Black Tennessee dindu stomps white kid out for being friends with his white gf

Can this race war happen already

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>muh gunz

>current year
>living around bl*cks

Can it happen?

Haven't you gotten the memo? It has already begun.


not even surprised. nashville and all of its orbit cities are the new memphis.

fuck off the kid is in high school how is he gonna have a gun

why didn't the guy recording help him

He a gud boy. Goin at chuch and playin football. Just need mo money fo dem programs.

Around some people you just can't relax.

>School shooting every week
>H-H-How is he gonna have a gun

Just glass everything west of the plateau

why did he unbelted (is that a word?) him lmao?
was he gay?

so a highs chooler should have the foresight of stealing his dad's gun so that he doesn't get stomped by a nigger?

>Every week

Daily reminder that you should always strike first when confronted by blacks.
Do it, or they will.

some of the suburbs are still alright, like mt. juliet. but yeah, every city over 50k west of cookeville should be burned to the ground.

Blacks can never do anything bad.

Obligatory: imagine the response from the media if a white guy stomped the shit out of a nigger, took his clothes, and whipped him.

Except be republican

He relaxed.

And he didnt carry a gun in a country where he had every chance to.

yall crakaz get dealt with straight like that my nigga

Kids cant

Still to white-ly said, practice your ebonics my dude

was the town named by a nigger?


Imagine how horny this made his gf. Outwardly yeah she'd express disapproval but the sight of her alpha bf ruthlessly crushing a competing male surely cranked all her female instincts to max. Probably fucked his brains out that night after texting an apology to the white cuck.

Ok, i was stupid for not assuming a nigger would beat up a literal child.

But atleast the kid probably learned something that day.

what the fuck is wrong with black americans man.

their men are twice as cucked as whites in america fuck what (((they))) tell you

idk if there is a jew behind this or what but this is a propaganda video by a black guy telling all black women to get with white men

It wouldn't be much of a war honestly.

from a strategic perspective the blacks are outnumbered, under funded, outgunned and concentrated into large urban areas.

Not to mention the about of infighting that already occurs in black communities.

But you also have to deal with all the self hating whites that would side with the niggers.


Why am I not surprised

Damn he turned that white kid into his bitch.

I wish I knew what the pretenses were so I could make a more supported judgement but what most likely happened is the white guy did something racist like white people usually do and because the white guy was too scared to defend himself, the black kid took his belt off and smacked him with it. You know the white guy did something really stupid to get such an embarrassing whooping.

And because I'm trying to not be biased here, since I am a white male leftist, I'm open minded to there being another side to this story where the white man maybe is being street-convicted of something that he is not guilty of. Although I highly doubt this to be the situation.

My final assumption is that the white man probably deserved it.

Isaac Clarke Jr.

Erection rising...


How fucking hard is it to keep the thing you're filming in frame? Jesus Christ. The most infueriorating piece of shit here is the cameraman

Well considering blacks were whipped for centuries it would for sure be a hate crime. The irony of this situation is the black kid is getting sweet justice that his ancestors are well-deserved of.

>he had every chance to.

not really, in tenesee and many other states you have to be 18 to own a gun. and you have to be 21 or older to Conceal carry, also the fact that they are probably at a school and schools are "gun free" zones

Make this viral like the last black on white crime. Spread that shit on social media!

“I don't think that one bad mistake should be played again over and over, a 17-year-old boy shouldn't be blasted all over the news to ruin any type of future that he has,” Chloe said.

“My son is not a bad kid, he is a very, honest to God, even though you don't see it in that video, Mickal has a very big heart, he cares for others,” Chloe said on the phone. “But at the same time, he's taught his self to protect himself and honestly it's sad that the world that's what they are perceiving of my son because that's not who he is.”

“A bad mistake has given everyone an opinion and now he'll just be another little black boy with a felony on his record and nobody cares,” Chloe said. “Nobody cares and that's the sad part about it, no one will care. No one will care that he’s smart. No one will care that he's a loving person. No one will care that he wants to do better he wants more for his life no one will care. They’ll just see that one bad mistake.”

>My final assumption is that the white man probably deserved it.
You believe that, because if he got kicked for no reason, then you would be afraid.
Nobody wants to be afraid so you invent a solid reason why this can never happen to you.

If it had been the other way around you would be upset.
Because then you would be afraid of black retalliation on any white they see.
Just as they tend to do riots for make up reasons while most ofthem just want to pillage and loot.

The future of all white people. That's what happens when you side with Jews against your own best interests.

Only a racist Jew fearing for the justifiable rise of white nationalism could write like this.

If you live near feral negros, yes you should have that foresight.

>black attacks white

This is a non story goys. Sage

I think he was robbing him.

Your sarcasm is off the charts lad

Kek this black dude just lost his white GF and picked him up some black guy in prison.

Sadly, this is the truth.

Literal baboon.

and then there's this cuck

the boro is bad because MTSU is a school for ghetto trash blacks and white Brentwood kids who couldn't get into Belmont. There's a fuckton of property crime down there.

women in relationships/marriage should have guy friends.

should not i mean

see how you crackers like gttin wipped fo a change

associate with those that burn the coal
pay the toll

>t. nigger

>No one will care that he’s smart.

i bet he was studying nasa stuff

niggers love to strip people naked after they assault them.

>white gf

These girls need to be shamed. I am done with this whore shit

Hey I live here

Hey Juan, its me, Ahmed.

Mr Silberstein told me to keep an eye on you because he knows you are funposting all the fucking time.
Go the fuck back to work and make some "DRUNF BTFO" threads or you'll only get 3 cents every post for the next month !!

I bet you white people are so proud of your forefathers for killing those white racist nazis when they did eh? Reap what you sow, white boi. Now get back to work.

This is the world that liberals and race traitors want
Even "conservative's" are willing to spit on the weak/poor of their own race

The whitest person of my family married a dindu.

I unrelated immediately, thank God I did that because she is asking the whole family for gibs

How delusional are these ppl?

real question though Sup Forums is this what we sound like

Agree but not for high school. In HS kids all meet at the same location for 8 hours a day, of course people will have friends. Married couples it's a different story.

I agree, traitors die first

Very true. Women love going on about how they like sensitive and caring men, but in reality they lust for violent men who will beat down other competitors.

In Germany he'd have a lot of time to think about what he's done wrong during his twenty hour of community service.

Most liberals and all negros don't believe attacking(or killing) whites is something morally wrong

Such a child prodigy, has he been invited to Downing Street yet?

What about boomers? They're bigger traitors than any sjw commie.

>be white
>have qt white childhood friend
>for some reason she starts dating a nog
>nog, being a nog, decides you talking to your friend is a threat to him and chimps out




They can die with their pets.



>master race gets beaten up again

pretty alpha if you ask me &

well probably this. AMERICA YES.

but honestly pol you always make me watch interracial porn, like screw you.

It's a bullpup. They all do this to left handed people. Well, almost all of them do. A few have come up with solutions to this, like Kel-tec who has a bottom ejector, or Steyr (the maker of the gun in pic) who makes one with a far-forward ejector.

Basically, if you're left handed, enjoy hot brass from 90% of semi-autos.

you dont save traitors. you kill them

it looks like a Steyr AUG, they are meant to be shot right handed like most other guns.

Why didn't that faggot try and fight back ?

Eso nunca ocurre en Peru?

I hate when leaf posters are both correct and leaf posting.

Your wife's boyfriend Tyrone is calling. He wants you to pick up his son at 3.

Send him to Brazil.


>muh superior race
>muh blacks can't fight only jump people
>muh day of the rope
>black victim mentality

White "male" gets beat with his own belt goes ass up to take it.

>muh get a gun
>somebody should have helped him
>muh dream of a race war you're already losing and to pussy to do something about it

Another Sup Forums btfo itself bread

>that tweet

AUG is Ambi if you swap the bolt.

The rope grows hungry.

>omg a nigger behaved like a nigger

welcome to america

Where's your fucking leaf?

this lmfao. white PUSSY got stomped. he probably made a move on this alpha's gf and he wasn't having it. I really hope he doesn't go to jail he should be given a medal

to be fair, whitey probably got his very first ass-spanking of a lifetime, better late than never