Average IQ of Israelis is like 90

Average IQ of Israelis is like 90.

And they are the smartest nation in the middle east.

Makes u think.

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Iq barely makes a difference.

Too lazy to Google our demographics

>he fell for the iq meme

yeah bro its those levantines dropping ur iq

That's because they are mixed with niggers and sandniggers. Not all Jews are Ashkenazim.



maybe jews think they are so clever because they are the smartest kid in the remedial classes?

>trusting stormfag bro "science"
Looks like you're not far above the average Israeli iq, Sup Forums

Wait why does china not come to the plane?

Earth doesn't spin.

It's a Jewish lie.

That's what I thought...

jews lie about everything.

because "stopping" a plane means keeping it right above the airport like a helicopter does.

the problem here is that the earth is already spinning, so you're just following the airport on the ground as the earth spins which means yo arent actually "stopped."

gravity you dumb nigger

because when the plane takes off, it's still moving sideways at the same speed the ground is.
it's like if you're on a train, and jump in the air, you'll land on more or less the same spot you were standing in when you jumped (unless the train is accelerating or decelerating), even though the train might be doing 100 mph.

They have 20% arabs or so probably dragging the national average down. I'm not saying all kikes are super smart though, they aren't.

He's got a point tho. Earth might be flat

Most Israelis are Arabs.

Israel is basically just a base for the eternal Ashkenazis to rule the world from, the nationalistic Arab Jews are just meatbag bullet shields.

Ashkenazi Jews have an IQ around 115 which triggers muslims and neo nazis

Ashkenazi Jews
Northeast Asians
Germanics/Balts/Nords/Western Meds
everyone else

I had a friend who jumped on a train and went flying through the cabin and hit the back door. Pretty fucking brutal. Not all operate like that though.

Balts are Slavs mixed with Germans
Lithuanians are ethnically like 80% Polish rape babies

yes, but they still tend to perform better than slavs though

>northeast asians

no one buys it, lo wang