
I think all religions need to die out

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but then your average football fan will turn into a child rapist and mass murderer

Take off the fedora and seek a better view of the world.

Whats wrong with this viewpoint? Religion is a cancer on society. They cause pointless wars and advocate against knowledge

Not all religious people are cancer. If you go about your day and you pass religious people who you deem cancerous maybe you are the cancer. Saying all religion is cancer is like saying all atheists are satanists. It's a dumb and drawn out arguement.

Eliminating islam would be enough for the moment

There may come a time when we look back on Christianity and Islam and wish that those were the religions people still followed. Who knows what they'll be replaced could be worse and more nihilistic.

Yo, B-Dawg, you've never been to church.

>and Islam
You need to go back Muhamed

i think muslims and jews need to die out.

You know what I mean. We may experience terrorism from a rogue group of people who worship Dan Harmon and write Community fan fiction.

With Muslims, at least we understand their retardation.

you don't need religion to have meaning or purpose or morality.

It can be the opposite in fact. Some people throw their lives away because they think eternal paradise awaits them.


I get it.
If Scientology becomes the next religion of peace

Easy there fellow Canadian, wouldn't want to come off as Islamophobic !

If that is so why are the atheist socities of europe being overran and destroyed by a religious group?

All religions need to die out, and that includes the anthropogenic global warming cult.

>tfw you're an atheist and realize the importance of Christianity

but then how will the jews use the pope to control good little goyim?

Religion is ultimately bullshit and you should never forget that, but it's good to pretend to believe in it and go through the motions for tradition sake

Get the fuck back and stay there.

Whats wrong with this viewpoint? Political ideology is a cancer on society. They cause pointless wars and advocate against knowledge.
In all seriousness that is a vapid statement and you know it. The fact is that there is no issue with religion, just their practitioners. You can argue that the dogma can lead to some regressive thought patterns and hostilities towards outside individuals, sure, but any view and/or ideology can do the same. In the end it is the person who must be held accountable. You can't hold a god accountable no more than you can hold a thought accountable and they might as well be the exact same thing.

>you don't need religion to have meaning or purpose or morality.

Communism is a good example of this put in practice. Athiest don't realize that believing in God is not the only delusion one could have.

What about trusting more in science and phylosophy, leaf? It's not just about exterminating all religions, it's about giving continous march to our evolution basing all our progress in the fields of verifiable knowledge. If somebody on these boards think that giving power to atheism it's bad because it give power to normies and lefties they are fucking wrong. Actually, reliable science btfo all gender ideology. You just have to look for it.
And, if you think this will run humanity to the nihilism (philosophic nihilism, not the edgy meme) i do not think this will prevail. One of the postulates over nihilism it's figure out the nonsense of existence and after that give meaning to it, like a recontruct of our mind and our sense of interprete the reality.

I believe we don't need religion, but an honest look at society makes me think that humans need *something* intangible to believe in that's beyond our direct observation so that we don't get bogged down with the pervasive misery of nature and the world. We will find something to cling to, and for many centuries, that thing was what we call religion.

As much as I agree with and respect all of the evidence that points to a godless, un-supernatural world, I think the only thing holding things together is that the majority of people still believe there is something beyond the natural world. Once the majority of people dismiss that premise (as you'll see in the next couple generations), society will probably get a lot worse, believe it or not.

I'm cool with it. However, how would we be able to quickly identify stupid people, besides holding leftist viewpoints?


And also, I think that as we progress scientifically and technologically, we will find that what we previously deemed "meaningful" and "significant" about ourselves and the world, will be shown to be quite meaningless. And I also think that when a person becomes convinced that he is meaningless, he becomes apathetic. And apathy breeds criminality, violence, and self-destruction.


>However, how would we be able to quickly identify stupid people, besides holding leftist viewpoints?

oh the irony...
You know leftists people have a higher iq on average... and are also less religious.

>Pointless wars

Ok...but did religion create the nuclear bomb? No? Will religion extinct every living human on the planet?

Science will.

>Advocate against knowledge

You are aware that the catholic church stored all the best teachings from the past and kept them safe from destruction?

You also have no evidence to support that religion is not real.

>Energy cannot be created or destroyed

But the big bang? Contradiction? Yes

Sorry to tell you this but there are things that exist that our minds are not close to understanding.

Accept it you massive faggot and take off your fedora.

Also another theory is you need religion to die out because you massively fail to live up to 'gods image' and you are shit scared deep down inside that you will go to hell because of this. So best ignore it eh? Its not real anyway sure?

>He's only at step 1 of enlightenment
>he hasn't uncovered the divine truths of the ALL
>He isn't wielding the forces of the mental cosmos

Mormons are the master religion, we need to take them out first.

who cares what you think? what do you fucking know about anything


>You are aware that the catholic church stored all the best teachings from the past and kept them safe from destruction?

the catholic church is the beast with 10 horns, and the synagogue of satan.

oh man, what a complete and total lie


You need to be 18 to post on this board.

That's odd, I can post just fine you flaming fucking faggot.