Disney and Youtube just turned their backs on him, is he finished just for a jew joke?

Disney and Youtube just turned their backs on him, is he finished just for a jew joke?

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He could retire right now and still be set for life. The Jews are so short sighted (due to their huge noses) that they are only producing a Streisand Effect.

I can't wait for the day Jews lose.

I thought he was just mocking nazis by being absurd but him being Jewed like that made me ponder...

is he /ourguy/ or just a fag

How can Disney turn their back on someone for being anti-semitic?



if this guy didn't hate jews before he does now.

he's already worth several 10s of millions of dollars, if he gave a fuck he could fund the production of a coherent documentary elaborating on the nature of the kikes. The guy can already retire and enjoy the rest of his life if he wanted, he shouldn't fear having advertisers and investors pulled.

Sites that assess wealth range from saying he's worth $85-130 million

This This This


Disney I knew about from Scarce's video and that's their loss. But what did Youtube do?

He already apologized. He's a loser.

He kept saying he didn't care about the money and would still do it even if he wasn't getting paid, infact many say that.

It's not true, right now he is running around trying to sign deals with other networks to try and keep the money fountain flowing.

However, he is still pretty much fucked now. Youtube is now against him and will actively lower his search rankings as they did with Leafy.

He's only just beginning. Prepare for the rise of Punished Pewds, a tuber denied his subscribers.

It's a good opportunity for him to create a new platform to BTFO youtube once and for all. 50 million people are subbed to this man. Even if 1 million move with him to another platform that would be a huge success. If he's smart we'll see this happen


Someone as wildly popular as pewds cant be silenced. Things like this never work out for the controlling force.

This seems like the best thing for him to do.

Not a big fan of him but it'd be nice if he was able to do this and it ends u being a site to surp youtube.

He fucked up last night, he posted an apology.

When you apologize you are admitting guilt and they all jump on you, stupid asshole.

He should of denied it and stated that it was a joke and that he had nothing to apologize for.

oy vey you can only joke about whites goyim

You don't seem to get how the world works.

All his "friends" will disown him, all the advertisers will refuse to advertise with him.

Disney and Google are titans.

"To find out who rules you..."

>using tumblr
He deserves to die

Bob Iger.

So you think he will start the first national socialist streaming site? It would be quite the killer app.

Wow, i didnt know the $$ was like that. Jesus, good job pewdie

>Disney and Google are titans.
Even Google itself can take the new site down, I mean everyone and their grandma uses Google, Google just send the link to page 3 or beyond, and that site will be done.

Shadilay, brothers!

This. OP is a faggot.

Funny how it works huh

Racist jokes, okay, one Jewish joke, life ruined

that's not a real apology. that's a patrice o'neal apology.

"i'm sorry that's how you took it."

>go to the jewgle news aggregate to investigate claims that Flynn's resignation was rejected
>main page
>top story
What the fuck is going on with the world? I thought you fags were just spamming this cuck to slide the board but does this shit actually matter to the normies? How the hell did this fag show up at the top of the news? Hes some YouTube fag. I don't understand how this is news.

Holy shit.

he gets more views in a week than most major network shows combined. he's kind of a big deal.

Idgaf about pewdie but I would back this. He has so many followers it would be easy to do.

what did he even do with Disney anyway?


Pick one


>50M subscribers
If you go and ask around the world, more people know PewDiePie than Flynn. He is probably more known than a big share of TV stars.

Then why doesn' t the faggot finally shut the fuck up?

Piece of crap is a piece of crap. Nobody give' s a shit.

>and YouTube

Wait what?

It really doesn't matter anymore, he already made enough money to live better than we all.
I'd love to see him get sued nonetheless.

paperboy is on periscope!!!

He will beg for forgiveness and be left alone.

Gee i wonder...

His channel is associated with a company bought by Disney.

Make no mistake, internet is no longer free as it was, majority of websites are part of big corporations.

you are retarded. severely

Good. They just redpilled him and 20 million kids who will grow up to hate jews.

That's around 0.33% of the world population this redpilled. Not bad.

Or just don't follow some faggot on YouTube and think some faggot on YouTube is worthy of news coverage. You know, like someone who isn't 14 years old.

>I want the alt-right audience

Based future king of sweden, he won at life and beat the system now he's proceeding on mass redpilling of younglings.

Pewdiepie King of Sweden by 2035

>right now he is running around trying to sign deals with other networks to try and keep the money fountain flowing.

Wouldn't you? Most successful people don't just stop working when they amass a certain amount or reach a certain milestone, they keep trying to find new ways to make money and diversify their sources of income.

they cancelled his show "scare pewdiepie" apparently.

wow the internet really is dead
time to move on

Lel did anyone even watch that?

What a garbage idea for a show anyway. I'd rather watch videos of Pewdiepie trolling fake news journalists

Yeah I'll laugh when he becomes more popular than ever now. People have had enough.