Dumb Britbongistani here, can a Amerilard explain what Common-Core is?

Dumb Britbongistani here, can a Amerilard explain what Common-Core is?

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more standardized teaching curriculum, conservatives just think it's a way to bring white students down rather than raise failing minorities up, also that it's full of cultural marxism

Curriculum every student has to sit through, regardless of relevancy or skill level.

It's also a state-by-state innititive, NOT a federal program.
Mostly, old people oppose it because it teaches math a different way than what they learned.

It's a way for the federal government to twist the arms of the states until they teach what the federal government tells them to.

invented by a jew
ment to help childern how to think short math and abandon regular ways of completing problems by requiring you yo break numbers down into reasonable number groups (which is what smart people do in there head)

but this fails the child when they enter into algebra, as they tell them there are more than one answer for one problem

example: 2(2+1×5)
correct answer using order of opperations: 14
using common core(enter into calculator): 25

16 for normal answer, damn ebola cold

oh wait it is 14 damb ebola ebole cold

Shit like global warming and deforestation in history class and the holocaust consuming ww2 discussion and lectures. Personal finance being shitty reiteration of pre algebra equations or even reading classes having banned books and not teaching critical thought.

how the fuck can you get 25?

It's a ethos (huh, strange autocorrect, I originally typed Method) of teaching maths by intuition instead of logic. A way to dumb down Americans for the already-in-progress soft Jihad.

in common core, to dumb it down, you must go left to right and forget order of opperations

It's a fucking retarded system that makes solving simple mathletic equations twice as hard. If minorities need it to figure it out fine but don't drag others down to their level.

Also this. Instead of reason and logic, it's intuition and repetition.

You just go left to right instead of order of operations. Fucking dumb, I know.

Actual ex-math teacher here.

It's a silly and convoluted system of learning and teaching practical math that has the right intention, but just isn't executed properly.

A typical problem would something like 14+7, which we (hopefully) can just do in our heads. Common core would lead you to move the numbers into "chunks" of easier numbers, like 5's and 10's, and then proceed. So we add 1 to 14 to get 15*, and subtract 2 from 7 to get 5*. Now, we add our temporary numbers (15* + 5*) to get 20. Now, we do the opposite of our other numbers we moved around earlier (-1 and +2) in order to "undo them" to get a net of +1, which is added to 20, for an answer of 21.

Convoluted for something like this, yes. But it's very, very helpful later on for quick calculations, like 97 x 13.

>ex math teacher
What happen.

being able to do large multiples in your head is fucking useless though, I could see teaching them shortcuts for advanced math but being able to do 97x13 in your head is not useful in the least nor does it require much intelligence

>He doesn't 97x10+97x3
If you can't do 97x3 in your head in a few seconds just kill yourself.

Also, would breaking that down further into 97x10+90x3+7x3 be common core? That's how I would explain it to a retard.

It's fuck stupid and literally teaches the most backward way to think about math problems.

While America is dumbing down the kids, Asia is making them do it FASTER or die trying.


How can we even compete with this evil government going against us?

>Asia is making them do it FASTER or die trying.
Kek. While looking for some old pictures of students who got the right answer marked wrong, I found a dozen different articles and tweets blaming everybody from Satan to Stalin, Obama, Hitler, Dopey Prince Waleed, and the Jews. Can I get the Aussies anybody? The Emus?