Hey white Americans how does it make you feel that foreign trash are making more money than you on average?

Hey white Americans how does it make you feel that foreign trash are making more money than you on average?

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They bring the best of those ethnic groups here, and they also mostly live in cities, which give higher pay.

Doesn't bother me. We want to take in skilled people from other countries. It's policies like the EU taking in retarded 65 IQ raping Somalians en masse because they're crossing the mediterranean in rubber boats that bothers me.

$60k is comfy living.

Those countries they're from are mostly garbage. Seems colonial and elitist to take their best and brightest when they could use the help.

People of European descent can't compete with Indian intellectuals.
Face the facts we are intellectually phenomenal

Break whites people down into our ethnic groups instead of grouping us in with white presenting mestizos and shit

So this proves blacks and mexicans are worse than whites?

RACISM! close the wage gap now.


if theyre here legally then theyre obviously making the country better by making their money here.

This also proves we are the most intelligent beings.

Nice try Pajeet.

Now let's see the median household income of American Jews.

>This also proves we are the most intelligent beings.
The intelligent ones don't stay in India.


This list is not correct....
Here are the actual figures for 2014/15 from the US Census Bureau


>Household income is a measure of the combined incomes of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence. It includes every form of income, e.g., salaries and wages, retirement income, near cash government transfers like food stamps, and investment gains.

Birthrate -> household income


Bow to Austrian masterrace


Cool so we're getting top tier lawyers and doctors from those countries? Meanwhile I still can make more in a month than half the users on here make in a year? Really makes me think

America is an individualist society. I don't give a shit how much the "average American" makes.

Well that was quick.


>Hey white Americans how does it make you feel that foreign trash are making more money than you on average?

White privilege is a social construct.

Look at that white privilege.
You could be slightly less of an anus posting a list
1) that subdivides whites by ancestry
2) which shows the entries below whites