CNN talking about how Deep State is working against Trump

>CNN talking about how Deep State is working against Trump
>Twitter ablaze with Deep State coup talk
>People even posting "I'd rather have Deep State than Trump State"
Okay so are we just all flat out acknowledging the existance of shadow gov't now as if it has been fact all along? And democrats are so asspained about Trump that they think what's happening is okay and prefer it to a legitimately elected President?

If all of this turns out to be true, this country is beyond saving. What the fuck is actually going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

So who's the shadow of the shadow government???????

Then you also have to ask, whose the shadow shadow of the shadow shadow shadow government?

This doesn't end btw.


>What is the "Deep State"?

From Wikipedia:

>State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, administrative agencies and branches of governmental bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within the state can be conspiratorial in nature, the Deep State can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials. The term, like many in politics, derives from the Greek language (kράτος εν kράτει, kratos en kratei, later adopted into Latin as imperium in imperio[1] or status in statu).

For a revealed example, see Turkey:
(specifically the "Acknowledgement of its existence":)


(see pic related)

redpill me on the deep state Sup Forums. who are they and what do they want?

>And democrats are so asspained about Trump that they think what's happening is okay and prefer it to a legitimately elected President?

Yes, because the shadow government is comprised of democrats and cuckservativces without spine.

So why does this surprise you? As long as the shadow government serves the liberal agenda, democrats will be fine with it.

Yup. Meme War's first battle was canning Clinton. The second battle will be deep frying the deep state.

>mffw the shadow government is janitors, convenience store clerks, and al the other 3rd shift workers that come out at night

Started with JFK

After GHW Bush, went into full gear.


open borders (double GDP + limitless victims for human trafficking)


WW3 (exterminate not only everyone who is free of their reach but even the very potential that anyone could become free again, and creation of a unipolar world)

a non-defined network of well-connected elites, including top-level bureaucrats and members of the """intelligence""" that are influential enough to subvert any presidency and to stiffle any opposition to the centrist (aka liberal) agenda

They hit one of the deep state's money networks for drugs hardcore yesterday.


Background info

trump was not the manchurian candidate for the democrats.

he was the manchurian candidate for the deep-state

when was the last time you ever saw public support to the cabal that controls us? we live in very interesting times.


Also look into dyncorp


Civil war now.

We need a fucking purge, mostly of Democrats and their blind followers, after which we can slowly rebuild into a nation that isn't a pile of leftist shit.

Literally the the first Three Star wars movies with out the family drama, and planets representing countries.

Most republicans are as bad as democrats.

Satanists. If you go deeper you'll find inter-dimensional entities like dragons

thanks user
necro image incoming

Side note: Listen to this to get you patriotism dick hard. All the presidents in our lifetime have just been keeping the same games going. Trump is actually trying to tear shit down, and we are gonna have a crazy year ahead of us. This will give you strength. Dude reading it is cheesy, but it won't matter after you listen to the whole thing.

wrong one



So democrats are traitors that hate democracy? Funny after all that pre-election talk that Trump should accept the result of votting

>Deep State
What they mean by that is that certain institutions aren't responding to Trump, even though they are under Trump's control, which makes them a Deep State

We anons actually are the Intelligence Analysts of the Free World. laugh and dismiss if you want. but it's true.

E. Pluribus Anons, Libertas Populus

wtf is Finland behind it all?

>Trump is about to expose the shadow government folks...let the shit storm begin.


That is awful

If there is such a thing as a "cold" civil war, we are in it. Let's just hope it doesn't turn hot.

Started with JFK


the full speech is exceptional; he is subtle but direct.


That is the most brilliant thing I have heard about our current situation. memewar bomb right there.

By usurping control of the media, they can dismantle everything in a "cold" way, through subversion/memes/psychological warfare/fake news/disinfo... whatever you call it... it's a weapon.
forgot link


Amazing listening too it now, it's no longer subtle.

Thanks user.


Required listening

does he use teleprompters?

Surely he would..

Regardless it would be somebody else writing the speech for him. That being said it is beautifully done.

Anyone have a link to CNN or other establishment leftists acknowledging Trump is opposed by the (or a) deep state, shadow government, etc?

>im voting for trump because fuck those cookie cutter politicians we're going to turn the government upside down

>two months in
>What the fuck is going on?


YES. Need to get that to some Twitfags with real followers.

>legitimately elected

elected by putin u mean

I remember being called a tin-foiler for even suggesting the deep state exists and now it's a forgone conclusion that it exists.

gee let me check my rule book. no i don't think it works that way. really no idea what your talking about.

It's like you didn't realize that no one gave a shit when Snowden laid it all out for everyone and the media and most of the public still didn't give a shit.

Hell, if anything they were emboldened by that lack of response.

Putin is against the international criminals and wants the USA to be nationalist like russia. Even if it was true, we would owe Putin thanks for giving American a chance. He fucking hates globalists.

They are fighting for their survival, which means they will fight hard and break what few rules even they followed.

gotta stop the terrorists they say.

>Putin wants USA to be nationalist like Russia
top kek

>our rival wants us to do good!!!


Should have known it was around for a looong time idiots

Correct. It's why we need to stay strong.
Here is some motivation

What is the alternative to friendly relations with a sovereign U.S.? Depression, war and subjugation. Their people have had enough of that.

You miss my point. We aren't going to stop being rivals. He just wants us to stop the fuckery we do around the world. Like syrian, ukraine. He knows it's the deep state/cia/international crime networks.

Trump is an opportunity to become a multi polar world. Nation states are better for everyone.

leaf, please. In the past, 99.9% of people would have called anyone a tinfoil for talking about the deep state. It's really only the last couple years that it has become obvious.

Because Hillary was sloppy as fuck. Thank fuck she had so much hubris and arrogance.

>Their people have had enough of that
Do you really think that Russia is doing horrible because of the US?

>If all of this turns out to be true, this country is beyond saving. What the fuck is actually going on?
Did you think it was going to be easy?

America is devolving into a third world nation filled with anarchy and chaos. Basically it's the end of the American empire.

I don't mind. I get to watch the slow collapse of the last great empire far away from all the madness in my comfy country of Australia.

Amerilards.. don't even bother to come here. We're fucking full. You deal with your problems instead of running away from then just like you want Syrian refugees to do.

Dunkelzahn was a great president, how dare you.

>people openly want this over trump because trump is a roodey poo

are we beyond saving? is it worth it?

Go figure a Latvian has Russia issues. This isn't a thread about track pants envy. Relevant deep state info or lurkfagging only

You can still laugh at the truth, but what's funnier is that they actually think they can beat us.

The people working against us are called nerd virgins by their bosses. Meanwhile we get to ARG entrenched government branches to their knees. Our side is more fun regardless of how unprofitable it is, so we work harder.

>Snowden laid it all out for everyone

How so?

Oh, I'll stay. I can be insulated long enough before I die of old age. Let's just hope On The Beach doesn't become nonfiction, eh?

>not realizing obvious concern shills

Well well well

He's a pussy. But this thread is making him strong.

Latvia has the same problem but to a lesser extent. A lot of our politicians are former KGB agents too.
They don't get any shit done, and end up as millionaires after purposefully causing problems to the country's economy.

My point was that Russia or Putin isn't interested in helping anyone, they're only interested in furthering their own agenda and getting more power.

lol here's hoping that Trump can 4d chess CNN into investigating the deep state for ratings.

Why is a Syrian the VP of Venezuela? Why are Lebanese running shadow banks for shell companies in Panama?

>Responding to a Canadian
Also he posted a video that had already been posted twice in the thread.

Photo evidence that paid shills are losers.

>are we beyond saving

Those that want the deep state to take full control, they're beyond saving and deserve to get a bullet to the brain (which they'll probably get should the deep state take over anyway because the useful idiots are no longer needed). Those that care about freedom are always worth saving.

"We can put our hope and trust in the deep state and its fight against Trump!" said one former white house staffer

nation states are especially good for the stronger nation that takes them over.



Kill the country, save the nation.

>mfw I see the same people who support open borders, multiculturalism and now the deep state cry about the "Russian controlling Trump"

Bitch, you don't even believe in your own people and want to cry about "traitors".

Their whole fucking ideology is about being traitors to their own children.

I'm staying too, I wouldn't be able to handle an IRL Superjail

yuo seems do pee asgings teh wrong guesdiongs, ausdralia. Veri bad for yuor helf. :::DDD

Makes sense. I was too vague then because I have a similar analysis.

Basically, there are "crisis" and "non-crisis" wars. "crisis" wars are the real wars. Everything else is just fuckery. Taking down the deep state will end a lot of the non-crisis shit.

The term crisis is used loosely, and not trying to imply the syrians or ukrainians are going through hell.

In America, The Revolution, Civil War, WW2 were the only real wars, were we got attacked. Every other war, was because some fucktard pressured the government into it (usually financial reasons).

If you think about post JFK, that's when the USA put the pedal-to-the-metal on the bullshit wars.

fuggg :DDD
am i being dedained??? :DDD


We win this war.


>shadow government

The word you are looking for is "bureaucracy." This "deep state" shit is just the media trying to gin up some razzmatazz to make it sound more interesting that it actually is.

Why don't they just kill Trump?
We're already at the point where people on twitter are advocating his murder, so most normies won't probably give a shit or see anything more to it than "he pissed off a lot of people so he kinda deserves it"

>What the fuck is actually going on?

The shadow government is preparing for a coup, because if law and order were to return they would all be "hanging from nooses", as Hillary said.

The first step in defeating an enemy is identifying them. I'm happy we can all agree that there is a shadow government that's really running the show.


Yuri red pills emit exactly 650nm photons.

The left has gone full retard and I lean towards your view. Mainly, because they thoroughness of the brainwashing . Leftism is the HIV of memes.

Just by admitting to the confirmation of the deep state they've just proven the majority of conspiracy theories relating to inside jobs and assassinations to be true.

Fucking insane.

Except nation states with 300 million guns.

It will happen sooner or later, I can't wait for all the Sup Forums fags to kill themselves afterwards.

Tin foil hat much cuck?

>Their whole fucking ideology is about being traitors to their own children.


So we're finally going after the intergalactic deities and otherworldly spirits who spit orders from other dimensions now?

Wow did you make this for your 6th grade social studies class? How many hours in ms paint exactly? i'd give you 60/100 for being a cuck