significant barrier for truth. People are social creatures and wish to be esteemed by others, and are terrified of ostracision. The social mechanisms of the "redpill" concept implies certain beliefs are more virtuous and impressive by virtue of existing, and encourages strong emotional investment in these beliefs, leading to an ideological framework that can easily come to be more dominated by emotion and egotism than reason and critical thinking.

Be wary of adopting other people's hierarchies of value that they use to measure ideas. There is always a motive behind it, and because the idea is external to yourself, it is more in their self-interest than it is in your own.

This dynamic also applies to just about every political ingroup, but Sup Forums is a good microcosm and people don't seem to be very aware of how not-independent their belief systems are.

youre an idiot. None of us are antivac

Also Hitler WAS right and the Holocaust never happened

Anti-vac certainly isn't majority but I have seen lots of threads and posters advocating it. Hitler being "right" doesn't matter because he lost and took Germany and German nationalism down with him, Sup Forums's collective disbelief in the Holocaust isn't very well-justified because every Holohoax thread I've been in cites infographs with false info, literally disproven reports like the Leuchter one, and completely fabricated myths like the Anne Frank ballpoint pen shit. These are not just things that get posted alongside more compelling arguments, they are generally the bulk of the posts. If the entire Holocaust narrative is invalidated by compulsive liar's making up stories about lampshades and Holocoasters, then certainly Sup Forums's anti-Holocaust narrative is invalidated by the amount of false information that inundates every single thread on the topic.

Echo this, alexa


I dont understand,

You believe there were death camps?
You believe there were gas chambers?
You believe the myth wasnt perpetrated to give more power to Israel?
You think a genocide really happened?

Or are you nearly saying you dislike the way Sup Forums goes about explaining it?

Literally every argument with an Alt-Right or stormfag.


Yes, to 3, but obviously the Holocaust was used and "mythologised" - in a certain way - to give more credence to the political aims of some interests. This happens with just about everything though, the world is an opportunistic place. Sup Forums spreads its political narrative using the terror attacks against Europeans by Islamists and non-whites. There's nothing inherently nefarious about that. From a lot of Jews' perspectives, the Holocaust propaganda is a legitimate way of preventing similar events from happening in the future and to legitimise their claim to Israel, not an illegitimate aim given their history of being victims of pogroms and expulsions. Not saying I necessarily like it, but it's a rational action for them to take in their own self-interest.

In the same vein, Holocaust denial is basically 100% associated with Nazis because its politically useful to Nazis. People don't like the Holocaust. If you create a narrative that people were lied to about the Holocaust, reframing the Nazis as victims and the Jews as lying adversaries, then that's advantageous to your aspirations to establish some kind of Nazi political order.


anyone wanna talk about this anime? I really like this anime, its a real good anime

>It may be true that anything can be posted, but that doesn't change the beliefs and opinions of the majority of the user base.

That doesn't mean it's an echo chamber. It means you're shit at presenting arguments.

Lurk moar, faggot

So you want to hide facts? People WERE lied to about the holocaust. Europeans to this day are sent to jail + shunned by their community for "holocaust denial". WW2 should be used to show how evil COmmunism is, not Fascism. People were enjoying living in Germany, while Russians and Chinese starved to death in the millions, yet it is never talked about in schools. Only the Jews get this special treatment

About the tenth thread that started "I voted for trump but now want to change my vote." It's the same post over and over. Like screaming from the top of a mountain, just a continuous echo from 1 POST BY THIS ID.

No, I'd prefer that the facts are presented before they're interpreted. For example, "today we're going to be studying WW2 and why the Nazis were bad" is not good. Presenting the facts (as honestly as possible) and letting them speak for themselves is better. I had a class like this on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, the teacher never really presented any particular "narrative" but everyone ended up hating Israel by the end kek. This was in Australia though, maybe the schoolbooks are anti-Israel or something

I don't like Holocaust denial laws either. I find the attitude of many people who flippantly rebuke "Holocaust deniers" rather sickening, since most of them are just following popular opinion and would probably be Holocaust deniers if it were socially advantageous for them. That said, I think the Holocaust "narrative", as is, is basically 99% accurate.

>can't change anyone's mind, therefore Sup Forums is an echo chamber.

Have you ever considered that you might just be retarded?


It just seems to you like that because you are a newfag.
Pol used to be heavily divided before this refugee and SJW shit and most threads would be discussion about shit like atheism abortion fags etc.
Only for a while now since the SJW madness become dangerously blatant we kind of follow the same interests now since even if we disagree on these minor issues, most people don't want their civilizations to die.

My mind changed. I came here a full blown prog libertarian. Now I'm a fascist. Because of Sup Forums. And that happens a lot.

Sup Forums is decidedly NOT an echo chamber.

Anyone who wants to defend their beleifs can come here and post.

I'm a socialist.
I still come here and shitpost all the time.
At the same time I'm a rational human bean who has understood from fair and reasonable argument that MAGA is the way to go for the working class.

>cant refute statements made, since they're true
>echo chamber

it's only bad if you don't visit other websites for differing viewpoints