Flynn is a Major Political Loss for Trump

Guys, no fucking around, this is a major defeat for Trump. This is like Hitler losing at Leningrad bad. DNC and political assassins are scouring the field for ANY lead that could be used to press impeachment. Now, Trump would NEVER get impeached unless something extremely severe occured, due to our government being massively weight to Republicans. The thing is, all the DNC needs to do is say "impeachment" and the job is 80% over. If you have major Democrats saying those words, even if it is impossible, if that path is done, the nuclear option, then Trump's political capital, what little of it, will plummet.

Democrats will use it as an excuse to railroad Trump in the same way the GOP did to Obama, and for most people, for 65% of people, just saying the words "impeachment" will make them turn against Trump. The independent that went for him, will get cold feet, and fall back, and that is what the DNC wants.

Make no mistake about this, Flynn is a major defeat, and the DNC will hail it as a major "scandal" in the very, very least. Once you have establishment Democrats saying "impeachment" you could have a scary situation where Clinton could even set up a shadow government until she can run again in 2020. There, Democrats could even support the shadow government over Trump's, at least in spirit, until the 2020 election.

Beware what I'm saying. Archive this because if the DNC goes the nuclear option, the gloves are off.

Just like all the obama bullshit hurt obama, he didn't give a toss and continued. Also congress is GOP so they arent for impeachment.

I would fuck that indian girl in to oblivion

Never trust a democrat.

How can that Indian girl express any disgust when she belongs to the most disgusting race on Earth?

Even if Trump gets impeached the damage is already done. The people have lost faith in the media and their narrative If the first President in recent memory to actually try and do the things he campaigned on gets impeached it will rip the political systems asshole wide open. The GOP better think long and hard about this because most of their grassroots base doesn't even like them and could leave en masse to form a new party. America First Party has a nice ring to it.

Why? Hillary admited they have pizza related map leading to Flynn or his son. The last thing Truml wants is some who can be blackmailed.

Randal from Clerks in the back

Was Hitler stopped at Leningrad? Are you sure you didn't mean Stalingrad?

>dnc wants to impeach trump as part of their agenda

You don't say?

No one fucking cares what that nest of corrupt idiots wants.

Read the rest of the post. Trump won't get impeached, but the DNC will challenge him like the siege of Leningrad on Hitler, ultimately, resolving in the defeat of Trump in 2020. The words "impeachment" will be said to give legitimacy to their walling of Trump, and possibly a complete refusal to work with him, even more severe than the GOP to Obama.
They could also, in spirit, have more loyalty to a possible Clinton "Shadow Cabinet" which could run in 2020. Due to the fear and buzz with the words "impeachment" just having major DNC individuals say that, is enough for most independents to balk, and decimate Trump's political capital, and any chances of a 2020 victory.

And Barack Obama is setting his bunker right outside the white house. What do you think of that?

>Democrats will use it as an excuse to railroad Trump in the same way the GOP did to Obama,
>GOP railroaded Obama

When exactly was this?

anytime the GOP refused to support any of his political goals, forcing him to rely on more and more executive orders. The point is to isolate him, and make him look like a tyrant

What the fuck are you talking about? Hillary Clinton will not become the leader of a shadow government, do you have any idea what that term implies? Fucking retarded thread.

Independent voters were pushed right when the left started callimg them Nazis and misogynists for not automatically lining up behind Clinton. The riots really aren't helping either. I still think the Dems are going to get butchered in 2018/2020. Wait until they put Ellison in charge of the DNC.

She's looking at a perfectly clean toilet.


Yeah I'm not interested in any of that. But it does seem hitlers siege of Leningrad was unsuccessful. But I still think the battle of Stalingrad would have fit your analogy better.

So, other than forcing banks to charge more money for first time loans and stopping the sale of thousands of homes for first time buyers and raising our rent, and other than freezing bad VA care and care growth, and other than accusing 3-5 million democrats of driving around in covert bus lines full of vote cheaters, and other than fucking up his first military mission in basically every way possible, and other than failing his first constitutional and litigation test with the failed Muslim ban, and other than firing the one lawyer best prepared to successfully prosecute El Chapo, and other than going to Japan and popping out his ear piece and just smiling and nodding and ignoring the Prime Minister, and other than his lead counsel plugging his daughters failed clothing line on the news, and other than his National Security head guy being a total and complete fucking spy for Russia, I'd say Trump has really Made America Great Again!

>trying to make something out of Flynn

God damn you shills are pathetic

Have a (you), buy that ramen you've been saving up for

Bullshit, Flynn, a lifelong democrat btw, lied to Pence. This is what did him in.