Richest man in history

>richest man in history
>wuz a kang

Explain yourselfs witebois

Other urls found in this thread:

>Richest man on earth

This man was Stalin, you won't believe it, but he owned 200 million slaves.

>rich nigger
>blows all his money

checks out

Slaves are worthless

>Explain yourselfs witebois

And how about this one: for a long time, the tallest building in the world was in Egypt and the second tallest was in Sri Lanka. How does that make you feel, stormfags?

give me a quick rundown on this guy

>richest man in history
>no electricity
>no computers
>no internet
>no refrigeration
>no automobiles


> All resource money so not actually done from ingenuity just like sandniggers
> Did fucking nothing with it
WTF makes Mansa Musa so special again? Poor white Americans who grew up on farms came to do way more impressive shit than he ever did, like inventing the TV.

>richest man in history
>couldn't create a sustainable nation
>couldn't solve the Africa problem
>Africa is the worst continent in the entire world

What's the point of being rich as fuck if you're dead and your continent and descendants are barbaric apes with no progress to speak of?

Money = useless.

Being #1

there is no quick rundown desu

He did nothing besides enslave a ton of his fellow niggers and steal their shit

>richest man in history

in the end of the day he was still a nigger living in africa


He blew it all on rims, weed, purple drank and malt liquor, setting the standard for all nigs to follow.


>Richest man in history
>wuz a kang
>went around flashing it and wasting it to an extence that it devalued gold everywhere he went
HE sounds like a nigger alright.Is anyone really surprised that his kingdom didn't become as influential as the european ones?

Not the richest man in history. He was a real life kang though.

who was richer


If you've never heard of Rockefeller then kill yourself my mans.

he meant slavs

this is actually true, as far as it can be in historical context.

>Nigger Lanister founds his kingdom on top of an actual goldmine.
>Nigger Lanister gets rich
>Gold dries up
>Nigger Lanister is poor again
It's the same story today with nigs and a hit rap single or a big insurance claim payout. They blow through it with nothing to show.

According to his own account was the richest man in Africa.

He took advantage of the tribes not knowing the worth of gold which he learned of by a European he met near the Silk Road while traveling

To show you how stupid he really was you need to dig deeper.

He went to visit his noble European friend and, not knowing the actual value of gold, spent so much gold on his way to Europe that by the time he had to travel back, what he had left was not worth enough to even get across Andaluz.
So he sold off much of his entourage.

Left with 150 people and returned with around 20 because he had to sell slaves and women to trade for food.

found the flaw

we wuz kang n shiet i aint gotta explain nuthin kid

Rockefeller is #2 user

Granted, some Roman kangs n shiet were probably richer though.

This is somewhat true. Being put in modern context kek

>Doesn't realize Akhenaton was one of the worst pharaohs.

his kingdom actually lasted longer than america has been around, lad.

he also dumped so much gold on the Egyptians that it literally ruined it's worth for decades. he literally had no idea what he was doing.


>Augustus Caesar 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD Listed by Davidson (2015) with "$4.6 trillion" because he "personally owned all of Egypt".[3]

because of how fucking rich he was did you not read

link to this

and its shit
literally shit

Yes. He was KANGZ though.

These shills will not drive us off brothers, our core shall remain.

>"Dude... he was probably so rich... Uhhh... Shit. He was SO rich..."

This is all historians can come up with. Conjecture.


As far as I can tell, this is a plausible approximate.

Were they there to count all the gold? I don't think so.

actually the richest person who ever lived was jewish

>Yet, they both pale in comparison to King Solomon of the Bible. Estimates place Solomon’s worth between $1.056 and $2.1 trillion.

Pick up a history book?

He went to Spain to find the finest architects for his Timbuktu palace. Don't remember who it was he visited or else I would have put the name.

Also fucked up cairos and Mekkas gold market for decades.

were you?

This is America, proof of burden is not on me.

He was a slave trader.

Explain YOURSELF fag.

in modern day america it is

we wuz kangz

The old head of the Rothschild Family back in the 17-1800s was probably richer. Not so much in net worth but through the banks he controlled and the nations behind them.

>poorer than Augustus

Ahhh yes.
He's the reason the term 'nigger rich' came to fruition. Have a ton of money and end up like mc hammer trying to make money to eat, making ads for cash for gold.

No actually in modern day America it only matter if you FEEL you're right.
Facts don't matter.

banks are worthless we wuz kangz

>according to the bible
>that flag

Adjusted for inflation, John D Rockefeller was the richest man to ever walk the earth.

>Currency / precious metals define how wealthy you are.
It's not the capital you attain it's the things you produce with the capital that determines wealth.

what makes you think they ever relinquished that control?

If you go far enough back in history and adjust for inflation, some caveman would be the richest cause he had a 800ft2 cave and 2ft wooden club

You do understand that the Bible does name historical figures that have actually lived?

we wuz...cavemen n shiet?

1. King Solomon – Worth = $2.1 Trillion [Worth $1.056 trillion in 1992] (Reign 970 to 931 BCE)

3. Mansa Musa I – Worth = $400 Billion (c. 1280 – c. 1337)

you cant own a country try again

Okay, good.
So why are Black's so woeful as a race?

Its all well and good be rich but what good did It do for blacks?

Im Irish, we had nothing until a hundred years ago and we are better of now than black nations ever were.
I don't get Black's. They concern themselves with the material as if that corrects their major flaws.

They are a race with nothing. Everything has been on the back of others. Ever notice how the upstanding blacks are said to be 'acting white?' Because they know to tow the Black line is a terrible feral Fate. Its like this all over the world with blacks, they always fuck up and this who don't adopt the host culture and customs.

trump owns america

daily reminder that they merged estates back in 2012. Rothschild is Rockefeller, and Rockefeller is Rothschild.

Yes, but he didn't use his slaves to enrich himself. He could have, but he didn't. When he died, everyone was excited about looting his secret stash of treasure, but they were disappointed to find that the only thing valuable he owned was his clothing.

At last I truly see...

wasting it on super caravan. not building ships, our industry.

>implying he could've jumpstarted the african race if he tried

now if he would have played settlers our hoi2.

Black people are annoying and complain too much about the smallest shit.

I'm so sick of living with black people. I gotta get the fuck out of poverty.

>own a country
Good thing Egypt wasn't a country but a province inside Roman empire and Augustus was its landowner.
A lot of prominent Roman figures owned massive slices of its land, Caesar, Pompei Magnus, Crassus were all massive landowners and could use those to finance entire armies of their own.

Why do fags like you continue to post under Russian flag when it is obvious you are not Russian.


land isnt a real sign of wealth

were talking about gold here not who can claim the most land

theres no way anyone will ever know who the richest man in history was but i believe it to be crassus

Clearly because I'm being paid for it.


>fortune estimated at $400 billion (today's value)
>his grand-son is dirt-poor
Niggers getting rich is a fluke, they'll lose it all within a couple generations.

Is that the guy that do youtube videos?

No, we are talking about wealth and private property is a sign of wealth.

Now I'd understand your position if Egypt was a shit worthless desert land but at the moment it was probably the most valuable land in the world, being a breadbasket of Rome and a massive trade hub at the same time.

>The use of Egypt's immense land rents to finance the Empire's operations resulted from Augustus' conquest of Egypt and the shift to a Roman form of government.[228] As it was effectively considered Augustus' private property rather than a province of the Empire, it became part of each succeeding emperor's patrimonium.[229]
> The highly productive agricultural land of Egypt yielded enormous revenues that were available to Augustus and his successors to pay for public works and military expeditions,[228] as well as bread and circuses for the population of Rome.

The best farmland in the world > gold.

Mao owned 500 million.

its steve harvey

Land was a massive sign of wealth, you're looking at it from the perspective of someone living after the industrial revolution. In ancient times, land was everything. Egypt basically funded the Roman Empire from the day it was annexed up until the day the Arabs took it.

who gives a shit. being rich isnt an achievment. what has this guy done?

If there are people who own the most lucrative land then there are people who own the worst patches of it.

Wtf are those people doing, and why are we still fucked?

>The best farmland in the world > gold.
agree, still your flag makes it funny tbqh fem

I am talking about the one where you pay him and he talk to the camera what you told him

so some asshole emperor comes and claims a bunch of land and sets up imaginary borders wherever he wants and then claims to be the richest in the world

sorry its not legit

moving a goalpost is not wealth creation

anyone can claim a bunch of land and be a dictator
and take control of territory by executive order

its not a systematic growth of a personal fortune

I own the moon and about a dozen star systems.

What what did that nigger do with all that gold?

What is OP getting at? That blacks shouldn't have money?

Mansa Musa. His empire was rich from salt. He was friendly with European countries but Muslims (again) fucked up a good thing in history and that's why it's shit.

>Amass an army of nigger slaves
>make them mine salt
>sell salt to European nations for gold
>buy more slaves
>fight over territory
>free slaves
>sell salt of new land to European countries for gold
>buy more slaves

Pretty average intelligence nigger desu

i wasnt defending mansa nigger

i was defending king solomon

I replied to the wrong user sorry

That's why you use handles. dipshit pussy ass faggot.

From wikipedia: "There’s really no way to put an accurate number on his wealth" and from this to shills claiming richest man in history. Have you noticed how NIGGERS are always better when proofs are lacking? Really activates my almonds.

Yes. His empire was right on the Arab Slave trade path, he found out that gold was worth something and demanded all to be brought to him.

Doesn't mean he knew what it was worth.

There is actually no proof of anything of that kind. He was the richest man in the whole world according to his account.
He loved saying that all the gold in the world belonged to him, and did not believe there was gold in Europe and Spain

He is nothing compared to the Rothschild

Rothschild are described as richest family ever by more sources then he is.