You Sup Forumsacks problably remember Ben Swann for covering pizzagate a while ago...

You Sup Forumsacks problably remember Ben Swann for covering pizzagate a while ago,but he seems to have vanished out of thin air, all is social media is literally just seized to exist and his wikipedia page is shortened to make him look less credible. Where is he? did he suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 3 times?

Other urls found in this thread:

Former Hillary Clinton senior advisor Phillippe Reines tweeted now former national security advisor Michael Flynn about pizzagate and COMET ping pong pizza and Hillary quickly tweeted Reines to basically explain why her former senior advisor is talking about pizzagate.

he moved to X with pizzatards

i heard about him but did not watch his pizzagate thing.

that fucked him up i think, you will not be seeing that guy around much.

> Reality Checkā„¢

why do they have to be so fucking condescending about everything.

RIP in peace Ben Swann.

The Clinton and Obama coalition are forever marked by the faggot pedos they surrounded themselves with during the campaign. The political damage is done and Hillary is not president. Any mention of Clinton or her staff will forever be linked to these pedo faggots.

Every move these faggots make will be monitored for now on. Just like the pedo kike Anthony Wiener.




Anthony Wiener is proof they surround themselves with pedos.

Dennis Hastert, a lifelong buddy to the Podestas, was called as "serial child molester" by the judge who sentenced him to jail.

These people held high places and were not discovered until a proper investigation into the matter. We will push this forever. Until there is a full investigation you will never be able to silence us.


Sup Forums isn't a court of law that requires proof. reasonable people can draw reasonable conclusions based on what they see to be a preponderance of evidence.

shill harder

By 2020, pedophilia will be legal and Hillary will be President of the United States. Mobs of gay happy liberals will fill the streets and the media will have a field day rubbing it into our faces nonstop.

Something went wrong.

The timeline was starting to look good but somewhere somehow it was changed back to the Hillary timeline. Somehow somewhere someone has failed us...

cute gif

Liberals unironically believe this.

Ok let's not get crazy. Ben Swann said he'd be on a social media blackout and he would be back

watch the video. It's as neutral as you can get given the material they're dealing with.

Whay are you so committed to shilling? What are you trying to hide?

So he's being reprogrammed by the CIA

His history has been rewritten. Type him into google and see what comes up. He's done

Thai flag = Never not been a shill

gotta justify the paycheck.