Other urls found in this thread:–polar_bear_hybrid

I knew it.


Kinda stating the obvious here

>abbos arent human
Now tell us something we dont know

which part?

spotted one on murray st in perth, cranking him self.. fkn valentines day

The private parts, that's why they have to censor JAVs and Doujinshi, so they don't shock foreigners

>part not human

You need to literally make a song to teach them that smelling gasoline is wrong.

wow stop being so racist

there is only one race, the human race. race is only skin deep

Sweet Christ everyone...
What the hell do you mean by they are not "human?" The taxonomical system of today has all of living humans classified under Homo sapiens sapiens. That is genus, species, and sub species. Aboriginal peoples do not qualify to be a separate sub species because they have never had members of their genetic lineage entirely cut off from other human populations. Aboriginal peoples within the context of Western Indonesian islands have been mingling with Micronesians for thousands upon thousands of years. Humans and Neanderthals would have been separate sub species. We were genetically isolated from each other throughout a large portion of our evolution. Such isolation eventually caused for male Neanderthals to be incapable of fertilizing the eggs of Homo sapiens sapiens women.

That being said, undoubtably all organisms that are the same species as us are human and arguably the same goes for our genus.

What we find is that all humans of today are not separate sub-species but all the same subspecies. Even when taking into consideration breeding that may have happened with individuals of separate sub species, the vast majority of our genetic information originates from our own subspecies.

Today, all humans can be broken up into a classification system that organizes sub-species into hundreds upon hundreds of ancestral groups based upon regionalize alleles. This is being uncovered through genetic testing, testing that also found this little interesting tidbit.

Today's episode of race is just a social construct

So what? The only people 100% homo sapiens are the original Africans, all others have neanderthal blood. They just got something else.

Besides, if other people have sex with abobos, their offspring will be fertile, that is enough to prove we are members of the same species.

thread theme

They are just ugly as hell...

>article is about Pacific Islanders, not Abbos
>article says that they have admixture from a yet unknown group of hominin
>every known modern human group has admixture from more primitive humans, like Neanderthals in Whites

Thanks for sharing the article but for goodness's sake, we mustn't stoop to mainstream media tier fake news.

atleast you get +2 str

sorry about the -2 int and cha

>The only people 100% homo sapiens are the original Africans
Who are “the original Africans”?
Modern African populations are most likely admixed with extinct non-homo sapiens sapiens humans as well, but because of the climate the fossil record is worse and we don't have any ancient DNA of these peoples to compare.

>Besides, if other people have sex with abobos, their offspring will be fertile, that is enough to prove we are members of the same species.–polar_bear_hybrid

They have admixture from Neanderthals as well as Denisovans, who were like eastern Neanderthals.

And some other cunts who they obviously ate.

Wew nice flag

This shit is about Pacific Islanders
Abos still aren't human, though

get out of my hood normie



>Tfw no grolar bear

>says the monkey man

Shut up nerd, you are ruining the memes

"are most likely"

How are they most likely? Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on earth, and there is more genetic differences between certain African groups between each other then between Europeans and said African groups or Europeans and Asians. The difference being, was there ever a large enough amount of genetic drift via isolation too subsequently caused for sub-speciation. The answer is no. There is too much genetic information being passed around the continent.

The reason why sapiens sapiens (our species and subspecies) and Neanderthal are in fact different sub species is because there was significant genetic drift caused by isolation. That never happened in Africa to such a significant degree. There is a suggested sub species that lived in Africa beside us, but by the time "homo sapiens sapiens" left Africa we were all that was left. Meaning there were no other homo sapiens to breed with, that was not the case outside of Africa.

So no, it would not be most likely.

>all of living humans classified under Homo sapiens sapiens

Irrational. Every other animal in the world is broken up into various species and subspecies based on varying biological traits, but humans... "nope we're all exactly the same science is racist".

I know your post was copypasta, but it still pisses me off.

Trust me, I love a good meme. It's important to understand that the humor of the meme does not dictate the reality it is poking fun of. You're smart enough for that, not everybody else is.

Explains the smell

>that is enough to prove we are members of the same species

Lions and tigers can produce "ligers", your argument is incorrect.

>also ligers are fucking huge like an ice-age animal, holy shit

Bloody hell you could ride that thing into battle.

Well this is huge but not THAT big. At first we realized that Neanderthals had left some DNA in us, then we discovered about the Denisovans. It's only natural that as our knowledge progresses we'll figure out more and more about human genetics.
Next population to be analyzed in such a way should be niggers, I can't believe they are pure homo sapiens sapiens, they must have mixed with heidelbergensis or some shit.

you dumb nigger ligers arent fertile. abo-caucasoids are fertile

that gif is fucking terrifying for some reason

>Irrational. Every other animal in the world is broken up into various species and subspecies based on varying biological traits, but humans... "nope we're all exactly the same science is racist".

Species can interbreed and create fertile offspring. All humans can do that with each other.

Subspecies are still able to interbreed, but come as a result of genetic isolation with no relevant mixed populations in between.

The problem with organizing humans via race is that the variety of alleles that shape human appearance work more in a spectrum because there is no human ancestral population on earth that has truly been 100% cut off, with no members of their "race" interbreeding with individuals from another.

There are mixed Asian and aboriginal populations in Indonesia, they are ancient. Native Americans were simply a subpopulation of Siberians. A bottleneck population that didn't exist on the continents long enough for many unique alleles to show up. They are a subset of genetic information that already exists in Asia for the most part.

"Caucasians" have been breeding with "Africans" in North and East Africa. East Asians have been breeding with Africans in Madagascar. Latinos are for the most part "Caucasian" and Native American/East Asian. And there has always been a population in Central Asia with phenotypes treated by alleles from both European and East Asian pops.

It's easy to look at Ireland and Japan and say, totally separate groups... But genetic information doesn't work that way. There is a spectrum all the way across Eurasia, and to create these groupings it's simply to ignore how genetic information works that created this variety in the first place. People want finally cut out lines drawn between us, they don't exist because people in between exist.

We don't organize ourselves like other animals with subpopulations that are either literally incapable of interbreeding, or don't for whatever reason. We all breed with each other.

I confirmed that years ago, where is my science money?

my digits also confirm

But fucking abbos are mental because of their great great great half caste granny got taken away coz they were not getting fed and it was a all-ready a problem because churchy fucks thought we should help them poor fûćked coz they are half white and need help coz their half whit we better take them away from them savages

Your "alternative media" didn't properly understand the article that it cited...

The very article it cites that it interpreted to make such an argument... Doesn't actually suggest that whatsoever.

Make sure you take time to actually read the sources within themselves. If people have a agenda, it's unlikely that they will reinterpret what scientific information means.

Also 1997? That was the best resource this person could find over the subject? Do you know how many scientific research articles that study genetic information in Africa have been published by 2010, when the article was written?

Goodness gracious, Frost. He sure does love presenting his hypotheses as fact, as an "armchair" anthropologist.

Why was the stolen generation only the half castes not the full blown nigger tier??