We went against evolution and natural selection to save this animal because... it is cute

We went against evolution and natural selection to save this animal because... it is cute...

Are we playing God?

Is this ethical?

save the pandas


Why are we more concerned with saving a useless and doomed species instead of an African child.

Really makes me think.

I had some health problems when I was born, sometimes I think that the nature wanted me dead, but the doctors liked to play god

(Black) africans are a doomed species(or subspecies, breed, whatever)

You aren't part of a useless species that is dying out on its own accord.

Nuke the African children


It was shitpost

Pandies are fucking retarded and should extinct

>im a carnivore but im only going to eat the least nutritional veggies i can find
>also i look lie a guy in a panda suit

I don't think pandas are cute they look like faggots.

He's a BR.

It's genome hides secrets of the universe.

Nothing should be lost.
Everything must be preserved.

>pandas look like faggots
what did you mean by this?!

yes, it's ethical. because we were responsible for the destruction of their bamboo forests as well.

>playing god
I hate this normie meme.

>what are pets
Like you are about 4000 years to late on this subject


1.) Because species are dying at a speed which is unprecedented
2.) The decrease in variety among animals and plants threatens our future as a species
3.) We should preserve the animals on this earth's existence for future generations because they are a part of our legacy just like the Eiffel Tower or the Hagia Sophia
4.) They didn't die out because of natural selection they died because of human interference, there's nothing wrong with the panda as an animal aside from that it happens to inhabit an area which humans destroy
5.) There's nothing inherently wrong with playing god and it's the natural direction humans will take in the future anyway if we wish to survive

Pandas are wild animals that can't survive in the wild.

Their entire existence is wrong.

idk theyre kinda cute better than saving niggers

You misunderstand Darwin's theories like a good retarded proteslard, the Panda is an integral part of the Chinese ecosystem.

Pandas wouldn't be in danger of extinction if it weren't for us.

I knew the Czechs couldn't leave it alone, why did you have to genocide the pandas ?

Come on tho, look at it, it is fuckin cute !

A creature that behaves like drunk when sober is a clear danger to our beer industry.

You have a bear industry ?

No its fucking retarded. Plenty of other more useful species get no funding because it all goes on a fucking animal that can't be bothered to reproduce.

Koalas are next.

Even if they were too stupid to eat and we had to feed them by hand I would donate all my money to save them because they are the cutest thing on this planet.

Can't say the same about niggas tho, they are ugly

this. They didn't have to fight or change their diet cuz they were able to survive in their habitat that we have destroyed

that depends do you see waiting time and money as immoral?

wir müssen die koalas ausrotten

So how is the weather in Vichy today?

The Animal Kingdom is a Kingdom, and humanity is the King.

So no, I don't imagine we're out of line for throwing some alms for the poor like a good Christian King.

Sunny and Maréchal nous voilà !
Devant toi, le sauveur de la France
Nous jurons, nous, tes gars
De servir et de suivre tes pas
Maréchal nous voilà !

>Implying that Africans aren't a useless, doomed species that we're going out of our way to preserve.

So submissive... Not saying Czechs are any better, but at least we killed Heydrich.

pandaS == whites
prove me prong

Being useful to humans is the second best evolutionary niche next to being a fucking human.

Being cute is honestly an evolutionary advantage. This is prevalent in pets but zoo animals also.

and we still have Alsace-Lorraine.

Pétain was amazing, he put the country is such a situation that we couldn't morally lose the war, if Hitler had won we would have won and he'd have been celebrated as a hero, but the allies won, France is considered part of the allies and the whole blame for whatever leftists pretend France did during the war fell on his person and not on the country.

He said it in 1940, he was ready to sacrifice his name and his posterity to save the country, and he did.

Now that was 450D chess.

Actually pandas are pretty nigga: they survive on welfare, don't develop (have a digestive system designed for eating meat but prefer to eat 500 sticks of bamboo instead so they don't have time for anything else) and are dumb.

They aren't committing any crime and they don't have 5 babies per person

They actually ARE too stupid to eat, or at least to eat their normal diet. Pandas are actually omnivores, but they dont eat meat because they are too fuckin lazy to get hunt for meat.Hell, the damn things are too lazy to breed

this is pretty much what I said at but where they are from they can survive on bamboo without starving which means it's *kinda* ok for them to be like that.

If they were starving that'd would be another story tho

if all of these "conservationist" charities really cared about the government, they would save the ones that actually matter and are cheapest to save. there is this frog in new zeland that could be saved for the same amount of money it would take to keep one of those fucking pandas in an enclosure for 6 months. fuck pandas, all of them!