The recent few generations from my state were required to read this book in high school...

The recent few generations from my state were required to read this book in high school. They've been conditioning us for a DPRK occupation for decades.

>It is a young adult invasion novel, detailing a high-intensity invasion and occupation of Australia by a foreign power.
>The novel is told in first person perspective by the main character, a teenage girl named Ellie Linton, who is part of a small band of teenagers waging a guerrilla war on the enemy garrison in their fictional home town of Wirrawee.

Anyone else read it?

It's China. It was always China.
See the videogame Homefront.

yup, and all the others after it.
they knew how to get boys into reading back then... before it went all sjw with sallys story bullshit

Movie was fucking shit it was like red down mixed with home and away


Homefront is about a unified Korea which invaded US...

They form a wolverine style resistance which ends in a minor disruption to the generically asian invaders supply lines and miscegenation. The end.

>The antagonists in Homefront were originally intended to be communist Chinese, but were later replaced by a unified Korea for two reasons: the risk of a possible backlash by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the reality of economic interdependence between America and China that made the Chinese "not that scary," according to Tae Kim, a former CIA field agent and consultant on the game's backstory.

I read it back when the books were being released. Awesome series that got me into reading.
I don't know how I would feel if I read them nowadays.

I was pleasantly suprised by the movie of the first book as it didn't suck. Also, that Rachael chick from neighbours was in it.
If anyone hasn't seen her tits, here you go.

>Tae Kim, a former CIA field agent
Jesus Christ, how far up does this thing go?

What I'm saying is China, or even Indonesia is a far more credible threat than the DPRK.
The DPRK could maybe fire off a nuke at us (a waste as they'd probably aim at South Korea or the US) before being wiped off the face of the Earth but they'd never pull off a ground Invasion.

Yeah I've read it.
It's alright, but the author is a fucking lefty cunt.
Read his children's book "the rabbits"
It's all about how life was better before the rabbits came.
Guess who the rabbits are in this allegory?

Moved schools a shitload and every single school it was practically mandatory reading

I'd say the CIA has several ethnic field agents seeing as they need to operate overseasundetected.

I've read it. It's nothing special prose-wise, but the idea is nice for brainstorming.

If anything, it shows the successful resistance, so it's more like pumping young kids full of patriotism than conditioning them for occupation.

OP must not have read it.

informants, not full-fledged operatives

double agents are a thing

It's possible, happened all the time in the cold war, but they'd probably use US citizens and probe them about their loyalty before sending them off.

Considering what Tae Kim said in that quote, I think it's very possible.

Get scared people.

Lee is a faggot.

>united korea invades US
southern korea is under US military occupation right now. Even if it werent, how the fuck does a 60 million country invade a 330 million one?
nazi germany couldnt pull off that difference in numbers, and neither could militarist japan.
but modern, unified, korea would.
nigga pls

Games have film budgets now, of course the content of any FPS would be heavily scrutinised by governments.

Doesn't mean you can't sneak lowkey deus vult content into Doom 2016 however.

you're a faggot

I read all of them and enjoyed them a lot as a kid.
I remember not being able to borrow the 2nd book from the library because it was in the adult section. After some hassle I did get it and it turned out to contain a sex scene, where a condom was even used because Ellie didn't want to run the risk of becoming pregnant with a slant-eyed kid from Lee.

I did like the series a lot but unfortunately I haven't read the follow up series that came out after the seventh book, about cohabiting with the invaders post-war.

How many gooks are in the country now?

>tfw shaved my head and watched Romper Stomper last night


>overweight and weird proportions

>You are column number three

What's this from

I didn't like the film adaptation. The whole point of the enemy is for it to be ambiguous. They could have covered their faces in balaclavas to hide the ethnicity.

Shouldn't that be row?

Probably from her homepage, Caitlin Stasy is a rabid feminist. Quite certain she has a STD(s) as well.


You're certainly not in row 4


the fuck is wrong with that pussy?

Did you consider if anyone wanted to see it? That vag has been used as a testing site for industrial grade desiccants

The average Australian female has a revolving door twat that might as well have had a hand blender up there. That's why you see so many Australian backpackers finding women in other countries.