The handshake that doomed Trump

Now that the dust has settled, who came out better here?

This thread is sponsored by the Liberal Government of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the CBC and canadian tax payer

Trudeau averted his gaze first
Trudeau clenched his teeth in pain
Trudeau mirrored Trump's hand gesture

Trump won

This thread is sponsored by the Liberal Government of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the CBC and canadian tax payer

>Now that the dust has settled, who came out better here?

It made it look like Trudeau was barely able to contain his homoerotic impulses.

Trudeau broke 3 fingers and dislocated his pinkie.

o jees who gives a fuck
Liberal Rubbish

Some people, some very smart people, are saying JT cucked trump that night when he banged Ivanka in the lincoln bedroom.

>trudeau sees all this handshake bullshit online
>"ooh, dat nastwy twump, i'll thow him"
>does the handshake bullshit
>signals to trump he's an easily swayed moron who cares more about public opinion than anything else

>70yo Trump easily keeps up with a very young leader that practices martial arts



Trudeau knows Trump is the bigger man.

Trudeau won either way since he cucked drumpfs daughter later that day.

LOL, no



This thread is sponsored by the Liberal Government of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the CBC and canadian tax payer

clearly Trudeau let go first and his hand was under Trumps. Trump clear winner

wtf everything you just mentioned is the opposite of what I see in that video

I'm very mad at Weed man but one thing I like and respect is that he has kept his mouth shut about Trump. I am an unashamed Trump fan and hope that some American success and pull back from Globalism will wash North.

I don't think Weed Man is strong enough to withstand a Trump assault on his values. Fuck maybe he can share some secret classified redpill and make him one of us.
Some things are going on in Canada that concern me to the core.

I can hope.

>pic related is showing me something is broken in my homeland

I like Trudeau.

i have baby feet too.

Trump bent over slightly, indicating that he was ready to be penetrated by the leaf. It's a classic submissive signal by the rich.

Honestly as a former trump supporter it's embarrassing having this bloated clown as the symbol of this country.

I'm glad Trudeau was prepared for that and stood up to him. I really admire him.

Trump is meeting with Truedough to discuss the peaceful assimilation of the Northern Colonies.

>Meeting Trump
>He outreaches his hand
>realize you've made a huge mistake

>Two weeks later, hand is still in critical condition, doctors working around the clock to piece bone and flesh together

I regret voting for Trump everyday. The whole world is laughing at us now. World leaders are happy though, I can tell you that; not to the benefit of the US either.

jutting out his Jaw, he thinks looking foolish or more friendly will divert Trumps hard gaze

stance, observe how Trudeau has to fall back upon his right foot, Trump leans into his space. Trudeau is clearly unsettled

eyes, it is clear from this picture that Trudeau is looking over Trumps right shoulder, averting his gaze, he is clearly insecure

absolutely pathetic, I give Canada about 2 days until they succum to America

stalemate imo

trudeau won in the sense that no one expected him, including trump, to hold his own.

that canadian faggot earned some respect from the donald that day

this, I regret voting for him

Unkle Trump.

Trump dominated that handshake look at the hands notice Trumps on top and Trudeau took it like a bitch.

I mean it's fucking nothing. It's fucking scary how much power the (((media))) wields in our country. They can create controversies on a fucking whim, OP eds are run as objective truths.

You forgot to change your proxy.

The Canadian faggot has no say in the matter anyway. We are building a pipe to Canada and draining your oil.

Me. Knowing how to use my Aneros properly

Trudeau won this battle hands down. He accomplished something Donald has been trying to do for decades, he fucked Ivanka's brains out.

>trump is bowed forward in an act of submission and subtle knowledge of inferiority
>trudeau stands straight up, a paragon of martial manliness
Eye contact:
>trudeau gazes trump with closed mouth while trump opens his in autistic fashion
>trudeau pulls trumps hand towards his body, keeping it locked in vice grip, trump repeatedly tries to pull but is unable to
>trudeau puts hand on trumps shoulder, facing the camera, another sign of domination by trudeau and submission by trump

trump got absolutely btfo on the handshake tbqh. the whole meeting was a farce for us americans. The way ivanka embarrassed us by swooning over justin so obviously. the submission and defeat that was shown on trumps face. I'm still on the trump train, but this was low fucking energy.

Good to know you support President Bannon.

How's Trump doing in at the hospital? How much did he break while he was blown the fuck out? Is he already recovering? Is he out of intensive care?




Look at the slender figure of Trudeau against the balding flabby abomination that is Trump...

This is just so God damn funny I fucking LOVE IT


Don't you mean Ivanka grabbed Trudeau by the pussy and then pegged the shit out of his loose asshole?

It's all about the dicksizes bro. Trump is used to old fatties with fat pads that swallow them up

This. He's clearly willing to take Trudeau's seed for some "diplomatic relations." Body language says it all.


I need to understand this aspect of the meme. Is he a serial killer?

He has an underbite that becomes pronounced whenever he's nervous.


You're from fucking Brazil though.

Trump has the feet of a little boy.

He survived giving a 70 y.o. a handshake, he is the hero liberals deserve.

Can I please have a quick rundown on the guy on the right?

Are big feet good?

top kek lad

Castro has strong genes

It's seen Trudeau is nervous on the video.

Trudeau is younger.


hes 70 fucking years old you autistic monkey

Do you even know whats going on? Or are you just splooging out what you call "LE EPIK BTFO ROAST! XDD"?

Nobody really, they cancelled each other out.

I like this image.May I save it?

Risitas wills it

was Trudeau going for a kiss and Trump denied him?