Ruby Ridge: A Cautionary Tale

Weve all heard the narrative before, a heroic federal agency taking down a family of evil white Nazis in the woods. How many of you know the true story? The story of a man who had half of his family murdered in cold blood by a government sworn to protect his rights.

>We meet Randy Weaver, ex Green Beret, as a struggling, hungry Iowa farmer in the early 80s
>Not many of you were around back then, this was before all the subsidies we have today
>Randy Weaver is tired of the world he sees around him
>Moves himself, his wife and growing family to the mountains of Northern Idaho
>Successfully carves out a small, quiet patch of land for his family to live the Christian life they see fit

If the America we were all brought up to believe exists, the story would have ended here. A man takes control of his own destiny and raises his children as he sees fit. As well soon find out, the state doesnt approve of those outside its control.

>Unaware when he bought the property, Randy moved his family 16 miles from an Aryan Nation encampment
>Living alone on the mountain can get pretty lonely, Randy made friends with the locals

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Before we get too far, I need to stress that each of you here are Randy Weaver. He was not a violent man, he was not a revolutionary man, he was a man who was targeted by the full force of the US government for daring to wrongthink, and he lost half of his family for it. You are Randy Weaver, were all Randy Weaver. He just wanted to be left alone with his family.

>A few times a year Randy would take his family to the Aryan Nations social gatherings
>Randy was known to have some wrongthink views of minorities, but he did not in any way, shape or form subscribe or endorse to AN views. He still doesnt.

Enter the government.

>Just as they are here now, they had agents inside the AN camp
>After losing their VIP informant, the ATF scrambles for a replacement
>Knowing Weaver was anything but a wealthy man, they made him an offer he couldnt refuse
>Saw 2 shotguns for me and Ill give you $700, youll be done in a couple hours
>Entrapment, yes. As well as official government tactics.


They arrested Weaver on felony weapons charges, allowed him to post his home in the woods as bail, then politely told him when he loses his case his family will have nowhere to live. This is where the story drastically changes, this is where Randy digs in and takes a stand.

>Randy doesnt show up for court, failure to appear charges brought against him but no action, yet.
>A year passes with no direct government involvement, the Weaver family goes back to growing their food and reading their Bibles
>Local Idaho paper releases a story that changes the course of American history
>Their angle? Local racist taunts authorities
>Like chum in the water, (((they))) couldnt resist
>National media immediately pick up the story
>24 hours later “The 4th Reich has taken over Idaho!”


At this point government bureaucracy takes hold and the case is passed around from department to department, eventually landing in the lap of US Marshals. Theyre tasked with bringing him to justice over those pesky entrapment charges their friends in the ATF had previously brought against Weaver.

>USM set up 24 hour surveillance on the mountain top property
>They quickly learn how many occupants the cabin has, as well as their daily routine
>Randy Weaver, Vicki Weaver, Sara Weaver, Samuel Weaver, Aslishaba Weaver and family friend, 23 year old Kevin Harris occupied the camp. All armed as any American should be.

I place the blame of what happened next solely on the shoulders of two groups. The US Marshals and those in Washington who backed them.

>4 US Marshals are scouting the property, coming within walking distance of the cabin
>Weaver family dog starts to bark, USM panic
>Weaver family, having been left alone for a year, rightfully think its a mountain lion or some other animal
>They take to the woods, guns in hand
>Fearing their position will be uncovered, USM shoot the family dog
>14 year old Samuel Weaver returned fire after seeing unknown men on his property in full Army fatigues, killing U.S. Marshal Degan
>The remaining Marshals return fire, killing Samuel Weaver instantly


Its worth noting that the USM story, under oath, was that they were pinned down under gunfire for 12 hours and were forced to return fire. All evidence later told the true story, USM came unannounced, opened fire first and used the preventable death of one of their agents to start a war on the Weavers.

>Anytime a federal agent is killed, FBI takes over
>FBI has no prior files on the Weaver family
>Acting only on US Marshal and media reports, you can see where this is headed

Tanks, helicopters, base camps, humvees, you name it and they brought it. For a whole week northern Idaho was a war zone.

What comes next is the FBIs biggest blemish, one they rightfully still havent lived down to this day. You see, standard FBI practice is to only return fire if fired upon or your life is in direct danger. Not on this day, Washington had approved war-time Rules of Engagement against the Weavers. The haunting memo reads, “Deadly force can and SHOULD be used.”

>Mourning the death of their 14 year old son Samuel, the Weavers are enraged and confused
>They move his body to the shed to be buried later
>On the way back inside, FBI snipers shoot and kill Vicki Weaver
>Her skull fragments land on her teenage daughters face
>Family friend Kevin Harris is also shot through the elbow, into his chest, barely missing his heart


This is where things go from twisted to downright morbid.

>Knowing theyre being hunted, they can not leave the cabin
>Vicki Weavers dead corpse lay in the kitchen for over a week
>Kevin Harris lays in bed, begging to be killed for over a week
>The whole time the FBI is demanding to speak to Weavers wife, who lays dead next to him from their bullet
>They send a robot armed with a 12 gauge shotgun to his door, after killing half his family, and tell him to pick up the phone to surrender

The FBI tried every trick they could think of, including getting one of Weavers favorite radio hosts to make a direct plea to him. It didnt work.


A right wing figure of the time, Bo Gritz, also a former Green Beret, heard of the story and decided to help.

>Arrives on scene demanding to know who ordered the operation against the Weavers, immediately issues citizens arrest warrant
>Once his chest beating is over, he helps the FBI
>First time communication between Weaver and authorities since all this started
>Gritz wastes no time telling the press of the deaths sustained at Ruby Ridge
>Children, women and pets alike all slaughtered in their home by an overzealous government
>Things for the FBI go from bad to worse

Our story wraps up around this time, thanks solely to the efforts of one Bo Gritz, the absolute madman that he was. He was able to negotiate with Weaver for treatment of Harris. When Weaver saw no one was shot as Harris left the cabin, he soon after agreed to make arrangements for the bodies of his son and wife. Soon after, he turned himself him.

I started this tale talking about what America should be, Ill end it there as well. The FBI brought countless charges against Weaver, including murder of a federal agent. They never wanted him to see daylight again. After the longest jury deliberation in Idaho history, his peers found Weaver not guilty on all charges except for Failure to Appear. Weaver served 6 months. Weaver later sued the government and fearing the spotlight, was awarded a $3,100,000 settlement.

Only in America.

One last time because this took a while to write and you faggots need to hear the story

Why is that again? It's like Noam Chomsky bitching about Timor long after all the people got slaughtered. Wd know the game, government coercion is generally accepted due to condition and there are only an array of actions which are considered acceptable and these lie outside morals and ethics

Nice fanfic OP. Why should I believe a word of this?

Thank you OP. I knew the term "Ruby Ridge" but until today I never knew the story. God bless you and your countrymen.

Chomsky talks about far off lands, Im talking about our fellow countrymen who dare to stand up for themselves.

100% of what I wrote is verifiable through court records and surveillance footage

Thanks Leaf, its a story Im passionate about.

Bumping so people can know the war has been going on long before the emergence of the all-knowing police and surveillance state.

Only a few short years after Ruby Ridge, our government once again showed their true colors


But thats a story for another day

Ruby ridge was pretty fucked up. Waco... Well that's a different story. You know when you're making illegal automatic weapons and the ATF comes knocking and you get in a gun fight. What do you expect to happen.

I understand they werent innocent, that isnt the issue

What I dont expect to happen is for our government to murder 86 men, women and children because a few guys made some guns.

Know the story already. Terrifying.
Even FBI director Danny Coulson sympathized with the Weavers at the time and wrote this memo to this personnel around Ruby Ridge at the time:

OPR 004477
Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting [of Degan - US Marshall]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position

FBI Sniper Lon Horiuchi who shot dead Vicki Weaver while she cradled her baby in her arms, was also at the Waco siege when it went down. Pic related

Never found such a detailed report, thanks user

It didn't help that the cult leader told everyone that the government was after them and then the ATF show up armed to the teeth confirming his worst fears

Thanks senpai. Never knew the full story.

Thanks for the effort and for refreshing my memory. Truly a horrifying story that more people need to know about.

The fuck. What's going on in the fuckheads' running your country minds, can't they just leave a man alone.
American wilderness is one of the places I'd seriously consider living in.

I tried to take a sympathetic tone with the FBI when writing this, if they werent acting on such blatant misinfo Im confident things would have turned out differetly


Samuel Weaver, 14, murdered by his government

Vicki Weaver, 43, murdered by her government

You have to understand the Government hires morons. They are well trained and hyped up to get into a fight. That's why this happened to Weaver.

We have so many people watching us, you'd be shocked if you knew. Sadly, they are either big, angry and stupid, or the Barney Fife type who can't get anything right.

Our government is like a bunch of angry Down's Syndrome kids on steroids. They wreck everything good they can find.

Yes. iirc it was ATF who started it and framed Weaver, then who passed it onto US Marshalls when Weaver didnt turn up to court. Once the ski-masked, camoflaged US Marshalls had started the gun battle and one of the Marshalls been killed it was turned over to the FBI and in came the tanks, helis etc.

What would you do if you were in the middle of nowhere and you found these guys roaming around outside your house and they had just shot your dog, then your 12 year old son in the back...

thanks from another leaf, wasn't really clued in until now
>mcveigh did nothing wrong

I've seen reports where a shooting agent killed children in one of those famous 4am no-knock raids. A few hours later, they are at breakfast somewhere laughing their asses off at something they saw on TV the night before.

Federal employees are the worst. Literally, it's like they work for Satan.

fuck man
RIP patriots

interesting read, also fuck the satanic kiddie diddling jews, fucking kill them all.

If there is anything to take away from their senseless deaths, if you ever find yourself in a position where the heat is on DO NOT do ANYTHING illegal. Chances are its a trap.

Dont get me started on McVeigh. Confirmed MK Ultra "participant", FBI spotted on scene of blast, physics of the bomb couldnt have possibly brought down the building, etc etc

The only way to show them the respect they deserve is to ensure their names are never forgotten

he should have been packing bigger firepower than the gestapo.

more proof white people are inferior


Actual footage from the Marshals on scene


You have a real nice spin on things but at the end of the day hanging out with the Aryan fucking nation and shooting at strangers because "muh property" is a real good way to fuck your life up. What did they really think was gonna happen?

>they deserve to be killed for wrongthink

these stories always make me feel, just like Waco, and maybe the Unabomber.

ATF fucked up

>only in America
Wrong. Anywhere the government has too much power and no oversight

Is the 3hr long 1980s TV movie "The siege of Ruby Ridge" with Randy Quaid & Laura Dern worth watching? (its available on youtube)

If not, what is the best documentary/movie to watch to get clued up/redpilled on Ruby Ridge? Same question also but for Waco

They would have never been killed had they not been so trigger happy. Muh guns muh guns muh guns, I know America, I know, you need them and they can do only good. But this is a good example of how insanely out of hands things can escalate when we arm 14 year olds.

Youd be trigger happy too if randomly fatigued men showed up at your forest cabin and show your dog you fucking worthless leaf

>14 year olds don't have a right to defend themselves from unknown threats

real moral of you, you shitty rotten leaf

No lad, I wouldn't. Because if you kill strange men in camo they might come back and murder your entire family. Better to think about things logically and go from there than to spray lead at what I think maybe just killed my dog.

How? The 14 year old was the first to fire at a person. His life wasn't under threat simply because they wanted to shut his dog up. His life came under threat when he pulled out his gun and started banging off rounds

You fundamentally misunderstand what freedom is supposed to mean. I dont expect a fucking leaf to get it.

Never seen that one, I highly doubt its a fair piece

Id start here


PBS just aired a surprisingly fair episode of American Experience as well

Id stay away from anything that paints it too one sided, this is a very, very complex case that shouldnt be glossed over to fit a narrative

you could have at least put more effort into trying to troll me, user.

Lon Horiuchi must have been a hell of a marksman to be deployed to Idaho and then Texas a few years later

I know its bait but...
They were in the middle of nowhere. They needed their guns to hunt for food.
They had this crazy idea that the government didn't have their best interests at heart.
Mysterious guys in the woods dressed and armed like special ops started shooting at them and killed their dog...I wouldnt count it as trigger happy to fire back in that situation. They did disengage from the firefight and move back to the house also.

You left out the an in po extant part here. It was an undercover agent in the Aryan group that asked him to make a sawed off shotgun for the agent. After he modified the shirt in and gave it to the agent heads was charged. It was a set up from the beginning

Nvm I'm retarded you covered th at hah

dumb leaf falls into thread as usual. ever notice how as soon as 6 or more white guys get together they call it a clan rally.

What happened to the Aryan nations?

There used to be loads of encampments, compounds and training camps all around America filled with Christian identity guys and now they're nowhere to be seen.

>t. I didn't read any of it, but I will shit out some leaf faggotry anyway

Here is what I guess the government learned from the experience:
> Never let anyone like Bo Gritz anywhere near your operations

>making illegal automatic weapons
Wasn't that a bunch of bullshit though?

>Slant eyes

The (((Feds))) happened

No, it says they shot the dog to AVOID detection. They didn't just spray the cabin. They wanted to remain hidden from the family.

I understand needing your gun. But the kid made the first move of direct aggression on the officers. It's absolutely wrong to kill a dog, but it doesn't really justify this kid shooting indiscriminately at some strangers.

Oldfag here. Today, OP is not a faggot.

>Lt. Col. Bo Gritz, ex-Green Beret

This guy is quite a character all by himself. He tried to warn us:

During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Gritz was an outspoken opponent of that war, and linked it to a conspiracy theory alleging plans to implement a one-world government, known as the "new world order."

Theyre still around, Im convinced theyre all honeypots though

We hear about them every few years, nothing major though

Literal oldfag here as well. Thought wed take it back to the roots for once.

>shooting indiscriminately at some strangers
just some strangers
how dare the family shoot at the people trespassing and killing their pets?

>be american
>walk outside holding your baby
>get sniped by FBI

Why should we listen to you leaf? You think that because they visited the Aryan Nation compound from time to time they got what they deserved

>if you trespass and kill an animal you deserve vigilante homicidal justice

It doesn't really work like that in the civilized world, at least not since the 16th century.

Dude read the wiki if you want. This isn't even far off the (((official version))). Seriously.

>live in middle of woods
>hear dog barking
>hear gunshot
>go outside to investigate
>dude in camo w/ gun standing over dead dog
Did you expect him to walk over and invite him in for milk and cookies?


>b-but they had visited the Aryan Brotherhood compound, dey had it comin'

I'm just working with the details that OP provided. All I'm pointing out is that both parties where retarded in this case. Sup Forums are a bunch of contrarians who naturally take the side of anyone who positions themselves against "THE MAN". But in this case both the man and the citizen were dumb as shit and escalated an otherwise benign situation into the mess that it became.

Nowhere does it say he was standing over the dog. It specifically states that they were trying to remain hidden. And even if he were standing over the dog, draw your weapon and hold him under citizen arrest, but don't fucking shoot him immediately. For all you know he's a hunter who just saw your dog get killed by someone else.

Lol no. If you shoot my dog you die. It is part of the family, you are not. We're not talking about hitting it with a car by accident here, we're talking about using a man-to-man homicide weapon to murder it.

Thanks bro, i really enjoyed the story.

>they should have surrendered and trusted these mysterious armed pet-killing men hiding in the woods not to kidnap rape their women and kill them all

>shoots guys wife
>taunts him next morning saying "we had pancakes for breakfast what did you have"

Thanks OP for this info

Good thing. I was a LEO at the time. There was damn near an insurrection when it came to dealing with the Feds after that.

>live in middle of woods
>hear dog barking
>hear gunshot
>go outside to investigate
>dude in camo w/ gun hiding behind trees
You're right that sound so less sketchy.

>a hunter
At night? On private property?

Whoa. He's still alive. Respect to him though!

Don't break the law.

>it's just a couple shotguns
>it's just a couple dead people

Does not compute, I'm sure I would feel bad for this fella and the government probably gave him a rough go, but I'll stop reading there.

No they should have held the man at gunpoint and contacted law enforcement. Don't start with the "THEY WOULDN'TA COME" because if they don't you go to the media. There are a million different ways to handle the situation that doesn't end up in 4 people dying. But they chose the American "SPRAY'N'PRAY CAUSE ITS MUH RIGHT" method and ended up getting skull fragments on a baby's head. So, yeah.

>Sup Forums are a bunch of contrarians who naturally take the side of anyone who positions themselves against "THE MAN"
Public opinion and the courts overwhelmingly side with Sup Forums in this case.

>Weaver was ultimately acquitted of all charges
>Kevin Harris was defended by attorney David Niven and was acquitted of all charges
>The surviving members of the Weaver family filed a wrongful death suit for $200 million. In an out-of-court settlement in August 1995, the federal government awarded Randy Weaver $100,000 and his three daughters $1 million each.
>Harris was awarded a $380,000 settlement from the government.

>No they should have held the man at gunpoint and contacted law enforcement
Holding an armed man, that fired a gun on your property at gunpoint...
Life is not one of your anime cartoons man.

Feel like expanding on that?

Id love to hear more about LEOs reaction

Yes I know and I agree that in this case the FBI was blatantly in the wrong. But that doesn't preclude Weaver from being in the wrong as well. Both parties were wrong, but because one party is related to the government Sup Forums is gonna screech autistically.

> What do you expect to happen.
I dunno, maybe my government NOT to jeopardize the lives of almost 300 people, half of them women and children over a few firearms violations?

I mean seriously. Let me translate the story to ghetto-nigger version and see if it makes sense to you:
>Be in Chicago, IL - 1993
>Cabrini Green Housing Project Tower #3
>Roughly 500 Residents, virtually all of them poor niggers
>maybe half of them are gang members, the other half families
>The whole tower is run by one gang, lets say the Black Gangster Disciple Nation
>Gang believes in weird Muslim shit, odd rituals and ranks and shit
>Gang is running crack, heroin and guns threw the tower 24/7/365 pulling in MILLIONS a week
>No one comes in or out of the tower without the Gang saying it's cool
>The top floor of the tower has its walls knocked out between apartments and sandbags piled up
>This is so snipers can shoot at police officers and rival gang members in the courtyard below and not risk being hit and then disappear to other apartments before police can intervene
>this happens REGULARLY for YEARS
>Police have multiple informants in the tower, feeding them info on gang activity, drugs and guns
>Police raid the tower, guns drawn, the resulting gun battle ends with 9 deaths, 4 police and 5 gang members
>FBI is called in. They lock down the building, shooting anyone coming out and trapping hundreds of innocent women and kids inside
>a fire starts, maybe gangsters, start it maybe FBI, who knows
>FBI Sits and watches while 86 poor nigger kids burn to death

Now tell me that story would be reported the same way we think of "Those crazy cultists in Waco" today.

IF he makes a move, shoot and kill him. That's understandable. But don't immediately dome him from a distance at night when you have literally NO idea who he is or what he's doing there.

>split second time to think, armed with hunting rifle
>he bro, put your assault rifle down I want to arrest you
>promise me your buddies wont try to surround me while i put you under citizens arrest for the next few hours

Weaver & Co were hardly perfect but by far the biggest mistakes were made by the 'professionals' in the whole debacle

Again, leave it to a fucking leaf to fundamentally misinterpret freedom.

There is your (you), now fuck off retard.

repeat until chicago is fixed

>shoot to kill
>pray to God he doesn't have buddies who will avenge his death
>oh whoops he does and now the 14 year old is dead
>oh whoops it was the government and now the mother is dead
>at least, before the bullet pierced his frontal lobes, the kid got a fleeting sense of satisfaction for having killed the killer of his dog
>worth it

Agreed user

I don't see the problem with my logic. If he played by the rules he and his family would be fine. I did finish reading despite me being a cunt about it and it's obvious both sides were wrong.

He had no idea what those shotguns were for, he should have stayed away from that offer in the first place.

Also, really nigger? I'm retarded? Check your IQ and get back to me, fucking subhuman.

My rake is ready.

Is someone going to greentext Waco or the OKC bombing next

How do you suggest they hold these men at gunpoint exactly? How do you suggest they approach these armed men? How do you suggest they get close enough to clearly see if they are "making a move"?

Walk up to them and hope they don't shoot you dead too?

You'll never win this argument. Sup Forums believes that the slightest infraction by the government ought to met with the homicidal rage of a thousand genocides. The government was involved, therefore this idiot working with criminal Nazis because he sucked as a farmer who armed his entire family without teaching them trigger discipline is a reel American hero.

>at the end of the day, armed men who outnumber you can decide your fate
And wtf are we supposed to do with this information?

>all the subsidies we have today

Go meet some real farmers. Those "subsidies" are just corporate welfare for Tyson Chicken and Monsanto. Regular small family farm won't see any help.

Anyway, Bill Cooper covered this extensively in his radio show. If memory serves you missed the part where Weaver refused to act as a mole/rat for FBI and that's why they had a hardon for him in the first place.

According to wiki, US marshal Art Roderick fired the first shot.