Pol must unite behind this book and redpill all of humanity with it. No other book has the power to do so...

Pol must unite behind this book and redpill all of humanity with it. No other book has the power to do so. Not even the Bogs can tough this.

never heard of it


Joke's on you. You'd only make that comparison if you don't know what us bogs are capable of

Get OUTTTTT BOG TRASH. Get your low energy out of here. It is time to redpill the world, you have dragged us down for too long with your deception and lies. You are merely a man who disfigures your face. TRASH

calling you in horsefucker

Fuck I knew as soon as I mentioned Bog this thread would tank. I guess thats the power of the Bog.

I know its somewhat unilateral, but this is now a bogposting thread




You can have the one galactigate I have obtained, I am sorry for upsetting you lord

The only Foundation needed.


Please leave our species alone, it is time for the Foundation-Pill to take over the world.

That is basically a book that says the (((elite intellectuals))) are being oppressed by all the big bad barbarians so the intellectuals must gather in hiding at the (((promised land))) to save them and carry on their (((thoughts))) for the future

we've already taken over the world, looking upwards and onwards from here on out

The Foundation-Pill has already been planted in your thought-cube-processors, THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.

yes bogs disapprove of this type of class warfare

This is why polacks are thought of as weak NEET basement jockeys- an opportunity to start a revolution and change the world, but we would rather sit and look at a computer for 50 more years and talk circles and jack off to the grave.

wait, what are you getting at user?

D-don't laugh at me bog. We humans must squabble in our untruths, yes, but we can unite under stronger understandings.


I'm curious, but I must be on another plane of understanding. Please explain it to me in a way that can be fully grokked

They've always been here


Humanity was on the path of destruction for so long, but now a new hope has arrived, and this book could accelerate the counter to the destructiveness

Can I get a fast jumpdown of the guy on the left, could be just some highschooler in pottery class that made it. I hope.

you want me to read the whole damn book??

section 3 does sound interesting

Basically philosophically speaking human beings can either react to the existence they are presented with, and things that occur during that existence, in either a destructive or building way. This can be extrapolated into many areas of life. The ways of destruction are wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance.

madness and wrath sound good. Followed by hedonism if it don't work out.

I knew the bogs were weak at their core

i mean for (You). You can't even fathom what we're up to

not everything is a jewish conspiracy you autistic faggot

get out of here cunt, I'm indoctrinating someone

You must have been in my thread earlier about anarchony. Keep it up

sorry we don't just let things like this happen.

I bought the book and loved it. Amazing third chapter. Beginning is a little dry. Need more from the faggot Goonan...
