Honest question for the alt-right

How are us Jews so inferior yet control banking and the media?

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Ooh, roleplaying thread!
I'm a cat
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No I'm actually serious. I am Jewish, Bar Mitzvah and all. I came here because I had an honest question for you guys.

If you were superior you would have taken over the world a long time ago, must make you kikes mad that steppe gooks almost took over the known world 800 years ago.

Bork Meow I'm a lion

Never said I was superior. I was just asking. The Alt-right says things about Jews being inferior, while at the same time controlling banking and media. How would that work?

tribalist mentality and nepotism. one jew gets in a position a power, suddenly all the positions of power are in jewish hands.

But if the jewish person was so inferior then how did they get the position of power in the first place?

You're not inferior, quite the opposite. The way you use your intelligence to enslave the west is just pure evil.

You are not superior you just found the loopholes and used some simple lifehacks to climb on top of the society.

OK. I don't agree, but thank you for giving me the answer I was looking for about your beliefs.

Fuck off kike

Nope. (: Just came to ask a question.

Because you use deceiving, unscrupulous, and downright treasonous means to obtain your power. You use and trick people, play victim, do whatever means necessary to obtain control. The fact is you're not Semites, but the descendants of Asiatics war mongers known as the Khazars. This is apparent in your appearance and "dark" music, art, and impulses

>lion cuck of the savanas
>sends his wife to do the hunting

>eat healthy top leaves
When will you uneducated faggots leave ? your time is over already.

About the "dark" sounding music: Almost every letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a music note that corresponds to it. That makes it sound minor, based on Hebrew words' spelling.

Not the Alt-Right. Anyone who isn't a uninformed robot knows kikes like you infiltrate all levels of world governments, media, entertainment. The writings on the fucking wall.

I've never heard here someone calling a jew as an inferior, you're wrong or a newfag.

>Sup Forums is the Alt-Right
>Sup Forums users all share the same views
>Sup Forums is one person
This is sarcasm and its sad that I have to explain this to your uninformed ass. Nice try huffpost or BuzzFeed reporter shill. Feel free to fuck off.

Also, as a student, what have I done that is "treasonous"? The only thing I have control of is the school morning news broadcast every morning.

The jews are clever, but that doesn't mean they are honest.

You know what the difference between a jew and a muslim?
The muslim stabs you up front
the jew gets you from behind.

It's not about superiority or inferiority. It's about your people being biologically incapable of living in a culture, without undermining every aspect of it and purposely causing divisiveness and turmoil. There is historical precedent as your people have been booted out of every fucking civilization ever, only to take 0 blame or responsibility. Host nations take you in, you then turn on host nation. This is behavior reminiscent of rodents or a virus, not making a direct comparison but hey if the fucking shoe fits

Who said you are inferior? You are Evil that's it.

Click their fucking post number you goddamn kike, that's how you respond. Clearly you're the intellectual runt of the litter

What do you a call a group of people who through nepotism and manipulation control the banking and media systems in order to destroy a nation?



FYI, not sure if you've ever met a Jew IRL but most of us don't look like that.

alt-right thinks you need to check your privilege lmao

>implying you're not a jew serb

To understand the nature of the Jew you need to understand how a parasite works. Once you understand this you understand how Jews operate as a species and why they control the banking and the media.

Jew girls - best girls

Thanks for teaching me that!

Thats a question only the person that knows you the most can answer: you and the nsa.
But being a liberal is pretty much given since liberals push agendas that contribute with the destruction of a nation, thats the one mystery about the jews, where do they go once they ruin a nation?

I think most people accept that jews are, on average, smarter than white goyim. However, they usually don't think of themselves as goyim and don't see the utility in preserving the goyim culture(whatever that may be)

Whites have a talent for creating things, science and innovation. We built the modern world. Your people have a talent for effectively pushing around money to your own advantage and investment. Using the hard work of whites to your advantage. Inner city blacks parasitize off our culture and strength in the same way that you do. If the economy was to completely collapse you would die out in a generation because your people are unable to provide for themselves.

Stick around there's much more to learn Abraham. We haven't even touched the Holocaust yet, or Judao-Bolshevism. Everyone here isn't alt right, but the Jew question is a common underlying theme here between almost all nations and ethnicities

>All of Sup Forums

Nigga I'm just pretty conservative and a kike too. Not everyone on pol is some holocaust denying neo-nazi lmao. Pretty cool how we're the real master race though huh?

Jewish privilege

What ever SJW says about non-existing White privilege I just replace word ''White'' with a ''Jew'' and that explain it.There is tribalist ethnocentric Jewish privilege in America.

What about all the inventions by Jews?

like jeans, lipstick, pens, t.v. remote controls, etc.

Here's an honest answer Chaim. The aut-right is a meme. It doesn't exist outside of Dickie Spencer putting on a show for his media masters.

The argument was never that you're inferior. Quite the opposite actually to the point where we see you as a danger to the rest of humanity.

>How are us Jews so inferior yet control banking and the media?
they're not dumb.

but they are inferior when it comes to not fucking shit up.

the jews fucked up big time and either the muslims will make them pay or we will.

>How are us Jews so inferior yet control banking and the media?

Racist nepotism.

A really talented parasite is still inferior to a human being.
Human beings create and parasites slowly destroy.

What about the Holocaust?


You're not inferior, the only people that get you and understand how to fight you are the Arabs.

This man defeated you because he did not underestimate you. And he will continue to do so.


All things that aren't useful for survival and only serve as a commodity to sell and increase the money supply of the tribe.

Address the counter arguments people have presented you. Moving goalposts and creating strawmen is a tactic Jews use to argue

Now I'm confused. You guys dislike Muslims and Jews, but support Muslims in killing Jews, but not the other way around.

How can I argue with you when your argument is that somehow I'm a parasite just by being born Jewish?

Honestly, no one gives a fuck what you two do to each other so long as you wipe each other off the map

>confused by enemy of my enemy is my friend
wew you really aren't as smart as the rest of the litter

OK. Thank you for answering my question.

There was no deliberate Holocaust. It's a massively exaggerated stretched falsehood. It was used as a means to secure Palestine for your people, as well as shield them from any criticism in the future. This is apparent in every aspect of our lives that Jews have taken hold whether it be banking or entertainment. If you name the Jew, they'll deflect and bring up the Holocaust. Jewish comedians have free range to trash talk whiteness, but the second we fire back they hide behind the Holocaust

Muslims aren't my enemy. I have Muslim friends. Muslims and Jews are apparently your enemy.

Holy fucking God damn.

For you Hitler Nazi Role Players, you don't even know why Hitler considered the Jews inferior?

Hitler defined a superior race as a race that had and built its own civilization and had pride in their people.

The Jews, however, never had civilization and would go from country to country doing their fucking Jew shit that got them expelled over 100 times.

Hitler acknowledged the fact that the Jew, despite being low in population, were able to congregate at the highest levels of society.

I don't think Jews are inferior at all. You guys have statistically higher IQ than whites.

Jews are cunning and manipulative. They know how to infiltrate and subjugate entire civilizations without firing a shot. Think of our current society. Jews control a massively disproportionate amount of wealth and influence and yet we have to come to an anonymous image board to say anything negative about them without being considered anathema. Just think about that. That is real power.

I don't look down on the Jew at all. On the contrary his guile and instinct perturb, almost frighten me.

If you wanna hear about evil things that jews have do here to me from the history from my continent.
>The jews lead slave trade between 1500-1800 A.D taking between jews and arabs about 1.500.000 of white christian slaves
>The jews lead slavery in brazil also they use their jewry to genocide native people to get lands and more slaves. They literally stolen them from the protection of catholic church.
>The jews are pushing every kind of degeneracy in christian nations as example in Chile they literally awarded a guy who say "We are going to make aborted babies into hand cream"

The jews are a big problem, everywhere they go, the only way to get highest position is using evil tricks, as I say previously slavery, proxy wars, piracy, degeneracy, islam, etc.

Based Montenegro with digits to boot, eh.

I have no problem with the Jewish people as a whole. Many of my favorite inovators happen to belong to the tribe. You really need to reign in your meddlers like the ADL, Tim Wise, and $oro$ though.

>Muslims aren't my enemy.
I guess thats why you're making us bomb the shit out of the middle east right.

You jews like bombing friends dont you? I guess that explains 9/11.

I dont dislike Muslims, i dislike forced immigration caused by jewish Zionists by bombing their countries for a greater Israel project.

Jews having a homeland in an Arabic country is a myth, its all Palestine. The European jews squatting in Occupied Palestine should just go back to where they came from - Russia, Ukraine, Germany etc.

Go to Palestine, I'm sure you'll find lots more friends there.

Not saying you are a parasite, I know you're human but your people's behavior is resemblant of a parasite. It's from years of conditioning as traveling merchants and artisans. It's biological

Have you never heard of Judaea or Israel? Existed for thousands of years? Jews were exiled by the Babylonians and Romans creating the diaspora.

The Jewish people have been trying to undermine and subverted Christianity for as long as it's been around, Christianity is the true version of Judaism that was practiced from the time of King David
Present day "Judaism" is based off the practices of King Solomon, and is truly the Temple of Satan

Jews: Jewish when defending against criticism. Denying they are white when they attack other white people.

The Kingdom of Israel was a civilization, dumbass.

Jews never had any claim to Judaea or Israel, they just kept insisting they did. In reality they were just wanderers and never built anything for themselves.


Thank you.

Unfortunately, no.

Kikes are liars, Hitler was literally the second coming of Jesus and you did the same thing to both.

Jews are an inherently evil force in the world.

I have lived in the middle east and have never met a single Arab that likes jews. You're Satan to them. They hate Israel to death.

End of days for Muslims is when Christians and Muslims unite against the jews in Palestine and Jesus comes and fights with them against you guys.

lasted about 100 years before it went to shit and you started to leech off of others instead.

modern israel will last about 30 years before it collapses as well.

SPOILER: Hitler killed himself.

>repeating Jew lies

Plz don't avoid this. Many people suffered a lot from your jewry also jews are ruining my country.

Expects a Jew to acknowledge criticism of his peoples and not just place them blame on whites.

We don't think jews are inferior retarded cunt. They are just jews who jew people around. Hitler even had his doubts if they werent after all the chosen ones because of all the fuck ups they did and ended up not being exterminated in the end

>SPOILER: French, UK, and Polish kikes started the war, Holocaust never happened, the world is in spiritual death due to the Jews.

It's really a shame the Holocaust didn't happen.

>All these people responding
Welp can't wait to read the report tomorrow

For whatever it's worth, I don't hate (((you))), and don't think you inferior.

I do despise how many of (((your))) people play on the ambiguity over whether the jews are a race or a religion, and so how us goyim can react to things.

The same as my problem with islam i suppose - what you believe is your religion. When it starts dictating my actions and freedoms - well that's politics. Political Islam is toatalitarian dictatorship, and can fuck right off.

I'm willing to be more lenient with (((your))) lot, not all jews and all that, as you're not just death cult war-monger tribal politicians.

Will never entirely trust you till you get the muslims out of Palestine though. Never-ending battle why?

There is no one "the jews". Do you honestly think there is one massive supergroup of all the Jews in the world plotting to destroy everything? If so, I haven't been invited.

Check reddit.

Jews were worst than whites into slavery, they literally don't build house for them or educate them like many whites did (I'm not gonna say that whites were perfect but they threat them better than arabs or jews).
Also they have the hipocricy of pose in movies like moises as slaves's liberators.

I think Hitler respected Islam because to Muslims jews were not the chosen ones but "the damned" and that Muslims repeat that in every prayer. The Quran says they were turned into pigs and monkeys.

6 million Jews are a literal meme


Go read the talmud and learn about your own people young one.

Actually the muslims blow you up all sneaky never knowing they wore a bomb girdle until you get to shake Allah's hand and thank him for killing you.

do we really have to explain YOUR fucking history and the impact it has on the world?

get gassed faggot or dike if yer female

the literally jew community as themself awarded the criminal guy also they push and pay to alterate the history of Daniel Zamudio and liying to my complete country to push anti-hate laws.


The "jew community" is not a thing.

I'm not sure if Hitler acknowledged this, but the Nazis did give a mention to the success of the Mediterraneans.

However, the point still stands, that the Jews were primarily parasites of other civilizations.

Parasites that were notable for consolidating power amongst other Jews amongst other nations, and gaining more power and wealth by planning and fueling destruction.

The Jews attempt to destroy and plunder Germany was a big reason for the Germans to hate the Jews.

We're joking. Mostly. At least I hope so.

I don't think you're inferior.

Parasitism can be a viable survival strategy, but don't expect not to make enemies.

If you success in completely debasing white Europeans, our racial and our cultural heritage, don't be surprised when non-whites turn out to be just as hostile to you, if not more.

You're walking a double edged sword with using Muslims as pawns.

because Sup Forums is full of professional victims