Operation Kristallnacht General

Sup Forums, something that I've begun to realize as a necessity is that now that Trump is elected, and the Left is on the verge of implosion, we need to reassert the authority of the Right wing and political moderates in American schools and universities as a counter offensive to the politically correct, social justice onslaught we have been experiencing.

I have found personally that the figures of authority in schools, such as the head of school or dean of students, are only superficially authoritative. When I speak with them upon issues of my political incorrectness and sense of humor, I find that they are weak, afraid, acting in obedience to the Leftists pulling strings on them and not functioning as the true authority.

Operation Kristallnacht would be a means of purging these Leftists elements, be they teachers and students alike advocating for "diversity" and "multiculturalism" or "gender identity" and other corrupting Leftist ideas, either through targeted destruction of their legitimacy through argument and debate and demeaning them into nothing to the community they corrupt, eliminating their influence.

However, for this to succeed we need to develop an attack plan. I know all of you reading this on the board, if you are still students, are either Seniors in High School or in university, so I implore you to input some of your own ideas and take action to destroy your local Leftists, not through violence as those animals have in Berkeley, but through the shear and utter destruction of their character and message.

The objective :
> Complete destruction of the Leftist elements in education in the United States through ideological warfare and defamation.

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daily reminder, that cleansing their universities is what cost the nazis both the atomic bomb and the computer

>white genocide
>or a couple of inventions

hard choice.

I just want to clarify, just in case.

What I am advocating for is not the further politicization of schools, that I am very sick of after four years of that shit.

No, what I wish is the purge of the Leftists so that we can depoliticize education. Politicization of things like STEM is something that I take very seriously, and particularly with the increasing advocacy of "diversity" in those fields, I felt it necessary to push an idea for an offensive.

I was thinking of putting up "Is this a drawing of Mohamed?" on uni bulletin boards. Kind of lame but it's a start.

very lame and most college children wouldnt understand it.

I was thinking of trying to infiltrate into as many leftists groups as possible (black student union, muslim student union), try and get up the ranks as high as possible then dox myself as a trump supporter or something like that. The ultimate goal is that these organizations stop trusting whites and try to expell as many as possible

These Leftists, from what I've personally experienced being Sex Ed teachers and "Directors of Multicultural Education and Diversity" are what politicize things that should NOT BE POLITICAL like Computer Programming.

I'm going to study engineering, and from what I've gathered in my previous experience of programming my own computers and competing in robotics is that this whole bullshit of "Let's get more women because ((((((((((EQUALITY))))))))))" is only going to get fucking worse.

I'm sick of this shit.
I've taught myself a lot of the things I know, I've taken the initiative for myself in my own life, and now I must take the initiative for my fellow man.

I stayed quiet, I've watched the school I loved turn into a politicized shit hole, and now I have more drive than ever to pick myself up, raise my arms into the air and call out to my comrades to raise their rifles and go to war with an enemy we ignored, we TOLERATED for so long.

I have a suggestion for you.

Look for plagiarism in the work of SJW professors. You'll likely find some.
How do I know? I've collaborated with leftist professors. I know how they work.

I can even suggest some techniques for finding plagiarism.

That's something I've also realized in my high school.

Thanks to a certain, rather thick, black women who I shall call Leslie, I notice we have a lot more black speakers during assemblies than before, the majority of families I see touring the school are black.

We have three black (((affinity))) groups :
African American Male Affinity Group
Black Student Union

No thanks to Leslie, we have a radicalized group of black women who are social justice warriors in every sense of the word (and black lives matter supporters to boot).

Something that me and my fellow comrades in the tech department have found is that a lot of the data that the sexual education teacher uses to teach about rape and sexuality stats are actually false or not founded on information.

Also, she teaches gender as a spectrum, and during lunch she showed a film advocating vegetarianism (which I practically did a live Cinema Sins on while eating).

When she asked me how I felt about the film, something I considered poor propaganda at best, I said :

> Goebbels would shed a tear.

Don't worry about actually reporting the false stats, we made sure our underclassmen comrades argue her on every front when they take the class and critique her as much as possible (they see her bullshit just as much as we do, thank goodness we have them young).

>Something that me and my fellow comrades in the tech department have found is that a lot of the data that the sexual education teacher uses to teach about rape and sexuality stats are actually false or not founded on information.

I've also seen university professors using stats from Facebook memes to teach students about gender and race. They have compete disregard for the accuracy of the info they're providing.

the funny thing about the colleges is that all it would take to depoliticize them is for the government to stop subsidizing students.

thats it.
simple as that.
White Christmases, prosperity and happiness for all.

demand would plummet.
prices would go down.
frivolous degree seeking women and minorities would vanish overnight (over 4 years). Jobs will soon be less stringent on whom they hire because fewer people will have McDegrees, Those satanic HR people would have less work and have to get real jobs (most are those self same frivolous degree seeking women who would probably end up actually becoming homemakers, two birds one stone)
this would free up resources for companies, and would allow people to relax at work, lowering stress related illnesses (cancer for instance), and if you screw up your entire life isnt ruined and you arent blacklisted from working ever again (fewer on welfare).

The government has been inflating the bubble (quite literally poisoning the well of truth and light, not through malevolence, but in the same manner that a plankton will poison water if there is a population surge), if they stop it will deflate and normalcy will restore itself in line with the natural order (instead of the new world order)

Did you ever notice how the beginning of the spiral into madness began in the 60s? Guess what decade the government starting politicizing the colleges.

Its funny isnt it?

I dont really think we can get them on facts. They really dont care if their stats are proven wrong or not, its real in their heads

Yes, but what I personally have seen is that while they may be deluded to reality, the community around them is not, and is silent either from apathy or from fear of reprisal by the Leftist though police.

If we turn the community against these Leftists, and use the conflict as a conflict of politicization and return to rationality, to avoid an abhorrently irrational Right after the Left, then we can finally make these places of intellectual endeavors just that, intellectual, not emotional.

Hitler did a pretty good job of killing millions of pure Germans too. It's not that hard to figure out how Hitler "saved the German economy" by killing millions of German citizens and confiscating their material wealth. That's literally the basis of what he did. Hitler would've genocided more whites than anyone else did, and I'm talking about real genocide, not "white genocide," not consenting adults reproducing, but real genocide, murder.

>a couple of inventions
that will ensure military, political, economical and cultural power over the next century
yeah who needs that

you seem to be a smart kid
spend less time on Sup Forums and memedia
and focus on your actual studies instead if you want to achieve something in your life
you can still fight SJWs on a case by case scenario if they are trying to fuck with your shit
but don't devote any real energy and time to "purging" (((them)))
you'll just fall into a rabbit hole full of alternative realities created by neets and other social outcasts trying to find a scapegoat for their failures in life

The current white genocide, although I can see how you might have thought I was referring to the genocide of Germans that the soviets had planned.

>Hitler "saved the German economy" by killing millions of German citizens and confiscating their material wealth.

if the Jews are to be believed only those that were put into concentration camps had their assets seized,

also what is the Haavara Agreement?

genocide is genocide regardless of the methodology, a race doesnt convince itself to die out. Or well I guess it does if it has some influential members of said race that filled the public consciousness (media) with those lines of thinking on a daily basis.

>that will ensure military, political, economical and cultural power over the next century
>yeah who needs that

because America is the only country on the planet with those inventions currently right?

could some one Fix Op's pic so it doesnt do that weird color change shit.

>scapegoat for their failures in life
Those Mountain Gnomes and their liberal buzzwords.

Thanks for the advice, I do have other things to do and this is by far not my main thing going on right now.

I have fought the SJWs on a case by case basis but always defensively. This offensive, for one man it is too much as he will spend his ambition on Leftists defeat and receive satisfactory conclusion with neither the product of his energy spent, and the capitulation he so desires..

I will enjoy university, and thankfully the communities that I find myself in have not been politicized as everyone I hold dear is like me, we consider it a joke.

However, with my more creative elements in terms of the arts, from theatre technical design and music, that blend themselves with my study and love of computing and electrical engineering, I feel more and more threatened by what appears to be the rising sensitivity of those who see what I do but do not know who I am.

Never the less, I shall raise the shield when necessary, but as a people, as a nation of students, we must raise our swords as one in denial of this new 1984 we have found for ourselves.

Thats a good point. However i do find that most people in college today are already polarized

being the first to utilize these inventions in the 40s is what put the US in its position of power where it still is now, 70 years later
if you want to retain this position you need to ensure that the next inventions of that magnitude will also be utilized first in the US
the only way to guarantee that is through a thriving and open scientific community
that also provides a safe harbor for scientists fleeing from oppression in other parts of the world

Have you ever read any books or papers on National Socialist Germany or even Hitler?

I'll give you a hint on what makes the USA powerful. And it isnt the inventions.

>its part the acronym USA

coincidentally the unity, was cemented on a racial (cultural) basis, whether people realize it or not.

pic unrelated

I've read some of Hitler's writing, to get a read of what his thought process was.

I've been meaning to read some documents and books on Communism and Fascism to sort of compare and contrast the two ideologies and the time periods they manifested within, though political theory is not exactly a primary interest of mine comparatively.

Many. Have you? Obviously not.

>primary interest of mine comparatively.
that would explain why you know so little about it.


what a coincidence. :)

Neither of those things are true, Jew.

Although I don't doubt it, can someone explain how the left is on the verge of implosion?

checked, also please explain

>as if we'd get any worthwhile inventions from a "diverse" group of nigger scientists

You know how when you hang a picture frame, it can look perfectly straight, until someone else comes and looks at it and points out that its crooked?

Trump is that guy.

"Verge of implosion" is a bit sensationalist I do admit in retrospect, but essentially something that I've seen more and more recently is that people are beginning to realize just how crazy things like "diversity" and "political correctness" have gotten, and are starting to turn on the modern Left and become conservative themselves.

Personally I've seen quite a bit of this with people I know, and with the riots, protests and hypocrisy surrounding the election, more and more people are turning on the Left that has drugged them during the last four Obama years.

Then read Joseph P. Farrel. He provides evidence that the Germans were using a prototype nuke on the eastern front among other weaponry.

>may nazi occult
Grow up, pick up a real book not some wolfenstein tier shit.
Your ramblings say otherwise, just a block of random talk about a genocide of whites and no actual point to the statement or evidence for that matter
If you're really interested the dictators by Richard Overy is a great comparison of the two leaders Stalin and Hitler.
Main Kampf was an interesting read but nothing too special.

So nothing of strategic military importance? The Nazis lost WW2 for a host of reasons, technology was not one of them. The Nazis were well behind the west technologically in the fields where it matter the most (mundane military hardware and radar). Case and point is that the British armed with a relatively light 76 mm gun (17 pounder) could match the capabilities of the German 8.8 cm kwk 43 gun used in the Tiger II by using APDS ammunition. Likewise the Americans were giving semi-automatic rifles before the war started and Germany didn't even develop a semi-automatic rifle until 1943.

However at the end of the day the main reason Germany lost the war was simply economics. Germany wasn't capable of matching their enemies in terms of industrial might. Britain alone nearly matched Germany in GDP let alone alongside the US and USSR, and Germany had no way of forcing the British to surrender. The US was producing cargo ships faster than the Germans could sink them and Germany had no way to invade Britain since their surface fleet was worse than Italy's (which was itself mostly relegated to its ports by the superior royal navy). Even if Germany won the battle of Britain it wouldn't have meant anything as they had no way to land troops. As for the USSR, war was inevitable. If Hitler made any mistake when it came to the USSR it was probably not declaring war sooner as the USSR was slowly recovering from its purges and was in a much better state in 1941 than it was in 1940.

I wasnt arguing against this.

Interesding, thanks

Sounds about right. I used to be a Shillary Supporter and an ultimate leftist until I saw the idiocy of the left after the election. Confession: I even used to wear Black Lives Matter shirts to work.

i saw levenda and went redeyed?

>implying anyone from this board would be willing to actually participate in this beyond shitposting about what they want to do on Sup Forums

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take note of that.

The 20th century is really interesting to me in terms of political theory, and perhaps in university doing my own personal analysis of the evolution of collectivism and individualist ideology from the 20th to 21st century would be an interesting paper to write.

I like to think of human political ideology like the programming paradigms of computer languages, they are very reflective of the times that they were born in, and stem within themselves systematic patterns that are quite intriguing to trace.

I'm sorry that reading Jewish names makes you red eyed. Have you tried Clear Eyes brand eye drops?


>Your ramblings say otherwise, just a block of random talk about a genocide of whites and no actual point to the statement or evidence for that matter

I just informed you that Hitler had more of his own people genocided than any other people have done to Germans, including the Soviets. Hitler killed more of his own people than they did.

If you don't understand the relevance you should genocide yourself.

OP is a moron leftist who wants to force the meme that Trump is Literally Hitler and justify antifa nonsense. The authorities would intervene in any pogrom, and in any case, it is the antifa who are the culprits in todays pogroms if any.

Are you trying to get me to buy jew shilled products?

They are on the verge of implosion because there is no fuel for their stupidity. Deny them fuel, and laugh as they implode

>who are Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, John von Neumann and many more
you might want to read up on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Physik

you are thinking in too short terms the german engineering in the 30s and 40s is based on mathematics/physics of the decades before when germany was a great and open scientific nation
but then theoretical physics and math were labelled as jewish science under nazi rule and many bright heads fled to the US,
doing the fundamental work for the development of computers and nuclear weapons which then became the basis for engineering during the next (cold) war

>implying you pathetic brownshirts won't get operation hummingbird'd first


Charlatan jews.
Other than the fact their is a lot of evidence einstein was a fucking plagiarist.


yeah learn to google you pozzed piece of shit

>killed more than the soviets
Please tell me you're joking?
No problem man. There are a number of books that go over agonist every aspect of the war and the ideologies around at the time. The dictators though is by far one of my favorite.


>flag is a plus sign

heh ehehehehe he he eeheheheh

It will get ride of all those "useful" liberal arts degrees amiright goys?

no but this will

>attack plan
>to discredit the left
fucking pick up a book, learn to properly deny holohoax, and speak your mind faggot.

>plan of attack
are you fucking retarded?

>operation Kristallnacht
This would pass if it were remotely amusing but this is just fucking awful. STOP FORCING YOUR MEMES

Universities are dying, why bother taking them over when we already have the internet? Lefties suck in non-hierarchical environments, ever notice how they have no talk radio shows? They literally have to brainwash children under the guise of (((educating))) them.

The vast majority of the men who made the bomb happen were not Jews and the Germans were well aware of Einstein's work, they didn't need him to be physically present.

You Jews just cherry pick Jews who had something or other to do with something important and then pretend they were the most important figures in the project.

See, there you go lying yet again. The Nazis did not label physics and math as "Jewish science". They made a distinction between Jewish math and Aryan math, for example. They were not in the slightest opposed to math, what a fucking load of bullshit. You lying kike.


too bad the part they labelled as jewish and then ignored
was the one you actually need to get a working nuclear bomb :P

Again just pulling stuff out of your ass. Typical Jewish tricks to assault the minds and emotions of the goyim.

Yeah if I were such a raging anti-semite as you seem to be
I'd also be pretty pissed off, having to rely on the work of a faggot and a kike
(and not just an ordinary one but one born into a family of aristocratic bankers)
just to post these messages of hate

Your a trolling piece of shit is what you are and when we liberate you I'll boil you in your shitty precious chocolate to set an example.

careful if you get anymore triggered you might start melting
my little white snowflake

i am the snow

you've proved yourself to be a troll with your previous comment so brave and smart you are so sad know not what reverse psychology is

PhD student in humanities here - not (((social sciences))) From the 1700s to the 1950s, the humanities were mainly comprised of the study of the ancient Greeks and Romans, whereby one learned the meaning of rational order - Plato - of virtue - Plutarch - etc., This was the most fruitful period in recent Western history. It gave use physics, and everything you can imagine. Students were taught the importance of tradition, and to think of themselves as progressing the society for future generations. The contrast to our present-day (((education))) is so striking that it depresses me to think about it. We need to start forming a right-wing academic network for all Western nations, call it the Last Stand for the West or something - because it is our last chance.

the funny thing is that my bantz
still have more substance to them than your (((facts)))

>atomic bomb
is a hoax