Wahl des deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2017

Convince me to vote for the party of your favor.
Well thought out and well written posts welcomed.

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Vote AfD you refugee cock sucking turd or else your mother gets raped by migrants

AfD. We must preserve Germany

Brudi, you are two days late. Steinmeier is already our president.

Can you tell me what they aim to achieve?

i left spd and joined afd because i dont want to live in a caliphate

Kinder in Reizwäsche sind geil. Deshalb die basierten Piraten wählen.

>Bundespräsidenten 2017
bad proxy shilling

>or else your mother gets raped by migrants

too late, that's how OP was made

whats AFD's stance on Bundeswehr?

Keeping Germany German. Not far enough, as we have Greek and Balkan problem. But one step at a time

Nächsten Sommer reise ich nach Deutschland und Österreich mit einer Gruppe. Wie viele Flüchtlinge/Muslime werde ich dort sehen? Sollte ich die "Memes" nicht glauben?

bigger military and comeback of conscription

Which is a shitty idea as giving shitskins and other shit tier "Euros" military experience is not a good idea at all

du kannst genauso nach afrika reisen

Muslime wirst du ein paar sehen, aber da du dich in touristischen Orten aufhalten wirst, wirst du hauptsächlich normale Muslime sehen. Flüchtlinge sind nur in Berlin (Kreuberg, Neukölln) dominant, aber sonst eher nicht so.

Die Linke, because the biggest threat to the well-being of the society is the continued accretion of influence by private concentrations of power.

you may remember that the government cut particular passages in the newest poverty report, in particular those passages that reveal that the bottom parts of society (those with very little income) play almost no role in the political decision making process and that this process is clearly biased towards people with higher incomes.

I think this is a bad road to go down and die Linke is the only party that seems to acknowledge this in a believable way

Can you guys name the Pros and Cons about AfD?

Auslandseinsätze? i would fucking vote and join immediately

shitskin christian caucus here, fuck you

You have to go back Kanake. You have your own country

It's not my country i was born and raised here so that's the country i day for pasholte nahui

*die for

pros: no rapefugees

cons: no social sysytem

Not like we would make a difference come the day of the rope

>rat was born in a stable
>rat is a horse

Danke schön. Solange sie mich nicht angreifen / erschießen...

Social system attracts all the scum. The worst outcome of AfD is a marginal ethnic peace and lack of racial violence. I have a feeling I should vote SPD sometimes, just to push Germany to a suicide. Violent ghettos, crime and hate are preferable to 90% German peaceful hippie multiracial BRD with BASED integrated immigrants

There is only one choice.

said the slav

>Flüchtlinge sind nur in Berlin (Kreuberg, Neukölln) dominant, aber sonst eher nicht so.

I'm Swiss Bavarian and it's not like I was being hypocrite while posting that, if I was a Slav. You know, living in your own homeland and all that. Something a pathetic cuckold leech like you would never understand.

>voting for a commie shitskin
Great idea!

yeah whatever dude i'm joining anyway, oh and i just found out AfD loves my homecountry

>implying you would be accepted
What's your home country, Kanake?

>Abitur but would still go for Mannschaften
>more chance of being accepted just to make you cry


Look at germany. We're on the Highway to hell. We're giving up out nation for some gloablistic ideals, that never ever will work out, because of men's nature.
So every old fraction gets booted. SPD/CDU/CSU out.
FDP will never be a big power.
Die Linke are pretty "normal" of all those fractions. They have just a little realistic ideas.
Die Grünen are stupid piles of garbage. Some weedsmokers that think, that they know how to run a country.
AfD or Pirates left.
AfD is run by a woman... so you can't trust them. If Höcke (some respectable man) will get booted, you know that they're corrupt pieces of shit. and the Pirates are left (some strange people).
So yeah.. Everythings shit.

Take AFD, Linke or Pirates.

Go back. You are not us. Never will be.

Does the AfD actually have a chance? I admit I'm not well brushed up on my German politics. What's a good non-cucked German news site? It's fine if it's in German, I'm marginally proficient

Dude i'm not looking for acceptance and what's even better is i never encounter any racism here


Thank you for the good post.

Because it's not to be shown, Turkish land fertiliser. No one likes you in private. I mean Armanian? Out of all people of that region? The only one without any sense of honour. Would have added kurds, but they are not people at all

Thanks, lad

Wähl die grünen wegen der umwelt und so


lots of germans like me just because armenians are supposed to hate turks but again i'm not looking for acceptance. So why do we lack honour in your opinion?

>Germans like me
Not they don't, silly. We are a country of good double standards and mimic. I reckon how we was sitting at a family gathering and my father's friend was complaining about his son dating a Swiss Frnch girl, the next guy told "at least she's not Greek" and everyone burst into laughter.
>why no honour
Because you are rats without sense of dignity and belonging? You live in Los Angeles, Germany or Moscow for two generation and scream "we are native". Griboedov and George Orwell has exposed your subhuman nature thru and thru

why is no german ever suggesting the NDP?

~t read an article on wiki on german poiltics.

I mean if he would die for that country, he is a honorary citizen of that country

fixed name

No. That's how you end up with 30% shitskin military and 50% White country

Like i said i don't care if germans accept me or not, i was born and raised here, i care about armenian people but i'm not walking around telling everyone I'm armenian. I'm going to the Bundeswehr to risk my life for Germany and because i feel german, i really don't give a fuck if you see me as one.

>no honour
armenians have lived in that area for thousands of years being buttfucked by muslims over and over, still you will hardly see any muslim armenian


As a redpilled Sup Forumstard opposed to terrorism, child abuse and erosion of European culture and native population;

I strongly urge you to vote Alternative fur Deutschland

You won't be accepted. If you have honour, how come you claim to be German, rat?

Civicnationalism is a bad idea for Europe

They're pretty ok, but they're too ultra for many people. Big Opposition and the media did its job, too. And even if they somehow get too many votes, they will get forbidden and disbanded. So it's somehow useless to vote for them.

Being born here, finishing my education and working here, how could i say I'm not german? That would make me ultimate rat

Flee the country, it's already too late. Only European civil war could save us now.


Also ich bin in Ulm, was ne mittelgroße Stadt ist und da gibts inzwischen einige Schwarzafrikaner. Ich weiß allerdings nicht ob die deutsch sprechen können, die sind nicht integriert.

You are not German stupid shitskin. Quality LARP. thanks! Laughed enough

What makes you think that?

>Linke or Pirates.
>Linke or Pirates.
>Linke or Pirates.
>Linke or Pirates.
>Linke or Pirates.
neger wie behindert bist du eigentlich?

Aye. "I was born on a plane, I'm a pilot". Armenians are literately lowest of the low. Omnicrawling fifth columnist roaches. "Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian" (c) George Orwell.

>if you ignore the tons of drunken (muslims don't drink lol) rapefugees/muslims wandering around streets at night and lingering on and around kids playgrounds and pretty much every other place where clad woman are to met like baths and lakes every day in every city of Germany you wont see any rapefugees/muslims

Day is cometh. Removal is soon


You are objectively more likely to be mugged or robbed or somehow beaten up by them than meet a nice German girl

Was willstn sonst wählen? CDU/SPD? Sorry aber da will ich lieber ein Staat der sich nicht einigen kann mit vielen Parteien, als einen Staat der knallhart in den Abgrund rennt, du Spaßt. Wahrscheinlich bist du der Neger, wenn du keine normalen Argumente bringen kannst :/

There are people who think that Jews have nothing to do with it

all your political parties look like detergent brands

Germany is a lost cause anyway so who cares.

How can a country go from so based to so cucked in a generation?

8million non whites in Britain, James. More than in Germany or Sweden. Highest rate of race-mixing in the western world. 90+% of all adult negros in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly white. More biracial children than any other western country.



MIsunderstood me, i meant that if you fought in a war for a country, you should become a citizen of that country.
Dont think that they would fight a war.

He's Armenian roach that thinks he's German. He can't get more pathetic. He should get the fuck out of Germany

if you take migrants and children of migrants into account, you come to the conclusion that native germans today only make up 70% of the population. the problem is, the largest generation of native germans, the boomers, are about to leave the workforce and will die sooner or later, which means, there will be even lesser native germans. we are pretty much doomed if a class of a school in western germany is made up of 30 children, whereas only 6 of them are native german. ill get out as fast as i can desu.


England BTFO

>voting for the pirate jew

and the people did not get to vote in that matter!

You own nothing Goym!

against Merkel refugee welcome mentality
but not as insane as AFD

Most controlled opposition that exists

Vote CSU, the real conservative party of Germany. They're ourted in germany.


>he doesn't know about "Familiennachzug"

Never said that he is/isnt a german. I said that if you fight a war you should become a citizen.

What is the FDP? Ive heard of all the other ones.

>Die Linke

Glaube nicht alles, was dir der Google Übersetzer erzählt.

>cons: no social system
do you want a job or welfare?

Yes, vote for (((Gysi))) goy

Cdu/Piraten! Or commies or nazis take over. Both are stupid and there party programms have no future actions in mind.

I want to have both

nicht konnen wahlen, kanzellor dieses year
prasident whalen tut bundestäg already


>cons: no social sysytem
Bullshit. Wie kommst du darauf?

>Voting Linke because DDR nostalgia
They are the reason east Germany is poor and still has to be financed by the conservative west.
Get your act together, stop complaining and start working.

In the tourist areas? None.
On the train and on trainyards? Many.
Outside of cities? Few.

>nazis take over
NPD won't get a significant vote in this election since the AfD challenges the right-wing perspective now, so no

Can confirm. Armenians are one of the most disgusting shitskins. Just check out Glendale

vote FDP
Schwarz-Gelb to end GroKo

>nazis take over