Does anyone have this creeping feeling that (((they))) are pushing the right-wing agenda now?

Does anyone have this creeping feeling that (((they))) are pushing the right-wing agenda now?

I mean the end game result for them would have been to dominate the world, and have all non-Jews serve them. However its unrealistic and couldn't ever really work. Now that they have Israel, why would they need to? It seems to me that every collated effort by them for the past century have lead to a mindless pushing of the same values even among their own kind, and would explain why Israel is such a tolerant shithole. I mean they're not even trying to cover up the Holocaust anymore - its becoming more and more mainstream to deny it. They've even made a film - Denial - where in which a Jewish woman tries to prove it happened and couldn't.

The leftist media is giving more attention to right-wing pundits, there are more pushes from advertising towards nationalism, there are nationalist leaders gaining serious traction and attention in the media. Couple that with the fact that anything left-wing now looks absolutely absurd, desperate, or confused.

Now that a majority of countries have been irreversibly race-mixed, are they now trying to close those borders in? The margins on Trumps win and Brexit were so close that it could well have been doctored.

Even the most influential pundits of the right are openly Jews - Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulus, David Horowitz, etc...

Is there now a concentrated effort to repel the old (((agenda))) and establish a new one?

Are they pushing nationalism to insulate countries, are they pushing nationalism to Make Israel Great Again?

>Breitbart News was “founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel,” that organization’s Jewish CEO Larry Solov has announced.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone? No?

fuck off


They are.

They now control both sides. Look to Trump's genealogy and who his children married.
Look to who that slut of the Le Pen is fucking...

I don't think its that at all - there are obviously smart and stupid people of all races. The dumb Jews want multi-culture even among their own.

Would love some Israel posters opinions on whats going on there.

That's pretty pointless.

Why should a german nationalist care about nationalists in Israel?

Anyway, the kikes have always been the most nationalist race to has ever exosted

Its pretty mainstream knowledge that George Soros is funding leftist groups. Hes the perfect patsy for ending the leftist agenda. Hes an old rich fuck whos lived a life of luxury. Now that hes like 200 years old and almost dead, hes throwing himself on the grenade. When he dies any leftist rebellion will be squashed and nationalism enters turbo-mode.

fucking hell this delusion. most retarded thing ive read today

Bog post best post

Soros is actualy a Rothschild puppet.

He does the dirty work, but the bankers are the ones pulling the strings

Why is it delusion? A man who has created billions from nothing isn't a stupid guy. If he wanted to not be seen, he couldve done it quite easily.

What other motive is there?

Who are these guys?

Mark Twain:

>You seem to think that the Jews take no hand in politics here, that they are 'absolutely non-participants.' I am assured by men competent to speak that this is a very large error, that the Jews are exceedingly active in politics all over the empire, but that they scatter their work and their votes among the numerous parties, and thus lose the advantages to be had by concentration. I think that in America they scatter too, but you know more about that than I do.
Jews are not monolithic.

And this part, just because I like it:
>Speaking of concentration, Dr. Herzl has a clear insight into the value of that. Have you heard of his plan? He wishes to gather the Jews of the world together in Palestine, with a government of their own--under the suzerainty of the Sultan, I suppose. At the Convention of Berne, last year, there were delegates from everywhere, and the proposal was received with decided favour. I am not the Sultan, and I am not objecting; but if that concentration of the cunningest brains in the world were going to be made in a free country (bar Scotland), I think it would be politic to stop it. It will not be well to let that race find out its strength. If the horses knew theirs, we should not ride any more.

Breitbart is a jewish shilling mouthpiece. You can't go on there without seeing article after article supporting Israel.

The goal is clearly to make inroads and control the narrative on the alt right. They are becoming more obvious and plenty of red pills are carpet bombed in the comment section. People have the basic fucking gestalt and aren't buying the shilling.

You re absolutly correct. Just pls can you tell me. Who are those notorous THEY???

can i get a rundown? and make it snappy

your vision of nationalism entering turbo mode.
the leftest ideology isnt formed by money, and wont leave with the death of soros

Newsflash, we jews are not a hivemind. I have my own [right-wing] opinions, others in my own family have different views. My dad liked Obama, but still voted for Trump. My mom on the other hand HATED Obama.

Look at this cool Mark Twain article, it was written two hundred years ago and it's awesome!

I've read that. He got it absolutely right. Jews are smart and ambitious, so of course we are going to be prominent in pretty much any high-status occupation, whether it's political punditry or astrophysics.

This is the current dichotomy that is harming Jews in Israel. Thats like my whole point - they're pushing nationalism to cement Israel. Its good news for the rest of us, however we are still being manipulated.

Often when an animal wants to survive an attack, it'll play dead.

Also, if this site was any danger to their cause, it wouldn't be here. It would have been bought and whored out until people no longer came.

Dumbass it's been the agenda. The jews created WW2 and to kill their people so less of them to take spots of power and also to victimize them and to create this anti-semitism shit. Also you guys trying to figure it out is part of their agenda too it tells them your next steps.

Germans went full SJW. Equality of outcome for all!

I think he's wrong about this, though.
>In estimating worldly values the Jew is not shallow, but deep. With precocious wisdom he found out in the morning of time that some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, and that over these ideals they dispute and cannot unite--but that they all worship money; so he made it the end and aim of his life to get it.

Jews tend to be more spiritual than that. Money's not the point, it's a means to do good.

I'm "pushing nationalism" because I want to go down to the corner grocery and see people who look like me, not a bunch of black/brown/red/green people speaking in tongues. Like I said, we all have our opinions. 99% of jews are not the elite Soros culture manipulators you think we are....and we don't take our marching orders from them either.

op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot op is faggot

There was more anti-semitism before WWII than after it. In fact, anti-semitism pre-20th century was a FUCKTON worse than it was in the 20th century. In pretty much every country in Europe jews were restricted from doing just about anything of consequence, and most were forced to live in certain places (ghettos, pale of settlement, etc).

thought of it but the sheer amount of screeching against trump leads me to believe we're on the right side of the history.

Want to give me a nifty clue about these fellas?

Read Mark Twain's article, faggot.

Palestine is not Ireland, stop projecting.

It seems odd that pretty much every country that turned against jews ended up in the shitter. Look at Venezuela today. My personal theory is that hatred of jews is just a symptom of a much bigger disease.....stupidity. The German people went full retard when they went with the Nazis, and they ended up paying for it. Millions dead, their nation destroyed. In addition to hating jews, Hitler also hated reality.....Venezuela too.

Theres a big difference between Jews and (((THE JEWS)))

a forced meme that was planted by shills i orderto getus to slide threads and do their job for them. Congrats, youre a useful idiot.

What are you on about Judean?

Funny how the Irish seem to be the most anti-jew....yet the most pro-nigger. I guess you guys are the niggers of Europe. I'm surprised you guys haven't gone full on marxist retard yet. LOL

Feck off, you're just unenlightened and haven't accepted the bogpill

I didn't even read the thread, I'm just here for the bog.

there is screeching on both sides depending on who's in power.

look at all those austards who were crying when Obama literally did ANYTHING.

you think its a stable well thought out group that thinks up the "thanks obama" meme?



It's been my online experience that Irepeople dislike Israel because they get flashbacks about Britain and cuddle the Palestinians.

Not my IRL experience, though, I've met some pretty nice Irepeople.

Not at all. Leftist media is now in a position where it cannot possibly lose. They wouldn't turn back now when they have the superpower to make the public think that anyone is a Nazi. They can make people fight their own government with stupid articles like"Cuckolding: The Thinking Man's Fetish".

this is true but only after the war you had an "anti-semitism" as a concept that labels jewry enemies and protects them against critics.

26 million russians died in ww2 yet i doubt any youtubers will get banned for "anti-russianism" if they post something against russia

I did a lot of digging in the archives and found some crazy shit. I try to fit it all in one shot

Look here now, I don't sympathise with those Leftist retards who love palestinian cock but that's not to say I like Israel. You're both 2 sides of the same shekel in my opinion.

Fair. I don't need my cock sucked.

You know those pigs from the last books in the Ender's game serious? That's where humans are basically at right now.

I know, you'll just manipulate some mindless goy to do it for you.

>leftist ideology
It's formed by low quality education and indoctrination.

Did you notice how your schools and unis changed during the last years?

The product is what you see today.

Poor people will always be manipulated by other if they keep being ignorant.

That's why the education is a great part of a stable nation.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on these guys? Are they behind the Flynn resignation?

What's going on????

Stop overestimating jews

They're clever and sneaky but they ALWAYS get found out eventually...

maybe their time is up?

Quick rundown on them:
rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control france with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
These are the Bogdanoff twins
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
Trump is rumoured to be an agent of the Bogdanoffs
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

Sweet Jesus...its almost like they are the next step in human evolution!

are these guys actually powerful or is it all just a meme? its hard to take the bogandoff shitposting seriously

The Bogdanoff Brothers are exterminating the black race by poisoning all the major rivers in africa

Indeed there was, mainly because they disturbed the natural order of that culture wherever they are. The thing thats different about Judaism from other religions is the Judaism is the only religion where God isn't worshiped. Other Jews are worshiped. Jews come above all else where Judaism is concerned.

This is why Judaism is fundamentally different. It makes it a closed-club that you must basically be born into. I mean just look at the entry requirements - you literally have to chop the end of your cock off to show you're serious about joining. If you're born Jewish - Mazaltov! - you're in the club, otherwise fuck off. You will be brought up with the values and traditions of Judaism and likely inherit your parents and grandparents views.

With the advent of the internet however this has thrown somewhat of a spanner in the works. Liberalism has gone too far and is infiltrating and poisoning even the most closed societies.

I think its probably in the Jews best interest for the world to return how it was pre-WW1, but this time with Israel as their own land. The issue with this however, is that Jews do not create and rarely have inherent artistic ability. Jews only know how to take.