Bill M103 The Anti-Islamiphobia Law - I Have An Idea

What if we Canadians are no longer able to shitpost about the things we hate about Islam?

I have a plan just in case this gets passed. What if we promote Islam but promote it in such a way that it highlights parts of Islam that disagree with western culture. This way we can have our message heard and not be charged with some hate speech or something. We pretend to be vocal people trying to convert people thereby not making it seem like islamiphobia.

Now here's the funny part. Any criticism of the things we say that are also in the Koran would be hate speech. This would be the perfect opportunity to red pill masses of people about Islam while still abiding by the law.

What do you think Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

The only way your idea can work is if a ton of white males convert to Islam and start doing shit that doesn't comport with western values.

You guys let in an equally dangerous bunch before these guys. Wait until those other guys start demanding their slice of Khalistan in the west and all these Based Siklh memes fall apart

They don't have to actually convert. We can just do an online campaign and pretend to be Muslims converting people. That's more Sup Forums's pace.

What? I can't even keep track of who they let in anymore. We're being bombarded with immigrants from all over the place. I hate this "We have space, we need more people" shit.

Oh the syrian refugees. Fuck did they ever fuck up there. Never take people from the middle east and put them in the western world.

No not the Syrians, the Sikhs. I meant that they are just as troublesome as the Muslims once they grow in number and want their own homeland and are willing to use violence to achiever their goals

The based sihk meme is so forced and dumb...

It's like these fags never heard of air india


No shill

ISLAM is shit and shouldn't be promoted in any way you fucking kike.

Technically NS has a law against cyberbullying already, i'm just waiting for the knock on the door and 5 consecutive life sentences

>user can't read: the post


>sihks are brotier

>blowing up canadians

Look faggot, you don't give quarter to pakis or Islam. They don't understand compromise, they see find and take Gibs and then expect more Gibs.

You don't show them fear because they make no distinction between fear or respect.

Just kill them until you are killed doing so. End of. Or they'll just kill you anyway.

Get a Sup Forums pass and a vpn and you can post anything you want.
.t burger running leaf ip


Excellent idea.
We need to make high quality memes claiming we want to implement sharia law, stuff like male escorts for women and lower age of consent

She's such a qt, I would vote in her favor anytime.
