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holy shit

>literally getting bogged down in sand country like Bush and Obama
If Trump goes that way he is confirmed for being a literal retard.

Fellow VA Fag I see.


Send more Trump voters to die in another pointless war for Israel and let the women get fucked by Tyrone and Paco at home, Trump is already unpopular, this will be Vietnam 3.0

That'd be utterly retarded.

Stop fighting wars for Israel burgers.

Remember when Hillary was going to cause WW3 by enforcing a no fly zone in Syria? I miss this talking point Sup Forums used to spam.


Quick rundown?

>work with Russia to blitzkrieg russia
>shoot down russian planes and try to take out assad whilst funding jihadist rebels.

>work with Russia to blitzkrieg isis*

What happened to America scaling back our military and letting the world take care of itself. Now we have to stick our dick in the Middle East again?

sure makes me happy to have a president that doesnt even go to the meetings where they would suggest that stupid recommendation.

flip flopping donnie

Yes, the danger was going against Russia, not the ANF/ISIS.


All they have to do is tell Trump that Obama would never send troops into Syria and he'll instantly sign off on it.



ISIS wasn't a factor in 2013.

I think we should have moved in 2012 like we said we would, but better late than never.

And ISIS isn't a factor in 2017 either. The Russians, Iranians, Kurds, SAA and Iraqis are currently fighting for Raqqa and Mosul right now.

I'm fully aware that ISIS is just a few thousand goons running around with pickup trucks and stolen rocket launchers, but the optics of the thing is important.

The Great Game is on, and we started flatfooted because of Obama. Pour it on, Donnie.

>America are going to pour money and lives into the blackhole that is the middle east

It's okay because its the god emperor's will. And you're coming with us because May is desperate for trade deals with America.



>GOP frontrunner Donald Trump suggested at Thursday's CNN Republican presidential debate in Miami that he would be willing to support a massive ground force to take on ISIS.

>This is a shift for Trump, who has, as a presidential candidate, often portrayed himself as less hawkish than his Republican opponents.

>Trump made the troop comment in response to a moderator's question as to whether he would follow a military commander's advice to increase the number of ground troops to fight the terrorist group.

>"We really have no choice," Trump said. "We have to knock out ISIS. We have to knock the hell out of them. We have to get rid of it and then we have to come back here and rebuild our country, which is falling apart."


This is dumb

Syria consider us in troops

This will be short.

America is a shithole. At least this means we'll be dumping more dumbfuck hick soldiers into the meat grinder.

So he became EXACTLY what he promised to fight against. A CIA puppet warmonger.

>he lives in a world where there are Cobra-tier islamic doom armies rampaging across the desert
>he doesn't feel the urge to confront evil in its most raw form

What the fuck is wrong with you pussies? We're not going to war with white countries that just have a different economic model, we're going after serial disembowlers and murderers and child rapists and drug traffickers. This is the most clear cut case for action you will ever see in your lives, and you're just annoyed because we're not letting Russia deal with it.

No. He's wasting precious tax money on a neverending war to please kikes.

This. Eventually the scope of the war will evolve to include Iran and Assad, and we all know how much Israel hates them and wants them taken down by the US.

Draft this dipshit first.

You could be deus vulting right now but instead you're on a burmese net weaving web community

he'll get deferments like his daddy

Please trump dont rape that dead horse anymore then it needs

Took my ASVAB last week, going for 12B.

Statistically untrue, especially in combat arms.


i trust tramp got permision from presiden asad?

We're all bogged user



>Yeah trump was the real anti war candidate.


Trump says to shoot down Russian warplanes.

“Normally, an Obama, let’s say a president, because you want to make at least a call or two, but normally Obama would call up Putin and say, ‘Listen, do us a favor, don’t do that, get that maniac, just stop it.’ But we don’t have that kind of a president. He’s gonna be out playing golf or something,” Trump said.

“And if that doesn’t work out, I don’t know, you know, at a certain point, when that sucker comes by you, you gotta shoot,” he added. “You gotta shoot. I mean, you gotta shoot. And it’s a shame. It’s a shame. It’s a total lack of respect for our country and it’s a total lack of respect for Obama. Which as you know, they don’t respect.”

He's going to do it right because it'll be total war or extermination, not a war of half measures, restrained by political considerations back home.

>Vietnam 3.0

Bring back the draft! Would he?

Did you earn a medal for your mental gymnastics?

Maybe trump can fit it in when he's not in mar-a-lago giving away state secrets golfing.

good job you literally cant read since you seem to think the defense department is personally Trump

>declaring war on assad = sending troops to fight isis

He's going to glass it

So he's going to work with us and Russia or what?

>Roland Oliphant


Still prefer a candidate who doesn't say shit like this publicly.

Now you have Russian ships on your coast and Russian warplanes buzzing your bases and Trump is silent.

All bark and no bite. Cuck president.

>for Israel

The point is to bolster Assad and defeat ISIS.

Neither of these is in Israel's interests.

Is an Irishman telling america to go to nuclear war?

What companies can I buy into now? Im not missing the next Halliburton stock.

No, he's telling us to stop showing our belly to Russia like a little bitch.

Still no syria flag

I'm saying you shouldn't have elected someone with conflicting financial interests in the Russian market and the Middle East.

Now russia has the US under their thumb. And eastern Europe by default.

Nuclear war is a meme. Nukes will never ever be used by a world power anyway.

>“It’s possible that you may see conventional forces hit the ground in Syria for some period of time,” one defense official told CNN.

Oh look, it's fucking nothing. It's well established fact that CNN has a long-standing habit of pulling headlines out of thin air by quoting "anonymous sources". Don't believe in their lies.


sup fellow 757 fag

>just a few thousand goons
More like the entire adult male population of Saudi Arabia.

Good luck m8. Wish could help you

Massive ground force to retake Constantinople when?

Norfolk smells bad. Valley for life.

Redpill normies on my President Assad pls

>Now russia has the US under their thumb
ahh so we're going tinfoil hat route

Will try my best day in day out

Nice Freudian slip. His Pentagon admin couldn't execute a single raid in fucking Yemen, you want to take on Russia and Iran? Dozens of bodybags in honor of Israel will destroy the last of the support he has in weeks.

Obama was actively funding and providing aerial support to "muh freedom fighters' if the US had stayed out of it and let the Syrian government slap them down it wouldn't have ended up a huge shitshow.

Good. There is simply no substitute for actual combat experience. We need another laboratory and live fire test range to test the troops, leadership, and equipment.

Combat is the best form of reality check. When the shooting starts, you really find out what does, and doesn't work.

i dont think outside of ppl who visist rekt threads know that these arent isolated "bad ppl" its the entire fucking towns - not shit tier hut towns but places with cars, grociery stores and basically modern - like if missoula montana attacks 1 chick for having her veil blow off in the wind

Alright nice to know any military in the world can place their vessels outside your bases and along your borders and you don't mind.

Sure invite China, Iran, and North Korea to do a flyover or place their ships along your coasts. They're allies with Russia so they share intel they get. No harm.

>you want to take on Russia and Iran

Since fucking when was that proposed? You fucking shills can't even keep your propaganda straight.

Based user

God damn it focus on domestic issues reeeeeee

What part of "erasing radical islam from this earth" did you not understand? You think you can fight ISIS/AQ with drones like Obama? Get real, Trump's plan was always to put troops on the ground to actually destroy IS and the likes, it's just a matter of when and where.

>He is a Russian puppet!!!
>He wants to fight Russia head on!

good thing I don't live on the southside then

>one death
>3 isis leaders killed
sounds successful to me