AntiFA Terrorist Petition Fixed?

Looks like the petition may be working now. Go sign it again!

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honestly I'd prefer they not become the 'resistance'. When they are marginalized they get victim cred. Better for them to burn shit and loot and simply be condemned. It's like a living redpill

Looks like it's actually updating. See pic.

Let's get open season declared on these faggots.

This will only embolden them and strengthen them. They can play victim and push themselves as "revolutionaries fighting for good" against the "fascist regime" that now labeled them a terrorist organization.

You know what the best tactic is? Do not let them be legitimized by giving them a label at all, good or bad. They are scum, let the public see them for what they are, agitators and violent cretins crying for attention and threatening/hurting everyone they disagree with.

But if they are terrorists we can legally bounty hunt them and have them arrested regardless of wrongdoing.

>legally bounty them

You've been playing too much Red Dead, partner

Sounds like cuck talk to me.

Who specifically is AntiFa again? Oh wait that's right, Sup Forums is populated by droves of 12 year olds that's want all the meanies thrown away!

This is a fucking joke and you're making yourself look like a moron.

tick tock
deus e patria

do your duty user, don't let communists stink up your neigborhoods and disturb the republican peace

I don't get it. Just 2 weeks ago /pol was all about kicking in some commie skulls. What happened?

Because this has the organization of a toddler. DEFINE who AntiFa is? It's an amorphous collaboration of many actual groups. Just labeling the group "AntiFa" a terrorist organization shows the willingness of the organizer to delve into detail ie absolutely none.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, only antiamerican agent provocateur sellouts desire violence as means to advance the disease that they are

Gotcha. I'm a bit of a newfag. I've only been lurking since the election.

I would like to see more of this though

petitions aren't meant to be taken word by word but put some pressing issue on the agenda to be discussed and considered
antifa is a moniker covering distributed subhuman anti-social groups who suck various cocks for funding, usually by some kike with treasonous plans

Do you have to live in the US to be able to sign this?

Someone needs to make a BLM terroris petition

Shut the fuck up loser lmao

Why would you willingly give your information to soros for a useless petition?