Democrats for Trump, will you stay a Republican?

For those of you, like me, who voted for the Left in 2008 and 2012, do you plan to vote Republican continually once Trump is no longer an option in 2020 (or even would vote a moderate democrat in for 2016 if Trump "fails" you)?

I voted Jill Stein in 2012 and Trump in 2016, mainly did the former as a protest vote because I felt Obama was vague and unqualified and I am not a social conservative so Romney, the Mormon, was fairly abhorrent to me.

I tend to be pretty strong on Nationalism and America First-type isolationism but I am pro-choice and fairly sympathetic to social causes, at least for White people.

Would you vote for Jim Webb in 2020? If Trump goes to hard on social issues and not hard enough on securing borders and removing illegals and clamping down on refugees I could be persuaded to a pro-worker moderate Democrat, if such a person could be found.


Voted Left before Trump. I really like him, he is one of a kind. But I could be persuaded back to blue again for the right moderate if Trump focuses more on social than economic and defense issues.

More center here voting pattern nader, obama, paul, trump. I'll vote for an actual Nazi before I vote for a clinton, warren, sanders, Kerry types.

>Once Trump is no longer an option in 2020
Nice implication, shill.

Kid Rock 2024

Yes. I would even vote for an idiot like Santorum to ensure the Democrats are out of power.

I will vote for whoever i like. I would have voted for jim webb

Sorry meant to write 2024. Honest error!

I hope Trump gets elected again in 2020. 2024 I would probably go republican again, although I understand a push and pull is required for a country. 16 years of republican rule could be good for this country. Then I think it's safe to get a center left candidate in just too balance things so we don't go ful neocon

But part of me knows there will never be another populist like trump and gen z is already 50% so I might just give up on politics




Webb is as much a democrat as Sheriff Clark. Try him on in 2024.

Democrates are stupid, they should've pursued Jim Webb, instead they wanted to make history with shillary. If Jim ran as Demo candidate he would've easily beat trump. A lot of right leaning moderates would've been persuaded to vote left.

Is he planning to run though? Who will be the major options? Webb i great because he's a fucking white male and doesn't therefore have expectations that he will play identity politics but most of the other prominent democrats are female or non-white or both.

>Trump focuses more on social than economic and defense issues.
You realize that Trump is a JFK Democrat LARPing as a Republican right? He doesn't care about social issues that don't have economic/national security effects. He was the first Republican to not talk about abortion all that much or gay rights because he fundamentally doesn't care. He even said good things about the ELGEEBEETEEQEUU community during the RNC and defending them from violent sandnigs.
Anyway, yeah I'll vote for Webb 2024

Webb's 71, he'll be too old to run again, which is a damn shame. I supported Webb early on, and seeing him get publicly shamed out of the race the week before the Iowa caucus was the last straw that convinced me to leave the party and support Trump.

The sad reality for moderate Democrats right now is that there's basically no one left in the party that speaks for us. If you're White, male, working class, you're an afterthought at best, or at worst actively silenced by the New Left. And with the DNC now looking to put Keith Ellison in charge, a man who's outright called for moderate White men to be 'purged' from party leadership, it looks like the Democrats are going to be locked on their current path for the next decade or so.

Ironically, the best hope for moderate Democrats is the slim chance that Trump-style Republicans will become a trend in future local, state, and national elections.


it will be too late

2020 is the crux of the century my man

>tfw the only reason Chafee was in the first debate was to drown out Webb

fuck the DNC

I think the left has some positive ideas. I think UBI is an inevitability (though it certainly wont be a thing for 15+ years and is going to be very hard to implement since automation doesn't replace everything at once), I think fags should get married (but churches should be allowed to refuse them), and I think effective government spending is better than low taxes. And I think the war on marijuana is just wasteful as fuck, even if weed is degenerate.

However, government spending isn't effective and it's very wasteful. Barbarians are flooding our nations, black communities are broken and have insane crime rates, and white people get blamed for everything.

These issues are just much more important than the positive ideas that the democrats put forward. It doesn't matter if I think gays should be allowed to be recognized as a couple under the law if we're living in a Brussels tier hellhole.

Democrats who recognize these issues, and maybe aim to solve them with a more liberal strategy than conservative still have my respect. It's the complete lack of ability for establishment politicians on both sides to admit the problems facing the west right now that is entirely unacceptable.

Webb was easily my 2nd choice behind Trump, ahead of all the other candidates from either party. He seems to be pretty okay.

Well if we're making 2024 predictions I see Cruz lining himself up to run again and I see him trying to mimic Trump's style in an effort to cash in on the Republican party fortune after 8 years of Trump in much the same way Herbert Walker did. Democrats on the other hand at this point haven't backed off on their fringe leftism stance and will put up a completely dogshit candidate in 2020. After they get their shit pushed in even harder then maybe they will put in a moderate. The wealthy of the US have to build up a new opposition which means they will funnel a lot of money into one candidate to fight Trump so they at least have some control while they get their teeth into a new Republican candidate. I don't really see Webb being up to the task of being owned by Citibank for political kickbacks since he really came out of retirement to run for president in the first place and got shit on hard by the entire political establishment. This includes the media which did worse than trash on him. They did the only thing that could ACTUALLY shut down a candidate and that is completely ignore him.

Webb probably couldn't win the nomination, but if he did, I don't think he loses to Trump.

The DNC shit the bed so bad and they're doubling down on stupidity. Trump would have to be the worst president in history (backed up by facts, not MSM slander) to not get reelected.

I don't think he does care about social issues but I hope he isn't pressured into it or does so indirectly by having his underlings pass socially conservative policies.

Trump is 70. Are there any other moderate democrats who could run in 2024 who are not identity focused?

I agree with all of this.

Cruz is the Republican's diversity choice. Him being non-white + Canadian well never get him the numbers nationally he needs. Such is the identity game I feel.

I think the big value of Trump winning was that it effectively ended both the Bush + Clinton dynasties. They have to run a more unknown candidate who won't be as pliable to them than a nepotistic pick.


>Cruz is the Republican's diversity choice.
You're not wrong but this is such a foolish game for the Republicans to play. No amount of pandering to nonwhites in any form will ever win them brownie points in the Democrat/nonwhite community. The only thing that matters to them is who is going to give them more free shit off of the backs of the working class.

>Trump is 70.
Yeah but he's already won one election. Suggesting Trump should finish out another four years when he's 74 is one thing. Suggesting someone should start what could be eight years in office when they're 75 is a much harder sell.

>Are there any other moderate democrats who could run in 2024 who are not identity focused?
None that I'm aware of. There's a slim hope that maybe we'll see some sensible centrists start running for lower tickets in response to Trump and the Republicans getting a big win this year, but the more likely scenario based on what we've seen so far is that the DNC will double down on the globalism, socialism, and identity politics.