Geniunly sad that the country I grew up in has changed so radically the last ten years...

Geniunly sad that the country I grew up in has changed so radically the last ten years. I used to be proud of being a Swede, now our country has turned into a meme-tier place full of arabs/somalis and brainwashed leftist.

What happened? Was Sweden too progressive for its own good, and how did the people not realize this. How was the media able to propagate for everything that has turned our country into the shitstain of Scandinavia without anyone stopping them. Is it (((them))), maybe, I don't know. Is it our cuck mindset that has plauged us for more than 100 years, I don't know. But we need to make Sweden, and Europe, great again!

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will ahmed be my bf

Okay and where do you want to start. Civil war, voting, White segregation (taking over areas so shitskins can't move in), mass tax protest, occupy the government with non-lethal force, aka 5000 people just walk there and sit on their asses until they change their policy. I have many ideas, pick one.

it started in the 50's nigga. laissez-faire economics bringing Sweden from poor piece of shit to rich country ready for the commies to plunder it

If you guys start open war on jews and arabs I will come and give my life to help you.

I think first and foremost we need to organize, and not under some known organization such as nordfront. I think everyone needs to arm themself and be ready to defend themself.
Occupation with non-lethal force could be a good idea but generally I think the police and the SJWs would cause a riot over it and "we" would once again seem like the evil bad guys from the medias point of view.
Civil war seems plausible, if we were able to arm ourself properly, but probably won't happen.
Infiltration of the media and government and progressivly get the power from the inside.

Any more ideas?

After WW2, power of (((them))) or just general cuckness from not partaking in the war?

> I used to be proud of being a Swede

Me too bro, me too. I don't even tell people that my mother is Swedish anymore. Outside of Sweden, our country is becoming a joke and is starting to be openly mocked by regular people.
> be me, at a party recently
> meet group of people, someone says, user that blonde hair and blue eyes, you Swedish?
> I confirm
> someone else puts out his hand and says, 'pleased to meet out mohammed'
> everyone laughs
> once laughter stops he says 'but seriously, what's happening over there is terrible. You guys used to be vikings, now you are pathetic little pussies.'
What am I supposed to say to that? He's 100% correct.

Maybe you shouldn't hang around retards..

It's more like the welfare state slowly eroding our human capital while growing to unsustainable levels. if we had kept the jewery to a minumum we could be like Switzerland now.

Hey, at least they realize what's happening is terrible

Does the problem lie with the ones who control the country or with them being affected by power outside of Sweden?

It's probably both, the leftist parties had close ties to the soviet union. Many of them were STASI. Really makes you think why they haven't opened up those files

The biggest issue is people fear to even discuss the problems we are facing. No one wants to talk about it for fear of the consequences. We've got to move past that. And then there's all the excuses... For instance you say to people, 'look at Malmo' and they reply 'well that's just one place, and only a small group of people, we are fine.' But you know the people who excuse it, I think tmost of them are just saying it even though they don't believe it themselves. They just don't want to acknowledge it and hope the problem goes away.

Ideas like a peaceful takeover of the Riksdag are great. But as you said user, it doesn't really matter what we do, we'll just be branded as racist and not working in the countries best interests.

Holy shit this is a real redpill.
Sadly being a commie is hip in Sweden nowadays so probably only matters to people who are already aware of the issue.

Yeah there's really a social stigma around discussing or even just talking about immigration, people are in danger of losing their jobs and even friends when speaking out about it. And generally nobody listens and plays the "racist/nazi" card, even though they, as you say, know that it is a real problem. I think the media is one of the bigger problems, not a single serious/trusted media outlet speaks critically about it or discusses it rationally, it's all just virtue signalling about how great we Swedes are for letting them take over.

Find this brood mother and unscrew here jew mandibles off.

I live in an area where non-whites are officially 25% of the population yet it feels like they're 70-80% and the few Swedes that I see are old pensioners, barely see a white kid anywhere unless I pass by a upper-class daycare or school. Every time I take the train, go to the mall, grocery store its not uncommon for me to be the only Swede. And the jobs that used to go to Swedish young adults are now taken by middle-age non-white immigrants. I feel so incredibly demoralized, I'm literally a stranger in my own country.

Not to mention you can't move to or visit a small town or village since EVERY vacant home in Sweden has been bought up by the government to house refugees .

HAHHA holy shit this would be perfect as a parody sketch

> Sweden and other European countries will not survive without us jews transforming them, making them multicultural and destroying their christian values
> We will be at the center and will be resented but you would all be dead without us guys!!

Come on, guys. Even Miljöpartiet realized we couldn't take in more immigrants. It's slowing down. People are talking about it without screaming racist. We're going to be fine. As long as there is a housing shortage, other countries block their path, we keep the border control. We've seen the worst.

Even if we stop all immigration/refugees its too late. Sweden will be minority white within 12 years.

Yep. The worlds media is pretty unreliable. But I can not take any Swedish media seriously. They don't tell the truth, they purposefully hide stories, they are doing a real disservice to the country and are one of the biggest problems we face.

I wasn't born in Sweden, but I've been a number of times. When I've mentioned news stories that make headlines in the worlds press about incidents like the Ikea killing, the Växjö arsons, or riots in Rinkeby- my family their either don't know about those incidents or are happy to point out 'its both sides' and then talk about hate crimes like Trollhättan.

> I'm literally a stranger in my own country
The feels hit hard my friend. Luckily I've not lived in one of these areas, but everytime I go to the city it seems to me like it's getting worse and worse.

Moving out to the countryside can still be an option! Some small villages have survived and are still like they we're 20 or so years ago, only less buisness and less people, since most move to the bigger cities.

>All the communist cowards over here escaped to Sweden as refugees back when helicopter rides were all the rage over here
>Sweden eventually turns into the world capital of rape thanks to their super progressive left ideals
Poetry at its finest

Sure MP is critical in some ways but it feels to me like no party in Riksdagen is critical enough, maybe SD but they get no say.

I hope that the worst is over, but I'm afraid the damage has already been done. At best whites will become a minority and live in concentrated areas like the immigrants do now.
But if people would fight we could probably come through this stronger than before, if we just were to stand up like the other countries in Europe are doing right now.

makes me feel like a rarity in the USA now

pretty sad guys

i have no home land anymore.

just lost in the sea of burgers

atleast we have load cars and firearms

I hope you own many firearms and enjoy Trumps presidency at least compatriot

We do sven, we do.

Why dont you go play knockout game in Malmo? Just get there untracked and fuck up a few of the people responsible for fucking up your country.
Theyre violating the NAP

I'm really interested to see how the election will go. I don't have any hope SD will get anywhere. I've had a friend unironically tell me they are literally n#zis. Im always ready for a pleasant surprise though. Fingers crossed.